

Matt. 13:16-23 the distractions listed here are:

a)      trouble

b)      persecution

c)      wo4rries of life

d)      deceitfulness of wealth

Luke 8:13-14 list the distractions as:

a)      time of testing

b)      life’s worries

c)      life’s riches

d)      life’s pleasures


Luke 21:34-46 and Matthew 24:42-46 warn us about staying alert and not being distracted by the temporary things of the earth.


The Jews who returned from Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple in 538 BC failed to do so.  The prophet Haggai was sent on August 29, 520 BC to call the people to build the temple that they had neglected for 18 years.


539 Cyrus takes Babylon

538 Cyrus allows the Jews to return to Jerusalem (Ezra 1:1)

537 the first major groups of Jews had arrived (Sept/Oct of 537, Ezra 3:1-3)

536 they laid the foundation and built the altar (Ezra 3:3)

529-521 the Jews faced opposition and stopped building (Ezra 4:1-5

520 Haggai the prophet is spoken to by God on August 29, 520 BC.  Haggai is to call the people to continue building the temple and not their own houses.


In regards to world history and the dispensations we are in the church age Ephesians 3:8-11

In regards to church age we are in the 7th and final period of church history: Laodicea Rev. 3:14

In regards to the culture in our nation we are in the fourth generation Proverbs 30


We are approaching the time where these three lines converge at a point in time and that time may be in your life.


We need to be ready and need to be doing what the Lord as called us to and assigned us to.