
October 26 - Evening
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death."
- Romans 8:1-2 |
The Law of the Spirit |
Through the work of Jesus the man who believes in Jesus Christ is not condemned because in
Christ there is a new principle in affect. The law, or principle, of the Spirit has set them “free” from
the law, or principle, of sin and death. The word “free” is aorist indicative active of eleutheroo and means “to liberate, to make free.” The principle of the Spirit who gives life has liberated us from the principle of sin and death. The principle of sin and death was separation and condemnation from
God. The principle of the Spirit who gives life is fellowship, sonship and acceptance by God. The principle of sin and death is real and still exists, but a greater principle has empowered us in
order to set us free from the limits of the principle of sin and death.
Think of it this way. There is a principle of gravity in the natural world that affects mass. A mass
of metal is held in bondage to the earth by the principle, or the law, of gravity. But, there are other laws of physics besides the law of gravity. For example, there is the law of lift and thrust. A mass
of metal called an airplane setting on a runway is bound by gravity, but if that airplane begins to
move and gains enough velocity the law of lift overrides the law of gravity. Or, we could say, the
law of lift sets the airplane free from the law of gravity. This is true because, “Lift is proportional
to the square of the velocity of an airplane and as a plane goes faster, its lift increases.”
So, the man who believes in Christ has gained life. There is no condemnation, because the
principle of the Spirit overrides the law of sin and death. |
"Of the many influences that have shaped the United States into a distinctive nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible."
- Ronald Reagan |
In Joshua 1:3-4 the land given to the Israelites is "from the wilderness" to "the River Euphrates" including "the land of the Hittites" all the way "to the Great Sea" (Mediterranean). This equals 300,000 square miles. The most Israel ever occupied was 1/10 of this, or 30,000 square miles. |
Eutrapelia (Gr) - Coarse Joking (Eng) - the Greek word eutrapelia means "coarse joking"
in its one use in the NT at Ephesians 5:4. Eutrapelia is made of two Greek words. The first is
eu which means "good," "to be well off," "fare." And, the second, is trepo which means
"to turn" and is translated "shifting in James 1:17. Together eu and trepo make eutrapelia
which means "pleasantry," "humour," "coarse humor." |
Haran, which was a commercial center in the
days of Abraham, was deserted 1800 and unoccupied until 800 BC. This means it
is very hard to believe that someone would make up a story about Abraham and
use Haran as a commercial center anytime after 1800 BC. But, in 2000 BC when Abraham was traveling from
Ur to Canaan, Haran was a commercial center that would have been well known to him. |
Do I get burdened down in guilt and sin?
Do I feel trapped by the law of sin and death?
As a believer in Jesus Christ I will build momentum towards the things and thoughts of God
so that the law of the Spirit can take affect and lift me out of bondage to sin and guilt. |
"As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife." - Proverbs 26:21 |
Your godly influence
on others |
Peace among members |
Families |
Slovakia - creative ways of ministering are appearing; need training |
This is the very impressive siege ramp that the Romans constructed to the top of Masada. They did this so they could roll their battering rams and siege engines to the top to attack the walls of Masada. More information about Masada is here. (click on image for larger size) |
This master course stone in the west wall of the Temple Mount is found today in the Western Wall tunnels. It is 15 feet wide 41 feet long and 11.5 feet tall, and weighs 570-630 tons. It was used to stabalize the 20 feet of ashlar blocks in the wall that that continue down to the former street level of 30 AD. In 70 AD the Romans tore down the Western Wall to this level but could not move this stone. They chipped away at the stone at the far end, but eventually gave up and left this as it is today. See details of the Western Wall Tunnel HERE. |
Details and Explanation of Sets & Reps Devotional System Here |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |