1. |
Apologetics - Introduction (ch. 1, 2) |
2. |
Apologetics - Authenticity of the New Testament (ch. 3) |
3. |
Apologetics - Authenticity of the Old Testament (ch. 4) |
4. |
Apologetics - Philosophical Proof for the Existence of God (ch. 5) |
5. |
Apologetics - Scientific and Archaeological Proof (ch. 6) |
6. |
Hermeneutics - The Science and History of Biblical Interpretation (ch.7, 8) |
7. |
Hermeneutics - The Principles of Proper Hermeneutics (ch. 9) |
8. |
History of the English Bible - Writing the Bible; Bible Languages (ch10,11) |
9. |
History of the English Bible - New Testament Greek Manuscripts (ch. 12) |
10. |
History of the English Bible - Greek NT; Textual Criticism (ch. 13,14) |
11. |
History of the English Bible - Timeline and Translations (ch. 15, 16) |
12. |
Old Testament - Introduction; Genesis |
13. |
Old Testament - Creation, Man, Woman, Fall, Seed, Nephilim, Flood |
14. |
Old Testament - Babel, Nations, Abrahamic Covenant |
15. |
Old Testament - Moses, Exodus, Canaan, Joshua, Judges, Tabernacle |
16. |
Old Testament - Page 107 Maps; Jerusalem through the Ages |
17. |
Old Testament - First Samuel |
18. |
Old Testament - Second Samuel 1-8 |
19. |
Old Testament - Second Samuel 8-20 |
20. |
Old Testament - 1 Kings 1-10 |
21. |
Old Testament - 1 Kings 5-13 |
22. |
Old Testament - 1 Kings 12-17 |
23. |
Old Testament - 1 Kings 17-20 |
24. |
Old Testament - 1 Kings 21 - 2 Kings 3 |
25. |
Old Testament - 2 Kings 4-8 - Elisha, Joram |
26. |
Old Testament - 2 Kings 9-14 - Jehu, Jonah |
27. |
Old Testament - 2 Kings 15-17 - Israel's Last 40 years; Assyria |
28. |
Old Testament - 2 Chron. 11-18 - Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat |
29. |
Old Testament - 2 Chron. 19-24 - Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash |
30. |
Old Testament - 2 Chron. 25-29 - Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah |
31. |
Old Testament - 2 Chron. 29-32; Isaiah 36 - Hezekiah |
32. |
Old Testament - 2 Chron. 33, 34; Jer. 1, 7 - Manasseh, Josiah, Jeremiah |
33. |
Old Testament - 620-605 BC, Josiah Dies, Nebuchadezzar Arises |
34. |
Old Testament- 605-597 BC, Jeremiah, Daniel, Jehoiakim, Ezekiel |
35. |
Old Testament - 597-588 BC, Jeremiah, Zedekiah, Ezekiel |
36. |
Old Testament - 588-585 BC, Jeremiah, Siege, Fall, Lamentations |
37. |
Old Testament - 585-539 BC, Daniel, Babylon |
38. |
Old Testament - 539-521 BC, Daniel, Cyrus, Cambyses, Ezra |
39. |
Old Testament - 520-519 BC, Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah |
40. |
Old Testament - 518-458 BC, Zechariah, Ezra, Xerxes, Artaxerxes |
41. |
Old Testament - 458-445 BC, Ezra Returns; Nehemiah Returns; Wall |
42. |
Old Testament - 445-430 BC, Ezra Reads Law; Nehemiah's Reform |

Priests |
43. |
Old Testament - 432 BC, The Book of Malachi |
44. |
Old Testament - 430-301 BC, Alexander the Great |
45. |
Old Testament - 300-170 BC, Syrian Wars, Daniel 11, Antiochus |
46. |
Old Testament - 172-165 BC, Maccabean Revolt |
47. |
Old Testament - 164-30 BC, The Hasmoneans |
48. |
Life of Christ - 73 BC - 26 AD, Herod, Gospels, Matthew |
49. |
Life of Christ - Gospels: Matthew and Mark |
50. |
Life of Christ - Gospels: Luke and John |
51. |
Life of Christ - Jesus' Early Years and Baptism |
52. |
Life of Christ - Jesus' First Passover; Class Discussion with Q&A Time |
53. |
Life of Christ - Jesus' First Tour of Galilee |
54. |
Life of Christ - Jesus' Second Tour of Galilee |
55. |
Life of Christ - Jesus Teaches Parables and Withdraws from Crowds |
56. |
Life of Christ - Jesus in Caesarea Philippi |
- |
57. |
Life of Christ - Last Seven Months |
58. |
Life of Christ - Last Month |
59. |
Life of Christ - Last Week, Sunday thru Tuesday |
60. |
Life of Christ - Last Week, Tuesday thru Friday |
61. |
Life of Christ - Jesus' Six Trials |
62. |
Life of Christ - Jesus' Six Hours on the Cross |
63. |
Life of Christ - The Resurrection |
64. |
Acts - Introduction to the Book of Acts |
65. |
Acts - Day of Pentecost |
66. |
Acts - Preaching on the Temple Mount |
67. |
Acts - Church on the Temple Mount; Stephen's Speech |
68. |
Acts - Philip in Samaria; Paul in Damascus |
69. |
Acts - Saul's Conversion and Life (Acts 9; Gal. 1:17-22; 2 Cor. 11) |
70. |
Acts - Peter's Early Journeys and the Gentiles (Acts 9-11) |
71. |
Acts - Antioch Church; Events in Jerusalem (Acts 11-12) |
72. |
Acts - Paul's First Trip (Acts 13-14) |
73. |
