1. The
word "millennium" is not in scripture but a period of 1,000 years is
mentioned 6 times in Rev. 20.
2. Beginning in the 200's AD theology
split into three opinions:
a. amillennialism - we are in the millennium now
b. postmillennialism
- it will come to pass in the future before Christ returns
c. premillennialism - Christ must return first before
this kingdom can come.
3. Church historians agree that premillennialism was the view of the early church.
It is the oldest view and is also called Chiliasm /kil-
e-az-em/ from the Greek word "chilias" meaning 1,000.
4. Premillenialism
reads the Bible more literally than the others.
5. Premillenialism
6. Premillenialism
teaches there will be a return of
7. Amillennialism
originated in the thinking of Augustine and Origen.
The Roman church embraced these two teachers and thus have
held to the amillennial
a. The
age between the first and second coming is the millennium.
Supporters are divided whether the millennium is happening now or will
begin sometime during this age.
c. The
eternal state follows this age. In other words, in amillenialism
there is no millennium. ("a" means
"without", "not", "un-".
d. If this view
is true then the kingdom promises need to be interpreted so as to reach
fulfillment in this age. Or, the promises are only fulfilled in heaven in a spiritual sense and can
not be interpreted literally.
Most believe in a literal return of Christ.
8. Why is amillenialism
a. It
is inclusive and accepts liberal protestants, conservative protestants and
Roman Catholics
b. Second
oldest view dating back to 250 AD
c. Since it was
accepted by the reformers it appears to have a stamp of orthodoxy.
d. It
bends to fit the modern view of a visible, socially active church.
e. It
is simple with one resurrection, one judgment and little need for theological
development from scripture.
f. Fits
with "spiritual interpretation" and not literal.
9. Why is amillenialism
Spiritualizing scripture would destroy other areas of theology such as
the study of salvation, the study of angels, the study of sin, the study of the Holy Spirit.
It is bad hermeneutics.
b. The
practice of spiritualizing eschatology is not applied consistently. It is
only applied in areas that they do not want to develop.
This theology is a result of fitting the verse to meet the need than
true exegesis.
d. Amillenialism did not develop because of scriptural
study, but because of the neglect of study.
10. Postmillennialism originated
from Daniel Whitby (1638-1726) who was a Unitarian
that believed that the
present age would end with a period of great spiritual blessings
in fulfillment of the millennial promises.
The whole world will be Christianized and brought into submission to the
gospel before Christ returns.
Augustine also believed that Christ would return after the
This view obviously began to lose support after WWI and WWII.
Those who accept postmillennialism are those who either, (1) find the OT
prophecies of a kingdom of peace and righteousness
fulfilled on earth and those who have a very optimistic opinion of the success
of the church on the earth.
e. Postmillinialism has been commonly abandoned leaving
the debate between a- and pre-.
11. Premillenialism
is more than a view of eschatology. It has become a system of theology
based on:
a) the belief in the
authority of scripture,
b) in the literal
interpretation of scripture,
c) an understanding that the
ordinary believer can understand scripture.
12. Those opposed to premillenialism include the liberals who do not accept the
authority of scripture, the Catholics who do not accept the literal
13. The importance of a millennial
view can easily be seen as it relates to your view of the present age.
Are you:
currently in the millennium?
b) striving
each day to bring about the millennium and conqueror the earth through the
c) living
as a servant of God in hope and anticipation of Christ's return and his
14. J. Dwight Pentecost says, "A larger body of prophetic Scripture
is devoted to the subject of the millennium, developing its character and
conditions, than any other one subject." (p. 476, "Things to
15. The millennium will be an age
in which the purposes of God are fully realized on the earth.
16. The Millennium will be the
fulfillment of all the unconditional covenants:
a) Abrahamic Covenant which include the land
and the seed
Isaiah 10:21-22
Isaiah 19:25
Isaiah 43:1
Isaiah 65:8-9
Jeremiah 30:22
Jeremiah 32:38
Ezekiel 34:24, 30, 31
Micah 7:19-20
Zechariah 13:9
Malachi 3:16-18
b) The Davidic covenant that include the promises concerning the king, the
throne, and the royal house are fulfilled by Messiah in the millennial age.
Isaiah 11:1-2
Isaiah 55:3,11
Jeremiah 23:5-8
Jeremiah 33:20-26
Ezekiel 34:23-2
Ezekiel 37:23-24
Hosea 3:5
Micah 4:7-8
c) Palestinic Covenant concerning the possession of
the land are fulfilled in the millennium.
Isaiah 11:11-12
Isaiah 65:9
Ezekiel 16:60-63
Ezekiel 36:28-29
Ezekiel 39:28
Hosea 1:10-2:1
Micah 2:12
Zechariah 10:6
d) New Covenant which is the promise of a new heart, the forgiveness of sin,
the filling of the Spirit in the converted nation
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Jeremiah 32:35-39
Ezekiel 11:18-20
Ezekiel 16:60-63
Ezekiel 37:26
Romans 11:26-29
17. Relation of
Satan to the Millennium
Satan is the god of this age in 2 Corinthians 4:4.
b. The
millennial age is a display of divine righteousness.
Isaiah 32:1
Jeremiah 23:6
Daniel 9:24
c. The millennium
is the final test of fallen humanity.
d. All
outside sources of temptation will be removed. God will display his
righteousness. Man will have no outward temptation
18. Christ in the Millennium
a. The curse will be
removed; death will be overcome; evils of nature removed; blessings obtained;
the fallen house of David and of
the temple restored. For this to occur the Lord
must reign.
b. The names applied to
Christ refer to the millennium:
1) Some
names indicate the one reigning in the millennium is God himself: Lord of Host,
thy God, the Lord our righteousness,
the Ancient of Days, the Most High, the Son of God, Jehovah. This makes the millennium a theocracy.
2) Some names indicate he is human: the rod of
Jesse, the Son of man, the servant, the Tender Plant. As a man he has the right to be their ruler.
3) Some names designate his royal authority: the
King, the judge, the Lawgiver, Messiah the Prince. He has the right to the throne.
4) The work of this King is to bring salvation
to the people: the Redeemer, the Sun of Righteousness, the Wall Breaker, the Shepherd,
the Lord our righteousness, the Stone, the Light.
5) When the Messiah returns he is seen as: the son of Abraham, the son of David, the Son
of man, the King, God the Son, the
Redeemer, the judge, the Rewarder of the Saints,
Teacher, Prophet, Lawgiver, Shepherd.
6) The Messiah’s divine glory will be seen: omnipotence, receives worship, omniscience,
mercy, goodness, holiness
19. The conditions of the Millennium
20. The Government
Government will
be a theocracy
Messiah will be
the king
David is a
regent under the Messiah and rules
Nobles and
governors will reign under David (Isaiah 32:1, Ezekiel 45:8-9
Many lesser
authorities will rule Luke 19:12-28; Zech. 3:7
Judges will be
raised up
21. Nature of the Reign
righteousness and justice
Fullness of the
Punish sin—Ps.
2:9; 72:1-4; Isa. 29:20-21; 65:20; 66:24; Zech.