Ministries of the Church

Notes for part one
Notes for part two
Notes for part three
Notes for part four are below:


  1. Outreach to Community – The image the public sees
  2. Church Worship Service for Congregation – The image the visitor sees
  3. Foundational for the Committed – The image the member sees
  4. Ministry Development for the Servants – The image the servant sees

(adapted from Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Church”)


  1. Outreach
    1. Community activities
    2. Serving society
    3. Involved in community events
    4. Develop community events
    5. Missions
    6. Evangelism
    7. Exposure and bringing people in
  2. Church Worship Service
    1. Order of service
    2. Seating
    3. Coordinate music
    4. Drama
    5. Sound
    6. Cd recording
    7. Bookstore and literature
    8. Refreshments (coffee, juice, doughnuts)
  3. Foundational
    1. Needs of the members
    2. Organize fellowship with in the church
    3. Teaching of basics
    4. Bible classes
  4. Ministry Service
    1. Ministry preparation
    2. Sent out ministries into community, nation, world
    3. Discover, Create and Present ministry opportunities
    4. Bible school

(taken from the Generation Word Ministry and Church Vision Booklet)


Three areas the ministry of the church will fall into.  You should be helping others in one or more of these areas as a servant in the church:

  1. Salvation –
    1. learn of God as Savior,
    2. receive the life of God
  2. Teaching –
    1. learn of God so as to Love God
    2. receive the mind of God
  3. Discipleship –
    1. learn how to live like God
    2. receive the character of God in your actions and deeds

(Designed for Faith E. Free 2008 Vision Sundays)





Faith E. Free 2008 Areas of Ministry

  • This is an incomplete list
  • You may see or develop an area that is not on this list


“With the Leaders overseeing the different ministries, it was decided that

·        Rick would oversee Service Organization and Church Education

·        Paul would oversee Communion, Building, Grounds

  • Lou would oversee Church Family Shepherding.” *



  • Audio, video
  • Special music
  • Praise and worship
  • Bulletins
  • Greeters, offering, prayer, welcome
  • Speaker and message
  • Awanas
  • Sunday School
  • Bible Studies
  • Youth Group
  • Nursery



  • Communion
  • Parking lot
  • Grounds, grass, trees, etc.
  • Building maintenance
  • Cleaning, Supplies
  • Library
  • Kitchen
  • Funerals
  • Baptisms



  • Meals to sick
  • Cards
  • Flowers
  • Visitor cards
  • Phone calls and visits
  • Follow up with visitors
  • Follow up with people who leave
  • Cds
  • Community events
  • Advertising
  • Missions


NOTE:  This list was created as a part of the sermon notes for helping set the vision for the church and to encourage those at Faith E. Free to pursue their area of service.  This is NOT an official document of the elders or for church records.


* This quote (above at top of page) is from the church leadership meeting notes from Dec. 30, 2007




CD Ministry to Ghana


Below are four Emails from Ghana on Friday and Saturday January 18 and 19, 2008.  Generation Word is trying to figure out a way to get our Bible Teaching into the hands of these pastors, leaders and Christians in Ghana, Liberia, Zambia and more.  Below are request for 2,650 sets of the Bible School CDs.  There are 52 CDs in each set or a total of 137,000 CDs just for the Bible School.


Email #1 Request for 150 sets of Bible School on CD


Dear Galyn and Toni,


Please since 24 November 2006, then I email you regards of Bible School on CD’s and you promise me, to send you my address, since then I have not hear from you again.


Now Brethren I want to find out that you by now you have got some of the Bible School on CD’s?  If yes then I requested 150 sets of Bible School part one and two.


Bishop A___________




Email #2 Request for 500 sets of Bible School on CD (plus 200 sets of First Samuel, Isaiah, Romans and others)


Please Galyn, we the ministers who invited you to come to our annual conference early part of last year and also sent you photos of our work in Northern Ghana.  I hope this year you will come to Ghana to visit us.  Please below is the materials we requested in 2006, and main contents too.


I want to salute you and tell you our important message.  First of all I thank you so much for your kind gestures to the world by teaching all of us.

Please Sir, our organization name is Pastor Camps which is operate rural Bible schools through out Ghana, because majority of the land scape of Ghana has been neglected for very long time, that is why God Call me to lead a group of Pastors and teachers, to form this ministry call Pastor’s Camps.


Please we need the underlisted CD’s:

  1. Bible School (part one) – 500 sets
  2. Bible School (part two) – 500 sets
  3. Basics for Christian Living – 200 sets
  4. First Samuel – 200 sets
  5. Overview of Eschatology – 200 sets
  6. Coming of the Messiah – 200 sets
  7. Isaiah (part one) – 200 sets
  8. Romans (part one) -200 sets
  9. Wake Up, Church. . . It’s Getting Late – 200 sets


Sir, these are the materials we need to reach out our students and the churches as a whole, Northern Ghana need help because majority of the ministries don’t want to go to such areas which have very bad weather, tribal wars, and Islamic religion is in domination, due to the feeling we hope your Bible School CD’s will be very good for us in the north.


The area have 95% Muslims we need to reach there for Christ we believe through your ministry and we here in Ghana we can raise more missionaries and pastors at that ends.


Brother K________

Pastor Camps




Email #3 Request for 1000 sets of Bible School on CD:


Dear Wiemer,


I shall be grateful if you could send us cd’s on bibles school, part one to study in Liberia, since the war broke out nothing good has come to us, because ministries lost Christian books and other materials, which has cause our churches and ministries to move slowly.


I got your site form a friend who lived in South Africa,


Sir, I want to find out if you can assist us with 1000 sets of Bible School part one besides I want to advice that our postal services are not reliable so kindly send the material to LIBERIA REFUGEE CAMP IN  GHANA, and UNHCR OFFICIAL (United Nations Human Rights Council Official) there will send to us by road, which will block, peoples not to tamper with the cd’s.


Please as soon as they get the parcels the UNHCR officials will be bring to us, this the way out we are using to request books and other Christian materials from U.K. and USA.


I hope you help us, we poor pastors to get busy on God’s work again, but Sir, if you can not fulfill all our request and you can assist us to produce them locally which will be cheap cost in here, will be appreciated, though I don’t know how much it cost you to produce one there?


I hope our supplication will granted in Christ name.  War has destroy our country, we need to revive the country on FOUNDATIONS OF CHRIST JESUS TO AVOID WARS, Thanking you for your understanding.


On behalf of Association Pastors

This is your Brother in Christ,



Evangelical Association of Liberia Pastors

Liberia Refugee Camp in Ghana



Email #4 Request for 300 sets of Bible School on CD


Dear Brother Galyn,


I want to salute you and congratulation on the production of the cd’s we waited for long, and we thank our heavenly Father for such a wondrous work been done through you.


Please as we spoke on the phone yesterday you ask me to send down address and request, this morning I phone to Republic of Zambia to verify things there, to my amasing the enrolment has increase in this month


Brother as you said that you can not send 1000 sets of Bible School (Part 1 & 2) I want to say Ghana campus too number has increase and this is going to been our last time of request this number, so both campuses in Ghana and Zambia will nee: 200 sets of Bible School, I will send 150 sets to Zambia next month and remain 150 sets in Ghana


Brother try you best to help us with this 300 sets.  Thank you very much for responses to my call yesterday, even in your busy time.


This is your Friend in Christ,

Samson, Director

Green Pastures Disciple Training Center
