John 4:43-54


The Second Sign

a)      down from a distance

b)      done by the spoken word

c)      result was people “believed”


Remember, a sign is given to cause people to realize a truth. 
A sign is pointing to a greater truth.  Signs are done for a reason and with a meaning



Stayed in Sychar for two days



Jesus had operated as a prophet in Samaria

Jesus said this in Matt. 13:57 and Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24 at Nazareth

Jesus is referring to the land of Galilee or maybe specifically the Nazareth/Cana area




The Jews that had traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover had seen Jesus there

The people of Galilee had seen the miracles (not detailed in John) done in Jerusalem

Obviously they “believed” in him as a wonder working man, but did they believe in him as the savior or the Christ?

So, they accepted him as a miricle worker but not as a prophet who had God’s will for their life.

He was powerful but not Lord.

This is similar to Jacob in Genesis 32:22 and Moses in Exodus 6:1



Second time to appear in Cana

Royal Official – possibly in Herod’s service at some capacity and probably a Jew

a)      some say this is Manaen a foster brother of Herod the tetrarch in Acts 13:1

b)      Cuza the manager of Herod’s hosehold in Luke 8:3

c)      Notice the believing members of Herod’s household in Romans 16:10



The Son has a fever (4:52)




Word of Jesus and his activities has already began to spread

Royal Official went himself to Cana from Capernaum to speak with Jesus


“begged” means a continuous, persistent request.

Asking involves persistence


“close to death” means it was a certainty.

“come” is literally in the Greek “come down” for Cana was higher than Capernaum which was by the Sea of Galilee.


Jesus addresses the crowd with the “you people” which is plural in the Greek

Jesus uses “signs” and “wonders” to indicate the amazing aspect of miracles and not the meaning that is associated with a sign.


“wonder” terata means to do something that simply is amazing and miraculous.

People where seeking Jesus because it was sensational.


“never”  ou mh is emphatic and a double negative.

a) this phrase occurs 60 times in the gospel and is used by Jesus 54 of them




“child” is not the same word as “son” in 4:47.  It is an affectionate word used by a father for his little boy.


The father is focused and does not argue or defend his faith or his motives. 
It is clear: “Please heal my child.”




Believed in Jesus and so believed his word


The man thought







