A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


December 22 - Morning
"But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, 'In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.' It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.
But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your
most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep
yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy
of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life."
- Jude 17-21 |
Combatting Scoffers with Faith, Obedience and Patience |
Jude wanted to write about the salvation that belongs to the believers but saw a greater need and
was inspired by the Holy Spirit to defend orthodox Christian doctrine. False teachers were infiltrating the Christian ranks with bad doctrine which led to bad morals. Jude quotes from the book of First Enoch and refers to an exchange between Satan and Michael recorded in the book the
Assumption of Moses. Since Jude was writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit we
should assume that at least these two portions of extra biblical writings are accurate and true.
Paul does the same thing in Acts 17:28; 1 Corinthians 15:33 and Titus 1:12.
Jude tells his readers that divisions in the church will come from worldly people without the Holy Spirit who scoff at the Word of God and, instead, follow "their own ungodly passions." The word Jude uses for "divisions" is apodiorizo, a word used by Aristotle to say "make logical distinctions." It would appear then that these worldly scoffers are using philosophical arguments to "logically" undermine the solid teaching in the church. This can be countered by believers who will continue to:
- Build themselves up with the nourishment of the truth of the Word of God given through "the faith" which is the apostolic revelation that is the accepted body of truth we believe.
- Maintain fellowship with God through prayer and the Holy Spirit
- Keeping themselves "in the love of God" is similar to Jesus words in John 15:9-10, "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love." So, this is a reference to remaining in a position of receiving God's love by being obedient to God's word.
- Patient endurance in time as they wait for the full manifestation of God's gift of eternal life.
"Remember that a mother holds a baby when teaching him how to take his first steps; but later,
the child must walk by himself. You, therefore, must think with your own head."
- Padre Pio |
In 1828 Noah Webster, a Connecticut school teacher published his two volume American Dictionary of
the English Language.
In 1833 he continued to help America refine their own form of the English language by correcting the King James Bible. Webster altered some of the spelling ("colour" to "color" etc.) and changed some of the outdated 1611 wording to give America their own King James Bible. |
Tsedeq (Hb) - Righteousness (Eng) - tsedeq is the Hebrew word that means "rightness"
or "righteousness." Someone who was tsedeq would do what is right and they would be just.
A tsedeq person would be fair in their balances and they could be called "straight." Proverbs
says that tsedeq exalts a nation. God was looking for a people who he could
make tsedeq and they would behave in ways that were tsedeq.
"Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a disgrace to any people."
- Proverbs 14:34
The Royal Steward Inscription from around 700 BC was discovered in 1870 on a family tomb cut into the bedrock near the Mount of Olives in Silwan on the east side of the Kidron Valley. The title of the
person buried in the tomb
can be clearly read as
"the one over the house."
This is a reference to a steward of the royal palace. The inscription dates to around 700 BC and is written in three lines in ancient Hebrew script. It is believed to be the tomb of the royal steward, Shebna, spoken to by Isaiah in Isaiah 22:15-18.
Isaiah rebukes Shebna for building an elaborate tomb.
The legible part of the inscription reads:
"This .... ...iah who was over the house.
There is no silver or gold
but rather .... and bone of her maidservant with her. Cursed be the man who
will open this."
(see more here and here and here and image here and here
see area in Silwan here) |
Do I get frustrated when my plans do not work out?
Does my frustration show a lack of faith?
I will place confidence in the Lord's ability and willingness to direct my life even when I am frustrated.
I will continue to do what is right and trust God.
"A man's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way?" - Proverbs 20:24 |
To be a good spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend |
Embrace holiness |
Foreign conflicts |
Yeman - |
A rolling stone tomb in Galilee discovered when road workers were putting in this road. (click on image for larger size) |
Drawing of Solomon's gate and wall on the Ophel south of the Temple Mount and north of the City of David and the royal palace.. (click on image for larger size) |
Details and Explanation of Sets & Reps Devotional System Here |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |