Psalm 93 celebrates the Lord’s reign on the earth and prophetically anticipates the future enthronement of the Lord on the earth when he establishes his millennial kingdom and rules as the Messiah seated on the throne of David. There are other Psalms similar to this one such as Psalm 95, Psalm 96, Psalm 97, Psalm 98, Psalm 99 and Psalm 47. These can be entitled “theocratic psalms” or “royal psalms” or “enthronement psalms” since they focus on God’s eternal kingship from eternity past which extends through all of history into eternity future. But, also, because of the scriptural promise that anticipates the eventual establishment of the Lord’s kingdom on earth. The prophets, the apostles and the Lord himself spoke of this future day (“Your kingdom come, your will be done,” – Mt.6:10).
In Psalm 93:1 the psalmist sees the Lord currently reigning while dressed in his glory and equipped with his divine strength. This rule is sure and secure since according to 93:2 his “throne was established long ago…from all eternity.” This is not a recent victory, but is instead the manifestation of a throne that has been established since before time began. The Lord’s kingdom and us, the subjects of that kingdom, are secure for “endless days.” (93:5)
This psalm is not only prophetic, but has also been a source of praise for believers in every generation for 3,000 years.
The Lord reigns! |