The Wiemers' Family Christmas Card 2007

Ahh, it’s that wonderful time of the year again!! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! We, the Wiemers, hope you have had a year full of growing
in God’s Word and that His blessings have overtaken you! As always, we have been so busy that we really enjoy writing this letter as we get to
reflect on the year and all the ups and downs.
Justin, 24, has joined the Marines!! He will go to Basics on January 22nd for 13 weeks of training. We are so very proud of him!! He will be
home for Christmas until then.
Paul, 22, is our snowboarding whiz living in Idaho Springs, Colorado. He continues to work and live his dream as a snow board instructor at
Loveland Ski Resort . He and his dog Scooby show no signs of returning to Iowa anytime soon!! We miss him! He also helps at a youth center
called the “Rock House”.
Ben, 19, graduated from Valley HS in May. He is now at ISU in Ames studying computer engineering and is very active in the Air Force ROTC.
He plans on joining the Air Force and making that his career. He looks so handsome in his uniform.
Nathan, very soon to be 17, is a junior at Valley. He just finished a great cross country season and ran a 16:25 at the state meet. Nathan had
quite a summer as most of you probably heard. He was with the cross country team out in Colorado. While he was there the front wheel came
off the mountain bike he was jumping and the front forks planted in the ground which sent Nathan flying over the front of the bike. He landed on
gravel using his face as brakes. The plastic surgeon did a great job and Nathan is back to his handsome self with just a bit of a rugged look to
him. Nathan is keeping busy working 2 jobs and playing his trumpet.
Zachary, soon to be 15, is a freshman at Valley Southwoods. Zach is having a great year which includes learning to speak Japanese. He
made the Varsity cross country team. He also qualified for the 4A state meet and ran a 17:41 5K. He seems to be getting taller every day. He
started working at Coldstone Creamery at the new mall this last year. They sing cute little songs that you recognize only they change the words
to fit Coldstone ice cream!!
Jacob, 12, is a sixth grader at Dallas Center-Grimes middle school. Galyn and Jacob get to travel together to school everyday so they are enjoying
their time. Jacob is busy with school and Little Mustang basketball right now. With all the other boys either out of the house or working, Jacob is
like an only child a lot. He doesn’t seem to mind. During spring break Ben and Nathan were in Ireland and Zach was in Washington, DC
(Justin lived in Chicago and Paul in the Colorado mountains). Jacob was the only one home with mom and dad during spring break, but with
all the other boys safely traveling the world, Jacob broke his arm in our front yard!
Galyn and I had a summer to remember. We were blessed to spend 3 weeks in Israel. We took a class studying the historical and geographical
aspects of Israel at a Bible college in Jerusalem on Mt. Zion. We spent time in the classroom as well as lots of time traveling all over Israel to see
historic sights including Bethlehem in the West Bank. It was an amazing trip. Galyn also finished his book “Hope for America’s Last Generation”.
It is a great read!! You can hear three weekly messages by Galyn at www.generationword.comand much, much more.
Merry Christmas,
Galyn’s PS – As I am getting ready to print this I wanted to add that Toni has just finished the annual staff basketball game at school with her typical
outstanding performance. She played aggressive with quickness and skill. A coach’s dream (and I’m a coach.) She had several assists, multiple
steals and scored. My sweetheart still has her 1976 state tournament form that many of you may remember. Be sure to check out her web site at for more family photos, history and information. Rejoice this season that Jesus Christ is Lord and the soon coming king!! |