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A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers

Romans verse by verse teaching audio, video, notes
Audio & Video Messages with Notes from the Book of Romans

Overview of Romans  (2010)
.mp3 audio . . . Notes




Overview of Romans  (2017)

Romans - Verse by verse audio .mp3, online video and .pdf notes (2016)

Click on "Audio", "Video" or "Notes" to open up the file for each message.

1. 57 AD Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
2. Introduction to the book of Romans Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
3. Romans 1:1-4 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
4. Romans 1:4-6 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans

Romans 1:5 - "Faith and Truth or 'Love' and Nice"

Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
6. Romans 1:4-5 - Resurrection Power Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
7. Romans 1:5 - Obedience of Faith Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
8. Romans 1:8-17 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
9. Romans 1:16-21 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
10. Romans 1:18-27 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
11. Romans 1:24-32 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
12. Romans 2 - overview Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
13. Romans 2:1-6 - Tolerance and Judging Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
14. Romans 2:6-11 - All Judged: Identifying Evil Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
15. Romans 2:11-24 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
16. Romans 3:1-8 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
17. Romans 3:9-20 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
18. Romans 3:21-14 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
19. Romans 4:1-17 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
20. Romans 4:16-25 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
21. Romans 5 - Overview Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
22. Romans 5:1-11 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
23. Romans 5:12-21 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
24. Romans 6 - Overview Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
25. Romans 6:1-15 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
26. Romans 6:15-23 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
27. Romans 7 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
28. Romans 8 - Introduction Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
29. Romans 8 - Outline Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
30. Romans 8:18-27-Age of Suffering vs Age of Glory Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
31. Romans 8:28-39 - Predestined Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
32. Romans 9:1-10 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
33. Romans 9:1-22 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
34. Romans 9:13-23 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
35. Romans 9:25-33 - The Chosen Stumbled Over the Cornerstone Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
36. Romans 10:1-11 - The Word is Near You Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
37. Romans 10:12-21 - Sent, Preached, Heard!...Faith? Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
38. Romans 11:1-3 - Israel Not Rejected Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
39. Romans 11:1-16 - At this Present Time -   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
40. Romans 11:25-32 - The Time and Cause -   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
41. Romans 11:33-36 - The Riches, Wisdom and Knowledge of God Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
42. Romans 12-15 - Introduction and Overview of 12-15 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
43. Romans 12:1 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
44. Romans 12:2 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
45. Romans 12:3 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
46. Romans 12:4-5 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
47. Romans 12:4-8 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
48. Romans 12:9 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
49. Romans 12:10-12 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
50. Romans 12:13-14 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
51. Romans 12:15-16 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
52. Romans 12:17-21 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
53. Romans 13:1-7 - Introduction Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
54. Romans 13:1-7 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
55. Romans 13:8-10 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
56. Romans 13:11-14 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
57. Romans 14:1-15:13 - Overview of Section Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
58. Romans 14:1-9 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
59. Romans 14:10-12 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
60. Romans 14:10-13 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
61. Romans 14:14-15:4 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
62. Romans 15:1-7 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
63. Romans 15:7-13 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
64. Romans 15:14-33 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
65. Romans 16:1-2 and Introduction to Chapter 16 Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans   Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans
66. Romans 16 and location of Paul's death and burial Romans audio verse by verse Bible teaching through Romans  

Roman Notes for the New Testament book of Romans

Location of Paul's execution and burial in RomeLocation of Paul's
Execution and Burial

Audio & Video Messages with Notes from the Book of Romans
from 2005-2006
Click on the titles in the "MP3" column to listen to the Audio.
Click on the scripture reference to open up the video
The "Video" links use VLC (download VLC player HERE ) or Real Player. (For a free Real Player download click HERE)
Click on the scripture reference under "Notes" to open up class notes are in a Word .doc.

Title MP3



1. Introduction to the Book of Romans
2. Romans 1:1, Paul a Servant and an Apostle
3. Romans 1:2-4, Gospel, Son of God, Resurrection
4. Romans 1:5-7, Obedience of Faith
5. Romans 1:8-13, Motivation and Service
6. Romans 1:14-16, Not Ashamed
7. Romans 1:17, Righteousness of God
8. Romans 1:18-21, Godlessness and Wickedness
9. Romans 1:21-25, Exchanged and Handed Over
10. Romans 1:24-32, A Depraved Mind
11. Romans 2:1-16, Principles of Judgment
12. Romans 2:17-29, Truth and Ritual
13. Romans 3:1-8, Let God Be True
14. Romans 3:9-20, Men Under Sin
15. Romans 3:21-31, A Righteousness Revealed
16. Romans 4:1-16, Credited To Him
17. Romans 4:16-25, The Sixth Sense
18. Romans 5:1-11, Assured Peace and Hope
19. Romans 5:12-21, Compare Adam and Jesus
20. Romans 6 and 7, Overview; Indicative/Imperative
21. Romans 6:1-4, Died To Sin
22. Romans 6:5-7, Newness of Life
23. Romans 6:8-14, Do Not Let Sin Reign
24. Romans 6:15-23, Free but Obligated
25. Romans 7:1-6, Dead to Law
26. Romans 7:7-13, Coveting and the Law
27. Romans 7:13-25, What a Wretched Man
28. Romans 8, Theological Conclusion
29. Romans 8:1-8, Man of Flesh, Man of Spirit
30. Romans 8:9-11, Spirit In and Upon
31. Romans 8:12-17, Led By the Spirit
32. Romans 8:18-25, Sons Waiting
33. Romans 8:26, 27, The Spirit Prays
34. Romans 8:28-30, Predestination (part one)
35. Romans 8:29, Predestination (part two)
36. Romans 8:31,Predestination (part three)
37. Romans 9:1-10, Predestination (part four)
38. Romans 9:10-18, Predestination (part five)
39. Romans 9:19-29, Predestination (part six)
40. Romans 10:1-6, God Does the Work
41. Romans 10:8-21, Word of Faith
42. Romans 11:1-24, Remnant
43. Romans 11:25-32, The Mysteries
44. Romans 12-16, Christian Responsibilities

1:1, Salutation
1:2, Son of God
1:5, Obedience of Faith
1:8, Motivation
1:14, Not Ashamed
1:17, Righteousness
1:18, Godlessness
1:22, Exchanged
1:24, Depraved Mind
2:1, Judgment Principles
2:17, Truth and Ritual
3:1, Let God Be True
3:9, Men Under Sin
3:21, Revealed Right'ns
4:1, Credited to Him
4:16, The Sixth Sense
5:1, Assured Peace
5:12, Adam v. Jesus
6 & 7, Indic./Imperative
6:1, Died to Sin
6:5, Newness of Life
6:8, Don't Let Sin Reign
6:15, Free but Obligated
7:1, Dead to Law
7:7, Coveting & the Law
7:13, A Wretched Man
8, Theology Conclusion
8:1, Man of Flesh/Spirit
8:9, Spirit In & Upon
8:12, Led by Spirit
8:18, Sons Waiting
8:26, Spirit Prays w/ Us
8:28, Predestination (A)
8:29, Predestination (B)
8:30, Predestination (C)
9:1, Predestination (D)
9:10, Predestination (E)
9:19, Predestination (F)
10:1, God Does the Work
10:8, Word of Faith
11:1, Remnant
11:25, The Mysteries
12-16, Christian Life

Romans 1:24-32
11. Romans 2:1-16
12. Romans 2:17-29
13. Romans 3:1-8
14. Romans 3:9-20
15. Romans 3:21-31
16. Romans 4:1-16
17. Romans 4:16-25
18. Romans 5:1-11
19. Romans 5:12-21
Romans 6 and 7
21. Romans 6:1-4
22. Romans 6:5-7
23. Romans 6:8-14
24. ____________

25. Romans 7:1-6
26. Romans 7:7-13
27. Romans 7:13-25
28. Romans 8
29. Romans 8:1-8
30. Romans 8:9-11
31. Romans 8:12-17
32. Romans 8:18-25
33. Romans 8:26, 27
34. Romans 8:28-30
35. Romans 8:29

36. Romans 8:31
37. Romans 9:1-10
38. Romans 9:10-18
39. Romans 9:19-29
40. Romans 10:1-6
41. Romans 10:8-21
42. Romans 11:1-24
43. Romans 11:25
44. Romans 12-16

2. 1:1
3. 1:2-4
4. 1:5-7
5. 1:8-13
6. 1:14-16
7. 1:17
8. 1:18-21
9. 1:21-25
10. 1:24-32
11. 2:1-16
12. 2:17-29
13. 3:1-8
14. 3:9-20
15. 3:21-31
16. 4:1-16
17. 4:16-25
18. 5:1-11
19. 5:12-21
20. 6 and 7

21. 6:1-4
22. 6:5-7
23. 6:8-14
24. 6:15-23
25. 7:1-6
26. 7:7-13
27. 7:13-25
28. 8
29. 8:1-8
30. 8:9-11
31. 8:12-17
32. 8:18-25
33. 8:26, 27
34. 8:28-30
35. 8:29

36. 8:31
37. 9:1-10
38. 9:10-18

39. 9:19-29
40. 10:1-6
41. 10:8-21
42. 11:1-24
43. 11:25-32


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