Genesis 7:1-24
From previous studies we know:
1. The ark had perfect dimensions to float and endure the flood.
2. The ark had plenty of room for the animals that were taken.
3. The Flood story is preserved in multitudes of ancient cultures.
4. Noah was a righteous and blameless man in his generation. Because Noah believed he condemned those who rebelled against God in his generation.
5. Man corrupts his thoughts, his ways and his world.
6. God spares Noah's family in order to fulfill the covenant and promises concerning the seed of the woman.
the switch back and forth between LORD (YHWH) and God (Elohim).
6:22 (God, elohim) with 7:1 (LORD, YHWH):
- Some say this is
because there are two flood accounts written together here by two
different authors. The liberal and critical
scholars call one of the authors J for Jahwist (900-850 BC) and
the other E for a Elohist that
came later (750-500 BC). In
addition to these two it is claimed that a man knows as D (for Deuteronomist) wrote
Deuteronomy around 621 BC and another man named P (a Priest) added in the holiness code including the clean
animals listed in Genesis 7 and in the law. This idea, of course, comes against
scripture including Jesus’ teaching and should be considered the result of
the vain imaginations of an unbelieving
skeptical people. This is
not true for these reasons:
- This assumes that
the Hebrews did not write their history as it happened. Other ancient peoples wrote down events
as they happened.
- This assumes that
writing was not available to Noah, Abraham or Moses which is clearly
false according to archeology and anthropologists.
- The writers of the
documents used or written in Gen. – Deut. Were eyewitnesses to these
events and familiar with contemporary customs, geography, language and
- Exodus, Numbers and
Deuteronomy name Moses as the author: Ex.17:14; 24:4-7; 34:27; Numbers
33:2; Deuteronomy 31:9, 22, 24.
- The Old Testament
repeats these claims that Moses wrote Gen-Deut: Joshua 1:7-8, Judges 3:4; 1 Kings 2:3;
2 Kings 14:6; 21:8; 2 Chronicles 25:4;
Ezra 6:18; Nehemiah 8:1; 13:1; Daniel 9:11-13.
- Jesus considered
Moses was the author: Matthew 8:4; 19:7-8; Mark 7:10; 12:26; Luke 24:27,
44; John 5:46-47; 7:19
- But, the variation of
the name Elohim and YHWH does not mean there were different writers. Generally,
Elohim is used when the world (as in Gen. 6-9 Flood account) is in view
and YHWH in special cases were believers (people in a covenant with God:
Adam, Enoch) are involved.
- Also, where the theme
of the verses is the person of God YHWH is used. When other things or people are the
focus then Elohim is used.
- The JEDP concept
really falls apart when we find the use of YHWH-Elohim in Genesis 2
together in one verse, in one sentence to make the name that we translate
as “the Lord God”. If JEDP were
correct then 2 or more authors combined over a period of hundreds of years
to write not only the same sentence but a compound name in a sentence.
not-clean animals are preserved on the ark.
This makes a worthy point that unclean animals are not the same as
sin. The flood was to destroy sin but
unclean animals were spared.
rain” is the Hebrew word “matar” and means a regular rainfall. It does not mean a heavy, driving rain.
- In 7:12 a different
word is used for the rain, “gesem”.
This word does mean heavy rain. It is used again in 1 Kings 18:41,
45 and Ezekiel 13:11, 13.
7:1-4 give the command and 7:5 gives us Noah’s execution of it.
is similar to the command of 6:14-21 to build the ark and the recording of
Noah’s completion in 6:22.
would like more details of how Noah built the ark including technique, time,
employees, surrounding events, Noah’s challenges and attitudes.
all we are told is he did it. He got the
job done.
was 600 years old when the flood came.
will live another 350 years until he is 950. (9:29)
animals came onto the ark that last week.
and his family were on the ark waiting for the flood.
7:4 God promises he will send the waters in seven days.
obeyed God’s words. The Lord fulfilled
his own word.
role is to obey the word of God.
Lord’s role is to fulfill the word of God and keep his promises.
day of the 2nd month of Noah’s 600 year:
- Israel
had two calendars: Civil and Religious. The civil year began in the fall around
Sept. 15 and the religious year began around March 15 with the Exodus generation
(Passover being on Nisan 14 or around April 1). If the civil calendar was being referred
to here then the flood began on November 2.
- This very date is
marked by comments in 7:11 “on that day” and 7:13 “on that very day”
- Noah got off the ark
on the 27th day of the 2nd month of Noah’s 601 year
- According to Jesus this day began like any other day
for the people of Noah’s generation.
The people were eating, drinking and having weddings (Mt. 24:37)
verse gives us the two sources of the flood waters:
- The springs of the
great deep burst forth
- A tidal wave caused
by the eruption of the ocean waters, a tsunami.
- “All the springs of the great deep burst forth.” These springs are mentioned in Genesis
2:6 as “streams” or “mists” that came up out of the ground.
- “Burst forth” is
“baqa”, the same word used in
Numbers 16:31
where an earthquake splits the earth and Korah and his followers are swallowed
Psalm 78:15
where God split the rock in Exodus 17:6
- It is possible that
an earthquake set off the release of water pressurized under the
continental plates up into the atmosphere.
These waters
would have began falling instantly
Some would have
frozen in the upper atmosphere and fell like ice around the globe
Some would have
condensed into vapor and fell like rain during the next 40 days.
This upward shot
water also could have penetrated the waters above the atmosphere (sky) from
Genesis 1:7 causing it (“flood gates of heaven”) to fall to the earth
- Continental Plates
and continental drift. Genesis
10:24 refers to the earth being divided.
Genesis 1:9 records that all the water was gathered to one place
thus there would have been a single continental land mass. This is called Pangaea by geologists
and other today. It was the
- Catastrophic plate
- Go to this site for
description and images:
- Watch a video
presentation of this “bursting forth”:

Mountain Ranges
- The flood gates of
the heavens were opened
- An opening of a
water reservoir in the heavens causing
a forty day fall out of rain
- On the second day
of creation God “separated the water under the expanse from the water
above it.”
- “Flood gates” or
“windows” are from Gen. 1:7. The
explosion of water into the atmosphere from the bursting forth of the
underground waters may have caused an disruption of the waters above the
- 2 Peter 3:5-7; 10 –
Water was placed there in the beginning for longevity or
destruction. Today the earth
awaits the fire.
undoes his creative work of the second day and releases the chaos of Gen. 1:2
back onto the earth. Chaos has never
left the universe it has just been “held together by the power of his word.”
(Heb. 1:3) The prophets speak of the day
of the Lord as a day of undoing of creation: Isaiah 24:18; Jer. 4:23-26; Amos
Reference |
Event |
Month/Day/Noah’s Age |
7:10 |
Noah enters ark |
2/10/600 |
7:11 |
Flood begins |
2/17/600 |
7:12,17 |
Water falls for 40 days |
3/26/600 |
7:24; 8:3 |
Water prevails 150 days |
7/16/600 |
8:4 |
Ark grounds on mountain |
7/17/600 |
8:5 |
Hill tops visible |
10/1/600 |
8:6,7 |
Raven sent |
11/10/600 |
8:8 |
Dove sent |
11/17/600 |
8:10,11 |
Dove sent, returns w/ leaf |
11/24/600 |
8:12 |
Dove sent, does not return |
12/1/600 |
8:13 |
Ground appears dry |
1/1/601 |
8:14 |
Noah leaves ark |
2/27/601 |
days waiting on the ark
days the water prevailed (first 40 days the water came)
days the water receded
days the earth dried
say that Noah had never seen rain before based on Hebrews 11:7, but the verse
is talking about not having seen a universal flood. When God mentioned rain to Noah the word had
meaning. It probably rained before the
flood since the planet earth was like a terrarium with great tropical growth.
God Shut the door
There are 47 Hebrew words in these verses 13 of them are:
- Waters 5x
- increased 2x
- rose 3x
- greatly 3x
These are similar words (increased, greatly, etc.) that were used to desribe man's sin on the earth. They are now used to describe God's judgment.
"all/every" is used 8x in the Hebrew
Clearly describes a worldwide flood