A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


December 21 - Evening
"I have written something to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge
our authority. So if I come, I will bring up what
he is doing, talking wicked nonsense against us.
And not content with that, he refuses to welcome
the brothers, and also stops those who want to
and puts them out of the church."
- Third John 9-10 |
Diotrephes, the Man Who Thought He Knew More than John |
These are the four men mentioned in the book of Third John:
Gaius – a church member in a leadership position of his local church in Asia
Demetrius – a traveling teacher sent by John to Gaius' local church with this letter and to speak
and teach in the local church
Diotrephes – a man who has taken the leadership or pastorate position of this local church.
He has rejected John, John's apostolic doctrine, and representatives sent by John to teach.
He is also actively maligning John with false accusations.
John – is the apostle that is sending out men to teach the apostolic doctrine and to help keep
the local churches in Asia in the truth |
"Never read books you aren't sure about...even supposing that these bad books are
very well written from a
literary point of view.
Let me ask you this:
Would you drink something you knew was poisonedjust because it was ofered
to you in a golden cup?"
- John Bosco |
In 246 Cyprian, a rich, cultured, government official became a Christian at the age of 46. Within 2 years he was made the bishop of Carthage in North Africa. During the persecution of Emperor Decian in 250 many Christians fled or lapsed in their faith and denied Christ. After the persecution it became difficult for those who had forsaken the church to reenter the church so they started their own. Cyprian wrote a monumental work called "on the Unity of the Church." In 251 Cyprian called a council at Carthage to read his work which claimed there was only one church where there is true salvation, true baptism, true gifted believers and true ordination. This was the beginning of the concept for the one universal church that became known
as Roman Catholicism. |
Ocholos (Gr) - Crowd (Eng) - ochlos is Greek word that originally was a military term to
identify troops, but the word carries the picture of an unorganized mass of people. It refers
to the multitude of common people in contrast to the select, elite ruling class. Plato used
ochlos to identify the "leaderless...mob...where people have no power of judgment."
Ochlos is used 47 times in Matthew, 34 times in Mark, 41 times in Luke, 19 times in John,
22 times in Acts, but it is not used again until it is used 4 times in Revelation.
Ochlos is used in the Gospels to refer to the people who followed Jesus. |
The molecular components required to develop into a
living cell could not have randomly come together in
the manner required to
allow the cell to live and function. Based on this and other scientific evidence it is impossible for life to originate merely by chance. If the molecular components did randomly come together as needed, there is still no
known method to place life into non-life. |
Is it possible that I could be like Diotrephes, rebelling against the Apostle John?
I will evaulate myself according to the Word of God and
promote those who present the Word of God accurately. |
"The proud and arrogant man
- "Mocker" is his name;
he behaves with
overweening pride."
- Proverbs 21:24 |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |