Why We Must Reach the United States of America in this Generation
We are living in the fourth generation of a culture in rebellion to God

"A generation! Its father it revileth, and its mother it doth not bless.
A generation! Pure in its own eyes, Yet from its filth hath it not been bathed,
A generation! How lofty are its eyes, and its eyelashes uplifted.
A generation! Swords are its teeth, and knives its incisors,
To devour the humbled out of the earth, and the needy from among men."
-Proverbs 30:11-14 (Rotherham's Translation)

The First Generation

The Second Generation

The Third Generation

The Fourth Generation

A Generation That Cursed Their Parent's God

A Generation Pure in
Their Own Eyes

A Generation Whose Eyes Are Haughty
("The 'me' Generation")


A Generation That Devours
the Needy from Earth

Robert G. Ingersoll
Charles Darwin
Karl Marx
Julius Wellhausen
Sigmund Freud
John Dewey

You and Me

This generation is still coming into power.
There is still 34 years left to manifest this generations desire to "devour the poor from the earth and the needy from among mankind."

"A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross." - William N. Clarke, 1894, "An Outline of Theology"

"Has a man the right to examine, to investigate the religion of his own country - the religion of his father and mother? - Ingersoll

"We find now that the prosperity of nations has depended, not upon their religion. . .but on soil and climate and commerce upon the ingenutiy, industry, and courage of the people, upon the development of the mind, on the spread of education, . . reason has built and superstition has destroyed."- Ingersoll

"For my part, I prefer the books that inspiration has not claimed. Such is the nature of my brain that Shakespeare gives me greater joy than all the prophets of the ancient world. . . I believe in the religion of reason - the gospel of this world" - Ingersoll









"Schools do have a role - and an important one - in production of social change." - John Dewey

"The educational system must move one way or another, either backward to the intellectual and moral standards of a pre-scientific age or forwerd to ever greater utiliztion of scientific method in the develoopment of the possibilities of growing, expandeing experience." -John Dewey

"So far as education is concerned, those who believe in religion as a natural expression of human experience must devote themselves to the development of the ideas of life which lie implicit and are still new science and are still newer democracy. They must interest themselves in the transformation of these institutions which still bear the dogmatic and the feudal stamp (and which do not?) till they are in accord with these ideas." - John Dewey

"Te time has come for widespread recognition of the radical changes in religious beliefs throughout th e modern world. The time is past for mere revision of traditional attitudes. Acience and economic change have disrupted the old beliefs." -Humanist Manifesto I, 1933

"There is great danger of a final, and we believe fatal, identification of the word religion with doctrines and methods which have lost their significance and which are powerless to solve the problem of human living in the Twentieth Century. . .any religion that can hope to be a synthesizing and dynamic force for today must be shaped for the needs of this age. To establish such a religion is a major necessity of the present. It is a repsonsibility whcih rests upon this generation." - Humanist Manifesto 1933

"Though we consider the religious forms and ideas of our fathers no longer adequate, the quest ofor the good life is still the central task for mankind. Man is at last becoming aware that he alone is repsonsible for the realization of the world o f his dreams, that he has within himself the power for its achievement. He must set intelligence and will to the task." - Humanist Manifesto 1933

"What are the differentiating factors between the "we" generation of the 1960's, the "me" generation of the 1980's, and the current generation Xers? -Question from a research laboratory at University of Illinois

"One of the most talked about and controversial magazines of the 1980s was Vanity Fair, which editor in chief
Tina Brown turned into a near-perfect representation of the interests and
tastes of the "yuppie" (young urban professional) or "me" generation. She successfully exploited their obsession with wealth, status, and celebrity to create a magazine . . " -history @




1962 Prayer Removed
From Public Schools

1963 Ten Commandments
Removed From Public Schools










"Enron didn't happen because of a core group of villains; that core group has always been with us," he said. Instead, he pinned the scandal on "more good people willing to do bad things, and more good people willing to look the other way." - Michael Josephson quoted byDave Ranney in "Ethicist Bemoans 'me' Generation"

"Josephson warned that an ever-increasing acceptance of "dishonesty, irresponsibility, selfishness and disrespect" had created a "generation predisposed to rationalization, gamesmanship and me-first entitlement attitudes." The trend, he said, threatens the nation's democratic principles."
- Michael Josephson quoted byDave Ranney in "Ethicist Bemoans 'me' Generation"




September 11, 2001











wasting disease
economic problems
loss of children

the sword will be brought into the cities
eat but not be satisfied

1918 Influenza Epidemic -28% of Americans where infected; it killed 10 times more Americans than WWI and in 24 months it decreased the lifespan of the average American by 10 years. Read More Here


Stock Market Crash 1929 - in one day $30,000,000,000 vanished into thin air.

Great Depression 1930's - the price of crops fell 40-60%

Dust Bowls of 1930's -
50 million acres of land where ruined.

FDR says in 1937:
"I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished."

The Drought of the 1920' and 1930's were the most devastating weather driven event in American history. They had significant impacted on economic, social, and natural landscapes. Abnormally dry and hot growing season weather throughout the better part of two decades turned 100 million acres of farm fields to dust and small lakes into muddy ponds. The parched soil was easily taken up by strong winds, often turning day into night. The drought peaked with the heat of the summer of 1936, setting many high temperature records that still stand today.


  • The United States Crime Index Rates Per 100,000 Inhabitants went from 1,887.2 in 1960 to 5,897.8 in 1991.
  • By 1991 the crime rate was 313% the 1960 crime rate.
  • In 1960 these rates were 1.89% of being a victim of a crime and 0.161% of becoming victim of a violent crime.
  • In 1996 your risk of being a victim of a crime in the United States was 5.079%, and of a violent crime 0.634%.
  • Recent trends from 2003 to 2004, etc. seem to show a stabalizing and at times a decline.
  • There were 55,775 deaths in the Vietnam War to young people ages 17-29.
September 11, 2001was the first attack ever of America within its own homeland borders.

This event signified the beginning
of the fourth and final generation unless we respond.



1918 Influenza Epidemic
Plague and Wasting Disease are used to warn the first generation. (1918)






Drought, Famine and Economic Problems warn the second generation (1930's)

1981 "Time" Magazine Cover
Crime ("wild beasts in the streets") warn the third generation (1980's)

side-by-side satellite image of
World Trade Center
September 11, 2001 - Satellite Image

More Photos
The Sword will be brought into the cities of the fourth generation (2001)

The Fifth Generation?

There is no fifth generation
according to
Genesis 15:13-16;
Exodus 34:6,
Proverbs 30:11-14,
Luke 13:6-9; 23:28-31.

Leviticus 26:27-39 says the fifth generation
is met with the total overthrow of the culture.




We are the people of the fourth generation that
can bring the word of God back to our nation.
A culture will respond to the truth when it is proclaimed.
A nation desires righteousness and its fruit.

There is hope if we will seek the Truth and
live in Righteousness.

1. God Gives Cultures Four Generations
to Correct Themselves

"I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the
children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.
Exodus 20:5

"In the fourth generation your descendants will come back
here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet
reached its full measure

Genesis 15:16

" 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down!' . . .
'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year,
and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next
year, fine! It not, then cut it own.' "

Luke 13:8, 9


  • This is the second commandment and refers to choosing idols to replace God.

  • This was spoken to Abraham concerning the people living in the land of Canaan. The Israelites would go to Egypt for four generations while the Amorites (Canaanites) were given four generations tochange or be overthrown.
  • Jesus told this parable concerning the nation of Israel in 30 AD. The tree represents the nation of Israel and the three seasons are the previous three generations. The fruit that God desired was righteousness. Israel was given one more generation (40 more years). They did not correct themselves and 40 years later in 70 AD they were overthrown by the Romans. Read Josephus' account here.

2. Each Generation Progressively Goes Further
from Truth and Righteousness

"A generation! Its father it revileth, and its mother
it doth not bless,"

(Proverbs 31:11)

"A generation! Pure in its own eyes, Yet from its
filth hath it not been bathed,"

(Proverbs 31:12)

"A generation! How lofty are its eyes,
and its eyelashes uplifted."

(Proverbs 31:13)

"A generation! Swords are its teeth, and
Knives its incisors, - To devour the humbled
out of the earth, and the needy from among men."

(Proverbs 30:14)


  • First Generation: Rejects the Godly heritage of their fathers and does not accept the righteousness of their mothers.
  • Second Generation: They where not taught the truth of God by the previous generation so they do not perceive their sin nature. They overestimate their wisdom and philosophies as pure but yet they operate in a fallen depraved state without realizing it.
  • Third Generation: An arrogant and self-centered generation follows. This is the "me" generation.
  • Fourth Generation: This generation is a violent generation that is willing to kill the poor and the needy in their country in order to preserve their lifesyles for consumption of thier pleasures and material lusts.
3. A Generation is 40 Years
(There will be more information added to this page)
4. The Cycles of Judgment for Each Generation    
5. The Four Generations of Rebellion of the United States    
6. The Cycles of Judgment That We Have Met So Far    

7. Examples of Revival in the Fourth Generations


8. What We Must Do
a) Provide People with the Word of God to Renew their minds. First for ourselves. Second for others.

b) Promote righteousness
-live righteous in our own lives
-encourage righteous (ethical, moral character) in others both believers and non-believers.