A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


March 29 - Morning
"On each side of the pass that Jonathan intended to cross to reach the Philistine outpost was a cliff;
one was called Bozez and the other Seneh.
One cliff stood to the north toward Mikmash,
the other to the south toward Geba.
Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer,
'Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men.
Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf.
Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving,
whether by many or by few.' ”
- First Samuel 14:4-6 |
The Great Covenant Faith of Jonathan |
King Saul’s son Jonathan wanted to engage a detachment (or, “outpost”) of Philistine soldiers who had been sent from the Philistine camp at Micmash to defend access to their camp. Jonathan and his armor-bearer would have to use a certain pass that led to this Philistine outpost of soldiers guarding access to the main camp at Micmash. On the north of the pass that Jonathan would use was a cliff called Bozez and another cliff called Seneh was to the south. Bozez means “the Gleaming One” or “Shining” and probably refers to its appearance in the sun as it reflected light on the south side of this cliff on the north side of the pass. Seneh, meaning “Thornbush” or “Thorny One,” was on the south side of the pass.
Jonathan appears to be a brave individual since he is willing to act alone with his armor-bearer against this handful of Philistine soldiers. But, Jonathan also has some understanding of the covenant Israel has with the Lord since he refers to the Philistines as “uncircumcised” which is in contrast to Israel who is “circumcised” as a sign of the covenant. This understanding, or knowledge of the Truth, produces a great faith in Jonathan and a confidence to take action as he trusts in the Lord.
Jonathan’s knowledge and faith motivates him to action as he tells his armor-bearer:
“Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many of by few.”
Jonathan knows the Lord’s will, he knows the Lord is present and he knows the battle is the Lord. This faith will be similar to another young warrior named David who will become close friends with Jonathan because of their similar understanding and faith in the Lord. |
"The cold logic of mid-twentieth-century atheism has now given way to an era of renewed 'spirituality,' but it is an awakening more thrapeutic than pious, more attuned to self-expression than self-denial. It is now fashionable to talk about God, though it is still deeply unfashionable to believe in him.”
- J. Mark Bertrand, "Rethinking Worldview: Learning to Think, Live,
and Speak in This World" |
The Gnostic scriptures (The Nag Hammadi Library with the Gospel of Thomas, The Secret Apocryphon of John, etc.) drew on Platonic concepts of Greek philosophy to present Jesus as a savior who brought knowledge to humans. According to the Gnostic’s understanding of salvation, the disciples were told of their true divine origins and were given other secret information. This knowledge (or, gnosis in the Greek) freed them from their ignorance and bondage to the material world.
The problem with this method of “salvation” is that in the Gnostic version of the salvation Jesus does not pay for the sins of the people. Instead, Jesus provides them with information and educates them concerning their inner goodness and potential. The Gnostic Jesus did not come in the flesh, but was either the spirit of Christ that came upon the Jewish man named Jesus or the divine spirit of Christ merely gave the appearance of a physical man, but was not truly flesh. John contradicts this teaching in 1 John 1:1 and others. |
Kabod (Hb) – Honor (Eng) – kabod is the Hebrew word that means “honor,” “glory,”
“great quantity,” or “wealth.” Kabod speaks of great physical weight, a large size, an enormous amount. It is used this way in Gen. 31:1 to refer to wealth and Nahum 2:9 to refer to wealth.
Kabod us also used to communicate the concept of glory, importance and honor
of a person (1 Kings 3:13) or to God (Joshua 7:19) |
Two seals of Judah’s King Uzziah (Azariah) have been identified. The seals read:
(Details here and here.
Photo here.) |
Do I act according to faith in God?
Do I trust God and so take reasonable and responsible chances?
Or, do I hide in fear and miss opportunities because I do not trust God?
I will act in faith and step into opportunities. |
"Those who flatter their neighbors
are spreading nets for
their feet."
- Proverbs 29:5 |
Spiritual enlightenment |
Christ-like attitudes
and actions |
Cultural Values |
Canada |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |