A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


May 12 - Morning
"Now the leaders of the people settled in Jerusalem. The rest of the people cast lots to bring one
out of every ten of them to live in Jerusalem,
the holy city, while the remaining nine were to stay
in their own towns.
The people commended all who volunteered
to live in Jerusalem."
- Nehemiah 11:1-2 |
Repopulating Jerusalem by Casting Lots |
The population was meager in Jerusalem when Nehemiah arrived. Because Jerusalem had no walls the city’s infrastructure and economy were insufficient and unsatisfactory. Plus, Jerusalem was a hotbed of conflict both politically and militarily.
Nehemiah had completed the walls and the leadership of Judah wanted their capital city to be revitalized since it was the center of their culture. Their plan was to repopulate the city with Jews who had returned from Babylon, but had settled in towns throughout the land of Judah.
The plan was that one out of every ten would move into Jerusalem where the leaders of the people had already settled.
Map showing the Villages of the people of Judah HERE and HERE and HERE
458 |
- In Artaxeres’ seventh year he issues the decree to rebuild
and restore Jerusalem.
- Ezra leaves Babylon on April 8 and arrives in Jerusalem on
- December 19 the people assemble and the investigation of
intermarriage begins.
- The 70 weeks (or, 490 years) of Daniels prophecy in Daniel
9:25 begins with Artaxerxes’ decree to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem in 458 BC. The decree is found in Ezra 7:12-26.
The 70 weeks (490 years) are interrupted after 69 weeks
(483 years) with the coming of the Messiah. 458 BC minus
483 years equals 25/26 AD which is when John the Baptists
will introduce the Messiah to the Jewish nation
Decree to Rebuild
Ezra 7: 8-9, 12-26
Daniel 9:25
Ezra 10:9-16 |
457 |
Ezra committee ends their three month long investigation
into intermarriage by Mar/Apr |
Ezra 10:17 |
446 |
Nov/Dec, Nehemiah is in Susa and hears a report from a Jew from Jerusalem that the walls of Jerusalem have not been rebuilt |
Nehemiah 1 |
445 |
- Artaxerxes 20th year
- Mar/Apr, Nehemiah, Artaxerxes cup bearer, speaks to
Artaxerxes about Jerusalem’s ruined wall system. (Neh. 2:1)
- August 10, Nehemiah begins to rebuild the walls of
- Opposition to building the walls. (Neh. 4, 6)
- October 2, The walls of Jerusalem are completed in 52 days.
(Neb. 6:15)
- October 8, Ezra reads the law to public for first time in
thirteen years. (8:2)
- October 9, the people of Jerusalem celebrate the Feast of
Tabernacles. (8:13)
- October 30, Israel confesses their sin. (Neh. 9)
- If Esther were 25 when she married Xerxes she is now 58
Nehemiah 2:1
Nehemiah 4
Nehemiah 6:15
Nehemiah 8:2
Nehemiah 8:13
Nehemiah 9 |
433 |
- Nehemiah is recalled to Artaxerxes after a 12 year absence.
- Artaxerxes is in his 32 year as the king of the Persian
Nehemiah 5:14
Nehemiah 13:6 |
432 |
- The book of Malachi is written.
- Malachi accuses:
1. the priest of not honoring God
2. the people of unlawful marriages
3. the people of having given up on the Lord’s return
4. the people of failing to give properly to God
- Malachi ends with a promise in 3:1, “See, I will send my
Malachi |
"Not hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you.”
C. S. Lewis
In the 1350’s a university education was new and rare. John Wycliffe had studied and taught at Oxford. By 1377 Wycliffe appeared before the bishop of London on charges of heresy for having:
- Questioned the right of the Catholic Church to control the civil governments and their temporal wealth.
Wycliffe also challenged the Church’s:
- Sale of indulgences
- Sale of leadership positions in the church
- Worship of saints
- Worship of relics
- Papal authority
- Transubstantiation
Wycliffe countered the church by teaching the Scripture to the common man in England in the English language. Oxford fired Wycliffe from his teaching position, but many in England rallied around Wycliffe. These followers took Wycliffe’s English translation of the Bible (hand written copies) and preached to other English people. Wycliffe died of a stroke in 1384, and 31 years later in 1415 the church dug up his bones to burn them in protest of his teaching. |
Goral (Hb) – Lot (Eng) – Goral refers to a small stone or a stick with markings which make it useful in determining a “yes” or “no” answer from God. The use of the goral is seen in Lev. 16:8 and
Josh. 5:1. According to Proverbs 16:33 the Lord controls the goral.
In Isaiah 17:14 goral contains the idea of “destiny.” |
Critic of Intelligent Design: “The only substantive part of Intelligent Design is as a negative argument that diametrically opposed to evolution, otherwise it has nothing of substance to offer science.”
Response: False on three points.
i) Intelligent Design is a positive argument that intelligence preceded and caused the origin of life. Intelligent Design is an independent theory that would not necessarily be true if evolution were proven false.
ii) Intelligent Design is not diametrically opposed to evolution, if “evolution” is defined as “change over time.” ID is diametrically opposed to the theory that living things originated from random events.
iii) The goal of Intelligent Design is not to “offer” something to “science,” the goal is the same as that of science. . .to seek the truth concerning our origins. Intelligent Design is a testable theory that can be falsified in exactly the same way as the theory of evolution. |
Do I understand that as a believer in Jesus Christ I have been sanctified, set in the church
(the body of Christ) and commissioned for service with the gifts and grace God has given to me?
I will recognize my calling and be active in serving the Lord, the body of Christ and the world. |
"Better to be a nobody and
yet have a servant
than pretend to be somebody and have no food."
- Proverbs 12:9
Open doors for financial growth |
Spiritual growth |
Foreign conflicts |
Egypt |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |