A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


December 22 - Evening
"I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that
are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and
I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet,
which said: “Write on a scroll what you see and
send it to the seven churches"
- Revelation 1:9-11 |
John on Patmos |
In chapter one Jesus appears to John on the isle of Patmos and instructs him to write "what you
have seen, what is now and what will take place later."
Patmos (information and images here and here) is one of the Sporades Islands 37 miles southwest
of Miletus. The island is 7.5 miles long and 6 miles wide made mainly of volcanic hills. Tacitus, the Roman historian refers these small islands as places for the banishment of political enemies
(Annals 3.68; Annals 4.30). The Church historian Eusebius states that John was banished to
Patmos in 95 AD as a political enemy of Domitian but released 18 months later by emperor Nerva after Domitian's assassination (Ecclesiastical History book 3, ch. 20, verses 10-11 here and here).
John was to send a copy of the scroll to the seven churches that he oversaw in Asia mentioned in chapter 1, verse 11: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphiaand Laodicea.
(see map HERE) |
"Occupy your minds with
good thoughts, or the
enemy will find the bad ones.
Unoccupied they cannot be."
- Thomas More |
Anthony began the monastic movement by living as a hermit in 270 AD. At the age of 20 his wealthy parents died, but Anthony gave his inheritance away in order to live an isolated, ascetic life on one meal a day of bread and water. With the rise of Constantine and the legalizing of Christianity the church became more and more lax. Many people left what they thought was a worldly church to join Anthony's movement of
life as a hermit. |
Stauros (Gr) - Cross (Eng) - stauros is the Greek word translated "cross." Stauros refers to "an upright stake," "a pointed stake." The stauros was an established instrument used by Greeks and Romans to punish and execute. (The Assyrians practiced impaling their victims on a stake.) This practice of crucifixion continued until the rise of Constantine in 312 AD. |
The random possibility that the components needed to create the simplest cell would randomly occur has
1 in 10 to the 112,827 power chance of happening because the following things have
to be perfect for the key components of DNA and protein chains to work:
1. Molecular orientation must be perfect for both.
2. Only life-specific amino acids can be used.
3. Amno acids must be in the right place.
4. The DNA molecules correct material must be in place.
5. For the DNA to function the sequencing of genes must be correct.
6. Even using the wildest estimates, the universe has not existed long enough.
7. Even if the impossibility of the impossible odds of #1-6 occurring, the non-living cell still needs to become living, which has never happened and science does not know how to make it happen.
Do I realize that the world systems do not honor the Lord and the Word of God?
Am I ready to face isolation and persecution for my commitment to the Word of God?
I will act respectfully towards the world, but I will not compromise the integrity of God's Word.
"It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly
and only later to consider
his vows." - Proverbs 20:25 |

This is a view of a water channel just outside the exit of Hezekiah's tunnel that leads to the Pool of Siloam. The column bases are the remains of the Siloam Church built by Byzantine Christians in the 300's AD.
(click on image for larger size) |
Diagram of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher showing the location of tombs that still exist from the first century.
(click on image for larger size) |
Details and Explanation of Sets & Reps Devotional System Here |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |