1. |
Acts 1:1-11, Introduction to Acts |
General Overview
2. |
Acts 1:12-26, The Twelfth Apostle |
- |
3. |
Acts 2:1-12, Pentecost |
- |
4. |
Acts 2:1-12, Tongues; Isaiah 28; Three Manifestations of Tongues |
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- |
5. |
Acts 2:12-40, Peter's First Message; Book of Joel |
- |
6. |
Acts 2:40-4:4, 3,000 Baptized and the Gate Beautiful |
- |
7. |
Acts 3:1-4:4, Peter's Second Sermon |
- |
8. |
Acts 4:5-22, Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin |
- |
9. |
Acts 4:23-31, Sovereign Lord vs. Rebelious Nations |
or .doc |
10. |
Acts 4:32-5:11, Barnabas' Grace Gift; Socialism/Unity?; Ananias Fakes It |
or .doc |
11. |
Acts 5:12-17, Holy Spirit Purifies the Church; Heals the Lost |
- |
12. |
Acts 5:17-42, Gamaliel; Apostles Released |
- |
13. |
Acts 6:1-7, Serving Tables and Serving the Word |
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14. |
Acts 6:8-7:39, Stephen's Ministry and Speech to the Sanhedrin |
- |
15. |
Acts 8:26-30 |
- |
16. |
Acts 9:1-4 |
General Overview
17. |
Acts 9:2-23 |
- |
18. |
Acts 9, Paul, the Apostle; Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement; John Mark, the Scribe |
- |
19. |
Introduction to Generation Word Church and Overview of Acts 1-9 |
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20. |
Acts 10 |
21. |
Acts 10:35-11:2,
Cornelius' Household Receives Christ and the Jerusalem Church is Concerned |
22. |
Acts 11:19-30, The Church in Antioch |
23. |
Acts 12:1-19, Herod Agripp I and Peter's Escape |

24. |
Acts 13:1-13 |
25. |
Acts 13:13-43, Paul in Antioch Pisidia |
26. |
Acts 13:44 |
27. |
Acts 14, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe |
28. |
Acts 15 |
29. |
Acts 15:22-35 |
This study followed the chronology of the New Testament books and
began a study of the Book of Galatians at this point. See HERE |
(16 Classes) |
30. |
Acts 15:36-16:8 |
31. |
Acts 16:8-22 |
32. |
Acts16:22 |
33. |
Acts 17:1 |
34. |
Acts 17:6-11, Thessalonica |
35. |
Acts 17:10-26 |
36. |
Acts 17:26-18:5, Athens and Corinth |
37. |
Acts 18:1-22, Paul's 18 months in Corinth (Spring 50-Fall 52 AD) |
This study followed the chronology of the New Testament books and
began a study of the Book of First Thessalonians HERE |
(14 Classes) |
38. |
Acts 18 - introduction to the book of Second Thessalonians |
This study followed the chronology of the New Testament books and
began a study of the Book of Second Thessalonians HERE |
(8 Classes) |
39. |
Acts 18:18-19:8 - Paul Leaves Corinth in Spring of 52 AD |

Acts 19:1 |
This study followed the chronology of the New Testament books and
began a study of the Book of First Corinthians HERE |
(47 classes) |
This study followed the chronology of the New Testament books and
began a study of the Book of Second Corinthians HERE |
(37 classes) |
This study followed the chronology of the New Testament books and
began a study of the Book of Romans HERE |
(66 classes) |
40. |
Acts 19:23-20:4 - Ephesus, Corinth and to Jerusalem |

41. |
Acts 20:1-6 (Return from 75 days off) |

42. |
Acts 20:5-24 |
43. |
Acts 20:24-32 |
44. |
Acts 20:32-38 |
45. |
Acts 21:1-9 |
46. |
Acts 21:10-24 |
47. |
Acts 21:17-40 |
48. |
Acts 21:37-22:30 |
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49. |
Acts 22:30-23:11 |
50. |
Acts 23:11-24:1 |
51. |
Acts 24 |
52. |
Acts 25:1-24 |
53. |
Acts 25:23-26:32 |

Video of
Agrippa II's
Palace in Banias
54. |
Acts 27:1-44 |
55. |
Acts 28 |