Muratorian Fragment
A.D. 170)
Muratorian Fragment is the oldest known list of New Testament books. It
was discovered by Ludovico Antonio Muratori in a manuscript in the Ambrosian
Library in
Ludovico Antonio Muratori, ed., Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi, v. 3
(ex typographia Societatis palatinæ, Mediolani, 1740). Reprinted in
following is a translation
that usually follows the amended text edited by
Hans Lietzmann, Das Muratorische Fragment und die Monarchianischen Prologue
zu den Evangelien (Kleine Texte, i; Bonn, 1902; 2nd ed., Berlin,
1933). Owing to the wretched state of the Latin text, it is sometimes difficult
to know what the writer intended; several phrases, therefore, are provided with
alternative renderings (enclosed within parentheses). Translational expansions
are enclosed within square brackets. The numerals indicate the lines of the
original text. For a discussion, see chap. VIII.1 above, where freer renderings
are sometimes given in place of the following literalistic translation.
. . . at which
nevertheless he was present, and so he placed [them in his narrative]. [1] (2) The third book of the Gospel is
that according to Luke. (3) Luke, the well-known physician, after the ascension
of Christ, (4-5) when Paul had taken with him as one zealous for the law, [2] (6) composed it in his own name,
according to [the general] belief. [3] Yet he himself had not (7) seen the
Lord in the flesh; and therefore, as he was able to ascertain events, (8) so indeed
he begins to tell the story from the birth of John. (9) The fourth of the Gospels is that of John, [one] of the disciples. (10)
To his fellow disciples and bishops, who had been urging him [to write], (11)
he said, 'Fast with me from today to three days, and what (12) will be revealed
to each one (13) let us tell it to one another.' In the same night it was
revealed (14) to Andrew, [one] of the apostles, (15-16) that John should write
down all things in his own name while all of them should review it. And so,
though various (17) elements [3a] may be taught in the individual books
of the Gospels, (18) nevertheless this makes no difference to the faith of
believers, since by the one sovereign [3b] Spirit all things (20) have been
declared in all [the Gospels]: concerning the (21) nativity, concerning the
passion, concerning the resurrection, (22) concerning life with his disciples,
(23) and concerning his twofold coming; (24) the first in lowliness when he was
despised, which has taken place, (25) the second glorious in royal power, (26)
which is still in the future. What (27) marvel is it then, if John so
consistently (28) mentions these particular points also in his Epistles, (29)
saying about himself, 'What we have seen with our eyes (30) and heard with our
ears and our hands (31) have handled, these things we have written to you? [4] (32) For in this way he professes
[himself] to be not only an eye-witness and hearer, (33) but also a writer of
all the marvelous deeds of the Lord, in their order. (34) Moreover, the acts of all the apostles (35) were written in one
book. For 'most excellent Theophilus' [5] Luke compiled (36) the individual
events that took place in his presence — (37) as he plainly shows by omitting
the martyrdom of Peter (38) as well as the departure of Paul from the city [of
Rome] [5a] (39) when he journeyed to Spain. As
for the Epistles of (40-1) Paul, they themselves make clear to those desiring
to understand, which ones [they are], from what place, or for what reason they
were sent. (42) First of all, to the Corinthians, prohibiting their heretical
schisms; (43) next, [6] to the Galatians, against circumcision;
(44-6) then to the Romans he wrote at length, explaining the order (or, plan)
of the Scriptures, and also that Christ is their principle (or, main theme). [6a] It is necessary (47) for us to discuss
these one by one, since the blessed (48) apostle Paul himself, following the
example of his predecessor (49-50) John, writes by name to only seven churches
in the following sequence: To the Corinthians (51) first, to the Ephesians
second, to the Philippians third, (52) to the Colossians fourth, to the
Galatians fifth, (53) to the Thessalonians sixth, to the Romans (54-5) seventh.
It is true that he writes once more to the Corinthians and to the Thessalonians
for the sake of admonition, (56-7) yet it is clearly recognizable that there is
one Church spread throughout the whole extent of the earth. For John also in
the (58) Apocalypse, though he writes to seven churches, (59-60) nevertheless
speaks to all. [Paul also wrote] out of affection and love one to Philemon, one
to Titus, and two to Timothy; and these are held sacred (62-3) in the esteem of
the Church catholic for the regulation of ecclesiastical discipline. There is
current also [an epistle] to (64) the Laodiceans, [and] another to the
Alexandrians, [both] forged in Paul's (65) name to [further] the heresy of
Marcion, [6b] and several others (66) which cannot
be received into the catholic Church (67)— for it is not fitting that gall be
mixed with honey. (68) Moreover, the epistle of Jude and two of the
above-mentioned (or, bearing the name of) John are counted (or, used) in the
catholic [Church]; [7] and [the book of] Wisdom, (70) written
by the friends [7a] of Solomon in his honour. (71) We
receive only the apocalypses of John and Peter, (72) [7b] though some of us are not willing that
the latter be read in church. (73) But Hermas wrote the Shepherd (74) very recently, [7c] in our times, in the city of