Ephesians 6:10-20


This section:

This section is the ultimate application of the truth presented in chapters 1-3 and the expectations of the Christian described in 4-6.

Concerning chapters 4-6:

The armor of God is the armor of Yahweh and his Messiah from Isaiah:

This armor that was worn by Yahweh and his Messiah has now been provided to his people who also find themselves engaged in this cosmic battle (if they know it or not; if they want to engage or not).


Concerning chapters 4-6


Concerning the Connections to chapters 1-6

Paul is not introducing new concepts in 6:10-20, but instead is building on them and making application with them here. These are the concepts have appeared through out the book:

1) The imperative in 6:10 "be strong in the Lord"

·         1:19-20 - power of resurrection

·         3:16 - strengthening through the Spirit

·         3:20 - praise that God's power is at work among them

·         1:21 - Christ has already triumphed over the powers

·         3:10 - (same)


2) The disobedient are still a problem


3) Heavenly Realm



4) Truth


5) Righteousness


6) Peace


7) The gospel


8) Word of God


9) Salvation


10) Faith

·         1:1, 13, 15, 19

·         2:8

·         3:12, 17

·         4:5, 13


11) Prayer


12) Mystery


13) Boldness


14) Imprisonment