
2024 End Times Review - Here |
Eschatology Overview - 2020 - HERE |
2020 Overview of End Times - HERE |
Bible School Notes - Here |
Revelation verse by verse 2008 - HERE |
Rapture at the Time of the Sign of the Son of Man - HERE |
"Revelation" Notes - Here |
Revelation Overview 2011 - HERE |
Details of the Day of the Lord on video - HERE |
Eschatology Basics 2007 (audio) - HERE |
Revelation Overview 2019 - HERE |
End Time Review Notes 2024 - HERE |
2024 End Times Review |
1. |
Pretribulation Events |
2. |
Church vs Saints |
3. |
Regathering of Israel & Gog's Alliance Invades from the North |
4. |
The Coming One World Government is given to Ten Kings when it is Divided into Ten Kingdoms. Three of these Kings will be uprooted by the Little Horn (Antichrist) and the other Seven Kings will then give their Power to the Little Horn who is the Antichrist |
5. |
Ten Kings and the Little Horn, the Beast, the Anti-Christ |
6. |
Luke 21, Matthew 24 - 70 AD and 70th Week |
7. |
Peter's Eschatology and Paul's Eschatology |
8. |
42 Months and 4 Seals (Revelation 6; Matthew 24) |
9. |
The Day of the Lord (Rv. 6; Zeph. 1; Is. 13) |
10. |
Taken Out of the Great Tribulation |
11. |
Beginning of Day of the Lord with Trumpets - Rev 8-9 |
12. |
Revelation 10:11 - John must Prophesy Again |
13. |
Revelation 10:11-13:10 |
14. |
Revelation 11-14 - The Lord and the 144,000 from Bozrah (Petra) |
15. |
Rev. 16; Zech. 12-13; Isaiah 63 - 144,000 March through Judah to Jerusalem with the Lord |
16. |
Question and Answer about 144,000 and Eschatology |
17. |
Bozrah to the Kidron (part two) |
18. |
Bozrah to Jerusalem (part three) |
19. |
75 Days between 1,260 and 1,335 Days |
Overview of Eschatology (end times) - Audio Messages
Eschotology Topic |
MP3 Audio |
1. Bible History;
Abrahamic, Palestinian, and Davidic Covenants; Importance
of Israel in the End Times |
1. Covenants; Israel |
2. Daniel; Nebuchadnezzar's
Vision; Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome; Daniel's Vision;
The Beasts; The Ten Horns; The Little Horn |
2.Daniel; Babylon-Rome |
3. Daniel 8;
The Ram and The Goat; Literal Interpretation; Antiochus
Epiphanes; Itro. to Daniel 11; Historically Fulfilled
Prophecy |
3. Dn. 8, 11; Goat; Ant.Ep |
4. Daniel 11;
Grecian Empire; Ptolemy I Soter; Seleucus I Nicator;
Egyptian Kings of the South; Syrian Kings of North
; Antiochus III the Great; Antiochus IV Epiphanes |
4. Ptolemy, Seleucus,etc |
5. Daniel
11:21-35; Antiochus IV Epiphanes; Rixse of Rome; Anti-Christ;
Maccabean Revolt |
5. Antiochus IV; Rome |
6. Daniel
11:36-12:2; Anti-Christ; The God of War; The Wars
of the Anti-Christ |
6. Anti-christ in Daniel |
7. Anti-Christ:
His place of Origin and his Career |
7. Anti-christ Origins |
8. The Doom
of the Anti-christ and the Return of Jesus Christ
as revealed in the Old Testament |
8. OT & 2nd Coming |
9. Jesus
Teaches in Matthew 24 |
9. Matthew 24 |
10. Matthew
24, 25; Luke 21 |
10. Mt. 24, 25; Luke 21 |
11. The
Rapture; 1 Thessalonians; 2 Thessalonians; 1 Corinthians
15; Four Views; Ezekiel 36-39; Gog and Magog |
11. Rapture; Gog/Magog |
12. Millennium
- Premillennial, Postmillennial, Amillennial; Covenants,
the King, Conditions in the Millennium |
12. Millennium Views |
End Times Overview 2020 |
1. |
General Overview |
Notes -
1- Mt, Paul, Luke, Rev Chart
2- Parousia/1Thes4:17
3- Parousia Verses |
2. |
Parousia, "Meet" in the air, Rapture |
Notes -
1- Mt, Paul, Luke, Rev Chart
2- Parousia/1Thes4:17
3- Parousia Verses |
3. |
Daniel 7, 9, 11 and Matthew 24 |

Mt, Paul, Luke, Rev Chart |
4. |
Sign of the Son of Man, Rapture, Second Coming |

5. |
Revelation 4-7, the Seals |

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6. |
Revelation 8-9, the Trumpets |

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7. |
Revelation 16-19, the Bowls |

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8. |
Thessalonians |

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9. |
Luke 21 |
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Pic #4 |
Revelation: Overview 2011
Revelation 1-2 |
Revelation 2-3 |
Revelation 4-8 |
Revelation 8-10 |
Overview Notes |
Revelation 11-13 |
Revelation 14-19 |
Revelation 19-22 |
(Back to the top)
Revelation (2008-2009) - Verse by Verse Bible Teaching Through Revelation (.mp3):
When the subject of the rapture, second coming and millennium are addressed the below series is taught from the view of the pre-tribulation rapture and the pre-millennial return and the earthly reign of Jesus Christ. Further down the page the pre-wrath rapture position is explored (along with the pre-millennial position).
MP3 Audio (Click title below for mp3 audio) |
1:1-3, Introduction; Apostles in Church History; John
1:1-5, Title; Blessing; Salutation; Greetings From the Trinity
1:5-10, A Kingdom of Priests; Suffering and Endurance in the Kingdom.
1:11-20, Christ the High Priest Addresses John and the Seven Churches
2:1-3, Letter to Ephesus; Their Hard Work and Commitment to the Truth
2:4-7, Letter to Ephessus; Love and Tolerance of Others; Paradise
2:8-11, Letter to Smyrna; Suffering; Persecution; Rewards; The Second Death
2:12-15, Letter to Pergamum; Sword; Antipas; Compromise; Balaam
2:12-17, Letter to Pergamum (part two)
2:18-20, Letter to Thyatira; Thyatira's Culture; Messiah the Man; King of Kings; Service; Growth
2:19-23, Letter to Thyatira; Christian Growth Box; Jezebel; Nimrod and Semeramis; Baal Worship
2:23-29, Letter to Thyatira; Tolerance; Classes "if" in Greek; Repaying Deeds; Reward of the Morning Star
3:1-3, Letter to Sardis; Eyes & Voice of God in Church; Complete Works; Alert/Asleep; Thief in Judgment
3:4-6, Letter to Sardis; Thief in the Night; White Garments; Book of Life
3:7-8, Letter to Philadelphia; Holy; True; Key of David; Open Door; Delivered "from" Tribulation
3:9-10, Letter to Philadelphia; Jews; Teaching; Capital Punishment; Church Age; Mysteries; Trib.; Rapture
3:14-22, Letter to Laodicea; Complete Conformity with God's Truth and Realilty
Ch.1-3, The Seven Periods of Church History (part one)
Ch.1-3, The Seven Periods of Church History (part two)
Ch.1-3, The Seven Periods of Church History (part three)
4:1-11, The Vision Begins; In the Throne Room; 24 Elders; 7 Flames of Spirit; Living Creatures
5:1-14, The Scroll; The Slain Lamb; Rejoicing in Heaven and on Earth
6:1-16, Lamb Opens Seals; 4Horses; False Peace; War; Famine; Death; Martyrs Pray; Sign of Son of Man
7:1-17, Four Angels Hold Back Winds; Sealing of 144,000 of Israel; Multitudes of Saved in Tribulation
8:1-13, The Seven Angels; Prayer and Incense; First Four Trumpets
9:1-21, Release of Demons and the Demonic Activity; Angelic Invasion; Worship of Demons
10:1-11, Mighty Angel and the Little Scroll; The Mystery of God; Sweet and Sour Word of God
11:1-14, The Two Witnesses
11:15-12:12, The Promised Christ & Church; Satan's Kosmos; Eternal Conflict; The Woman, Child, Dragon
12:12-13:1, Satan Cast to the Earth; The Second 3 1/2 Years; Dragon on the Shore
13:1-10, Beast Out of the Sea
13:11-18, False Prophet; Deception; The Beast Out of the Earth; 666
14:1-6, 144,000 with the Lamb on Mount Zion
