
January 14 - Morning
"The man asked him, “What is your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
Then the man said, '
Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,
because you have struggled with
God and with humans and have overcome."
- Genesis 32:27-28 |
"I-Will-Rule" or "God-Will-Rule" |
Jacob’s name means “to grasp the heel” and “to supplant” (“supplant” means to take the place of another through force, scheming or strategy). Jacob is asked by the man (or, angel) that he is wrestling with, “What is your name?” In answering Jacob is admitting, or confessing, before he re-enters the promised land his sinful tendency to come from behind in order to manipulate the situation for his own purpose and cheat to win.
Upon his confession to being “Jacob,” the Lord changes Jacob’s name to “Israel.” The idiom in the Hebrew says, “they shall say no more” that you are “Jacob.” The meaning of the name “Israel” is debated, but it would appear in this case the meaning that is referred to is “El will rule,” and “El will strive.” This verse may indicate a change in character for Jacob. Instead of being the nature of “Jacob will rule,” it has submitted to God and it is now, “God will rule.” Jacob has learned to trust God for protection and provision in a foreign country where he could not rule and could not defend himself. If it had not been for the Lord’s blessing Jacob in Padan Aram, Jacob would have been oppressed and destroyed by Laban. Jacob learned to trust God and not his own ability.
Jacob would now re-enter the promised land with a new name that indicated that he understood and had experience the truth – God will rule! |
"Meditation is simply talking to God about His Word with a desire that your life and those you pray for come into agreement with it."
- Bill Thrasher |
Churches did not sing hymns as we know them until 1696 when Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady published in England a metrical psalter called "New Version of the Psalms of David." (Tate also wrote the Christmas carol, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night.") So, the church went through the first 1700 years without hymns being sung in church, though they did sing some rhymed versions of the Psalms.
(Image here) |
‘Arar (Hb) - Cursed (Eng) – ‘arar is the Hebrew verb that means “to curse.” In scripture it is clear that God made the earth and man in order to bless them, but people who are disobedient to God place themselves under his ‘arar. To be ‘arar is to live under God’s judgment. |
In 2 Samuel 2 David and Joab's men fought against General Abner's men at the deep pool of Gibeon. A deep cylindrical shaft 40 feet in diameter and 35 feet deep has been found. It was cut to access the water line below. There are 93 steps cut around the side of the shaft that are used to reach the spring of water. (See details here and photos here and
here and here.) |
Do I allow God to rule situations, relationships, opportunities?
I will live knowing God is willing and able to intervene.
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own
hands the foolish one
tears hers down."
- Proverbs 14:1 |
Contacts with people and network building |
Fruit and production |
Unemployment |
African church leadership’s desire for power, pride and carnal desire |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |