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Generation Word Ministries
A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers

  About Generation Word  

Generation Word is a Bible teaching ministry of Galyn Wiemers. Go HERE to CONTACT US.
Galyn Wiemers is a Bible teacher that teaches Bible Studies from the scriptures in West Des Moines, Iowa on Sunday mornings, Monday nights, and Tuesday nights.

Generation Word is a Bible study ministry with an online Bible School that teaches the Word of God.
The goal of this online Bible School and study is to teach the Bible verse by verse in its historical setting and
draw meaning out of the original languages. We categorically organize and compare each verse with the
rest of scripture to form a unified theology that applies to our lives and our nation today

Galyn Wiemers can be heard at the following locations (maps are here):
- Sunday Morning at 11:00 and Monday night Bible School Class at 7:00 PM at 700 45th St., West Des Moines, Iowa
- Tuesday night Bible study at 7:00 PM in WDM at Country Club Dental on the intersection of Ashworth and 60th.

To learn more about an area of Generation Word please select an area of interest from the menu below.

Ministry Information: Personal Information: Ministry Links: Other Details:
Purpose Who is Galyn Wiemers? Online Bible School GenWord Apparel and Stuff
Statement Of Faith Galyn on Facebook Bible School Tests Site
Generation Word History Old Family Photos Newsletter Archive  
Examples Ministry Work Galyn's Ministry Links: Galyn's Blog
Examples Shipping Books Galyn's Video on Vimeo iTunes from Sermon Audio  
Bible Study Protocol Galyn on YouTube Galyn on Social Media
Financial Policy Galyn's Books Online Games Generation Word Facebook
Donations Galyn's Quotes Galyn's Notes Reps and Sets on Facebook
Affiliation Galyn's OT Maps Twitter
Meeting Times and Location Galyn's Scripture Songs
Contact Generation Word    
Reps and Sets Devotions
Online Bible Study Resources
Israle Fieldbook
Generation Word Church
Generation Word on FaceBook: Reps and Sets Devotions on FaceBook: Generation Word Church on FB:

Bible School Notes for Bible Teaching
Bible Answers to questions - Click to Listen to "Got Questions" on Real Player
t-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers

Generation Word teaching in Europe, Africa, Asia
Generation Word Teaching in the USA

"Generation Word has completely changed my life with regard to studying scripture.
I have listened to literally hundreds of Bible teachers throughout my lifetime,
but I have not come across a single teacher as clear and relatable as Galyn Wiemers.
He has such a deep understanding of scripture yet manages to break down every verse and
Biblical concept in the most simple, easy-to-understand way.

He has decades of study on everything from apologetics to hermeneutics to the topography of the Holy Land--
and he covers it all in the countless resources available on this website.
If you've been wanting a better understanding of the Bible but weren't sure where to start,
I can tell you from experience that Generation Word is the first, and quite possibly last, stop you'll need to make."

- Jennifer from Des Moines, Iowa

Galyn's Books Available as free downloads:
Jerusalem - .pdf
Framework - .pdf
Hope - .pdf
Platform - .pdf . . .doc
Apparatus -.pdf
The time will come when Bible teaching will be censored.
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