14:6-12, Three Angels: The Gospel, The Judgment, Hell
14:14-20, The Two Harvests -The Harvest of Grain and The Harvest of Grapes; The Winepress Judgment
15:1-18, God releases the Seven Angels with Bowls; Sea of Glass with Fire; Victors Rejoice in Heaven
16:1-18, The Seven Bowls
16:18-17:18, Woman on the Beast
18:1-24, The Fall of Babylon
19:1-9, Rejoicing in Heaven; The Bride; The Wedding Supper
19:7, The Bride of Christ
19:11-21, The Armegeddon War; Joel; Zechariah 12; Daniel 11:40; Ezekiel 38, 39
19:11-21, Return of Lord
20:1-6, The Millennium
20:2-6, The Millennium Reviewed from Old Testament Verses
20:3-6, The Millennium; Ezekiel's Vision of the Temple; Zechariah 14
20:7-10, Satan's Final Stand; Gog and Magog
20:11, The Great White Throne Judgment
21:1-6, New Heaven and the New Earth; Heaven and the Heavenly City
21:9-27, The New Jerusalem (Heaven)
22:1-6, Inside the New Jerusalem City
22:6-21, Closing of Book of Revelation |
(Back to the top)
"Revelation" Notes Here
Exploring the Rapture Simultaneously Occurring at the Appearing of the Sign of the Son of Man in Daniel, Matthew and Revelation:
Revelation 4
Revelation 4:1-15
Revelation 4 - The Vision Begins
Ancient Words to the Church of Thyatira - Revelation 2:18
Ancient Words for the Modern Church -
Revelation 2-3 |
End Times Questions, Answers and Discussion
Revelation 5:1-14
Revelation 6:1-4 - Who is the one on the White Horse?
Revelation 6:1-4, 'When men say, "Peace, Peace." '
Revelation 6:5-11
(Back to the top)
Daniel 7-11; Matthew 24; Luke 21; Rev. 6
Tribulation Chart - Dan.12:11-12;
"Day of the Lord"
Tribulation Chart Introduced |
The Day of the Lord (part one) |
The Day of the Lord (part two) |
"Day of the Lord" in Joel
"Day of the Lord" in Ezekiel
"Day of the Lord" in Isaiah
"Day of the Lord" in Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Zephaniah and Zechariah
"Day of the Lord" in Zechariah
"Day of the Lord" in Matthew (part one)
" Day of the Lord" in Matthew (part 2) |
Wrath of God in Revelation
"Day of the Lord" in First Thessalonians
(part one)
"Day of the Lord" - a class discussion;
Thessalonians (part two) |
"Day of the Lord" - Second Thessalonians
Testing Pre-Trib Rapture Proofs
Parousia, Hexo, Erchomia - Greek Words for Jesus' SEcond Coming or Appearing
Twenty Issues Pre-Wrath Faces (part 1)
Twenty Issues Pre-Wrath Faces (part 2)
Revelation 7:1-8, The 144,000
(Back to the top) |
Revelation chapter 7- The History of Eschatology:
Views of Chapter 7 |
Revelation 8 - First Four Trumpets (Preterist, Pre-Trib, Pre-Wrath) |
Revelation chapter 9
Revelation Chapter 10
End Time Sequence 1 Thes., Mt. 24, Rev.
Revelation 13:1 |
Truth vs. Deception - Revelation 13:11-18
Revelation 14:1-4, Jesus on Mount Zion
Rapture at the Sign of the Son of Man |
2 Thessalonians 2:5-8 |
Tribulation vs Wrath and Islamic Eschatological Parallels |
Islamic and Christian Eschatology Paralleled |
Prophecy Chart of Scripture - Matthew, Mark, Paul, Revelation, Daniel |
Rapture in 1 Corinthians 15 |
Rapture - 1 Thessalonians 4 (part 2) |
Resurrection of the Body |
Rapture |
Eschatology (2005) |
(Back to the top) |
Hades, Lake of Fire, Underworld
and Resurrection |
(Free RealPlayer download here.)
Video links use VLC (download VLC player HERE ) or
Real Player. (For a free Real Player download click HERE) |
Revelation Overview 2019 |
Overview Notes are HERE |
Revelation 1 |
Revelation 2-3 |
Revelation 4-5 |
Revelation 6-7 |
Revelation 8-10 |
Revelation 11-13 |
Revelation 13-16 |
Revelation 17-18 |
Revelation 19-20 |
Revelation 21-22 |
(This Overview on VIMEO) |
2005 Generation Word |