As Moses reviews with Israel the Covenant they have with God he uses the articulate summary statement that begins with "and now." Moses tells Israel this is ultimately an exhortation that will produce results "for your own good."
The question is asked in summary, "What does the Lord your God ask of you?" The answer comes in five phrases that have been repeated for forty years. Joshua, the Psalmist and the Prophets will refer to these same statements. More importantly, there is evidence to support the suggestion that Deuteronomy was Jesus' favorite book since these phrases, along with others from Deuteronomy, where foundational in his teaching.
The five phases to summarize the Lord's expectations are:
1. "Fear the Lord God"
2. "Walk in obedience to him"
3. "Love him"
4. "Serve him"
5. "Observe the Lord's commands and decrees"
This is not a means of salvation, but the maintenance of a relationship with God and a means of success in the life and mission he has called them to. Ultimately this is for their benefit and success.
It is noticeable that these five phrases are also links that form a complete chain. And, all the links must hold for the chain function. A believer cannot "fear" and "love" the Lord if they do not "obey" and "serve" him. The fifth phrase, "Observe the Lord's commands" would only be possible if the Lord was both honored his desires were implemented.
Micah (750-686) makes a similar statement to all mankind in Micah 6:8 when he says:
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
– Micah 6:8