Brace for Impact, Prepare Your Soul
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“Brace for Impact” will encourage you by providing explanations of God’s promises and insight into God’s ways. The fortress of our soul is built by a mind filled with the understanding of God’s promises and purposes. But false beliefs can create an opposing stronghold that prevents our soul from hearing and understanding God’s promises. “Brace for Impact” will help identify some of these evil strongholds that have taken our souls captive. We will begin demolishing the arguments and opinions that rise up against the knowledge of God. Our minds can be set free by his truth and reality so that our souls become fortified with hope in the promises of God.
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Jerusalem: History, Archaeology and Apologetic Proof of Scripture, by Galyn Wiemers, softcover, 250 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9794382-3-3 (Last Hope Books and Publications) 2010.
The most glorious days of Jerusalem are not in the past, but are yet to come. God has not left Jerusalem on the trash heap of history, but is currently working his plan to rebuild the city for the Jewish people's final series of confrontations with their pagan enemies. One day, Jesus, the Lord and Messiah, will return to Jerusalem and be seated in glory. The city will then become the center of God's Kingdom on earth.
This book is an incredible journey through the plan of God, progressing from the earliest days of man's history through the past 2,000 years of Gentile dominance and into the prophecies yet to be fulfilled. The guide includes more than 500 photos, diagrams and maps to document each age and show what the people of the city were like during that time. The images are all connected to important, historical information - all of which is presented in a simple, chronological manner.
This book is divided into seven sections, including:
The Word: Apparatus for Salvation, Renewal & Maturity
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The Word: Apparatus for Salvation, Renewal & Maturity, by Galyn Wiemers, softcover, 264 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9794382-4-0 (Last Hope Books and Publications) 2011.
The Word of God reveals the great salvation for mankind which is available in Jesus Christ.
This same Word also communicates the truths that believers must understand in order to renew their minds to the plan and will of God, there by enabling them to produce fruits of righteousness in their lives, and in the end, receive a rich inheritance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord.
Galyn Wiemers emphasizes the crucial importance of the teaching ministry in the church in The Word: Apparatus for Salvation, Renewal and Maturity. Simply put, the temporal and eternal relevance of faithful teaching look like this:
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Not only is the individual believer built up and blessed by faithful teaching, but the local church and the universal church benefit as well. The maturity of individuals within a group will result in the maturity of the group. In other words, a majority of mature individuals within a church will produce a mature local church. And, it goes without saying but still needs to be said, a majority of mature local churches will result in a mature universal church, extending across denominational lines.
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Lifeboats and Maps for the TITANIC FAITH of the Western Church
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Lifeboats and Maps for the TITANIC FAITH of the Western Church, by Galyn Wiemers, softcover, 286 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9794382-5-7 (Last Hope Books and Publications) 2015.
You will not find the typical chart at the back of the book illustrating in three simple steps how to lead a successful, happy life. Nor will you be comforted by oversimplified “Lifeboat for Dummies” diagrams. There is no easy confessional chant-like incantation to make everything in your life better.
While so many today are happy to believe in some kind of Oz-like fantasy world, the fact remains that we inhabit the Creator’s Reality. We are in the world where Truth wins. We live in a reality where those who sow to the wind (vanity, empty philosophy) will reap the whirlwind (chaos, destruction)!
It appears that a perfect storm of social chaos and spiritual conflict is moving through the United States. Sadly, the Western Church is not prepared for the storm or the aftermath that will certainly ensue. The Western Church now finds itself comfortable in a successful, materialistic culture while seekers coming out of this pagan culture find themselves quite comfortable in these “Titanic” churches. The resulting mutual admiration between pagan seekers and the Titanic church has developed naturally into gatherings of people who meet weekly for emotional, self-help seminars. Yet, the culture that sends these seekers to board the Titanic church is the very same culture that aggressively confronts traditional Christian values.
While Christianity and biblical revelation are challenged, marginalized and legally discriminated against in Western democratic culture, the religion of Islam becomes more and more accepted. Islam increasingly waggles its way inward toward the center of the public arena in the Western world, whose mantra of “Tolerance, tolerance!” grows louder and louder. Yet - and at the same time - Christianity is ridiculed as offensive, which places even more peer pressure on the adolescent Titanic church to separate itself from Truth and embrace the cool, contemporary, relevant cultural clique.
A Titanic-like Theology Has Set the Church on a Perilous Journey without a Map on a ship that will ultimately require Lifeboat support.
This book was written to help provide lifeboats and maps for the coming disaster.
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Framework for Christian Faith
Framework for Christian Faith, by Galyn Wiemers, softcover, 542 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9794382-1-9 (Last Hope Books and Publications) 2008.
Framework for Christian Faith compiles the notes and handouts from a yearlong Bible School series taught by Galyn Wiemers, founder of Generation Word. It is designed to help believers advance in their own understanding and personal study skills and contains a wealth of information from any areas of Christian study, including apologetics, hermeneutics, the history of the English Bible, Old Testament, the life of Christ, the book of Acts, church history, Greek, the New Testament letters and biblical theology.
The material was originally taught in a fifty-week series of one-hour classes. Each section ends with a list of important facts, review questions, discussion topics and suggested readings. In addition, countless charts, maps and diagrams are found inside to help with visual learning. A companion CD also contains the complete text of the book, maps and diagrams - so all may be reproduced by the reader for personal use or use in teaching and presenting.
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Hope for America's Last Generation
"Hope For America's Last Generation"
Galyn Wiemers describes the history of mankind - explaining how we ended up where we are today and the steps we
must take to avoid God's judgment. Galyn does not call for more Christians to evangelize but does call for all people to return to morality
and renew their respect for institutions designed by God - individual responsibility, marriage, family, government, and nationality.
If Americans understand what God requires from a culture, and what he does to a culture that fails to meet his requirements,
we can make changes to ensure that our generation doesn't become America's last.
This book has reportedly opened up a greater understanding of the Bible for people across our nation and even around the world.
For the first time many people have grasped God's plan from eternity past, through the Old Testament, world history,
the life of Christ, church history and on into today's current culture and world events.
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The Political Platform of the Lord and King
The Political Platform of the Lord and King, by Galyn Wiemers, softcover,
56 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9794382-2-6 (Last Hope Books and Publications) 2008.
Available as a free .pdf download
In an age that is filled with conflicting opinions and societies in turmoil, we long for some semblance of unity and hope. Yet the promises of national leaders have become little more than verbal weapons in an ideological war and most political platforms have deteriorated into baited hooks intended to lure votes.
There is an age coming when the world will have a leader who is able and willing to fulfill his promised political agenda. The Lord and King has already revealed both his objectives and the methods he will use to complete those objectives after he has established his rule on earth. His political platform is broken down in detail in The Political Platform of the Lord and King.
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Israel Field Book
Israel Field Book, by Galyn Wiemers, softcover, 188 pages, (Last Hope Books and Publications) 2012.
Available as a free .pdf download (no printed copies are available).
This book provides details on 66 sites in Israel, 80 sites in Jerusalem and includes 20 informative diagrams/charts, 25 excavation maps and over 300 color photos in 188 pages. Israel Field Book was designed for and used by a group of Bible students on location in Israel as they traveled the land, examined archaeological sites and explored the historical remains in and around Jerusalem.
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