Acts - The Jerusalem Council in 48 AD (Acts 15) |
74. |
Acts - Paul's Second Trip; Philippi and Thessalonica (Acts 16-17) |
75. |
Acs - Paul in Athens, Corinth; Letters to Thessalonica |
76. |
Acts - Paul in Corinth and Ephesus (Acts 18-19) |
77. |
Acts - Paul Goes to Jerusalem (Acts 20-23) |
78. |
Acts - Paul's Court Case and Journey to Rome (Acts 23-28) |
79. |
Church History - 62-98 AD - Events in the First Century |
80. |
Church History - 64-117 AD - Early Church Leaders |
81. |
Church History - 117-200 AD - Easter, Gnostics, Montanism |
82. |
Church History - 200-312 AD - Origin, Cyprian, Persecutions |
83. |
Church History - 312-325 AD - Heresies, Nicea |
84. |
Church History - 330-400 AD - Constantius, Julian |
85. |
Church History - 400-600 AD - Augustine, Pelagius, Jerome, Leo, Greg |
86. |
Church History - 600-1000 AD - Islam, Iconoclasts |
87. |
Church History - 800-1100 AD - Charlemagne, Otto, Schism, Hildebrand |
88. |
Church History - 1100-1300 - Crusades, Scholasticism, Aquinas, Mystic |
89. |
Church History - 1300-1517 - Mysticism, Wyclif, Avignon, Hus, Inquisition |
90. |
Church History - 1517-1546 - John Calvin, Martin Luther |
91. |
Church History - 1500-1850 - Protestantism |
92. |
Church History - 1800-2000 |
93. |
Greek and Greek Study Tools |
Notes #1
Notes #2 |
94. |
New Testament Overview - Romans |
95. |
New Testament Overview - First Corinthians 1-6 |
96. |
New Testament Overview - First Corinthians 7-11 |
97. |
New Testament Overview - First Corinthians 12-14 |
98. |
New Testament Overview - First Corinthians 15 |
99. |
New Testament Overview - Second Corinthians 1-4 |
100. |
New Testament Overview - Second Corinthians 5-8 |
101. |
New Testament Overview - Second Corinthians 9-13 |
102. |
New Testament Overview - Galatians 1-4 |
- |
103. |
New Testament Overview - Galatians 5-6 |
- |
104. |
New Testament Overview - Ephesians 1-3 |
- |
105. |
New Testament Overview - Ephesians 4-6 |
- |
106. |
New Testament Overview - Philippians 1-4 |
- |
107, |
New Testament Overview - Colossians |
- |
108. |
New Testament Overview - First Thessalonians |
109. |
New Testament Overview - Second Thessalonians |
110. |
New Testament Overview - First Timothy 1-4 |
111. |
New TestamentOverview - First Timothy 5-6, Second Timothy 1-2 |
112. |
New Testament Overview - Second Timothy |
113. |
New Testament Overview - Titus |
114. |
New Testament Overview - Philemon; Hebrews 1-4 |
115. |
New Testament Overview - Hebrews 4-6 |
116. |
New Testament Overview - Hebrews 6-8 |
117. |
New Testament Overview - Hebrews 9-11 |
118. |
New Testament Overview - Hebrews 11-13 |
119. |
New Testament Overview - James 1-3 |
120. |
New Testament Overview - James 4-5 |
121. |
New Testament Overview - First Peter 1-2 |
122. |
New Testament Overview - First Peter 3-5 |
123. |
New Testament Overview - Second Peter 1-3 |
- |
124. |
New Testament Overview - First John 1-3 |
- |
125. |
New Testament Overview - First John 3-5 |
- |
126. |
New Testament Overview - Second John, Third John, Jude |
- |
otes #1
Notes #2
127. |
New Testament Overview - Revelation 1-2 |
- |
128. |
New Testament Overview - Revelation 2-3 |
- |
129. |
New Testament Overview - Revelation 4-8 |
- |
130. |
New Testament Overview - Revelation 8-10 |
- |
131. |
New Testament Overview - Revelation 11-13 |
- |
132. |
New Testament Overview - Revelation 14-19 |
- |
133. |
New Testament Overview - Revelation 19-22 |
- |
134. |
Theology - The Study of God (part one) |
- |
135. |
Theology - The Study of God (part two) |
- |
136. |
Theology - Bibliology (part one) |
- |
137. |
Theology - Bibliology (part two) |
- |
138. |
Theology - Angelology (part one) |
- |
139. |
Theology - Angelology (part two) |
- |
140. |
Theology - Angelology (part three) |
141. |
Theology - Angelology (part four) |
142. |
Theology - Anthropology |
143. |
Theology - Hamartiology (part one) |
- |
144. |
Theology - Hamartiology (part two) |
- |
145. |
Theology - Christology (part one) |
146. |
Theology - Christology (part two) |
147. |
Theology - Soteriology (part one) |
- |
148. |
Theology - Soteriology (part two) |
- |
149. |
Theology - Pneumatology (part one) |
- |
150. |
Theology - Pneumatology (part two) |
- |
151. |
Theology - Ecclesiology (part one) |
- |
152. |
Theology - Ecclesiology (part two) |
- |
153. |
Theology - Eschatology (part one) |
- |
154. |
Theology - Eschatology (part two) |
- |