Ephesians 4:30-5:1



"do not grieve the Holy Spirit"

- lies, anger, stealing, unwholesome talk are the things that proceed "grieving the Holy Spirit"

-By giving Satan a foothold we are grieving the Holy Spirit. Satan's foothold is in getting into the church through lies, anger, stealing and unwholesome talk. This grieves the Holy Spirit who has brought unity (4:1-3)

-Isaiah 63:1-14 (9-10); Israel was delivered by God from bondage but as a community they grieved the Holy Spirit. We, the church, are now the place of his presence

-Isaiah 63:10 is indicative as in "they grieved his Holy Spirit" but here in Ep. 4:30 it is imperative as in the command "do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God"

-4:24 we have been "created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

-Holy Spirit is God and is a person not a thing or power since he can be grieved


"sealed for the day of redemption"

- First Peter 1:3-6

-This very same Holy Spirit which has been sent to seal us and guarantee our redemption is grieved by being with us.

-We have been redeemed positionally but we will be redeemed in fullness.

-Like First Corinthians we are to live like the future now as far as our nature and behavior is concerned



-Here we see the pattern again of:

1. listing actions and attitudes of the old nature

2. countering them with actions and attitudes of the new nature

3. recognition of the source and pattern for this new nature - God himself

-Additions to the list of things that grieve the Holy Spirit

-These verses remain in the context of the Holy Spirit's unity in the church

"Get rid off"


"bitterness" - resentment


"rage" - outburst of anger


"anger" - a constant, thoughtful anger


"brawling" - refers to a loud scream or shout (joy, weeping, fight) and indicates an inappropriate attitude that results in unrestrained  behavior


"slander" - blasphemy against God or verbal assaults on other people






-Counter actions and attitudes to the old nature and things, we assume, that would please the Holy Spirit

-These are things that are the nature of our God and thus our new nature.

-These are the result of the truth we were taught in Jesus Eph. 4:21


"kind" - God shows kindness to all people. Jeremiah 33:11; 24:2,3,5. This kindness was demonstrated by God towards sinners Eph. 2:7; Rom. 11:22; Titus 3:4


"compassionate" - this word is used of God's mercy toward sinners Mat. 9:36; 14:14; 18:27; Luke 1:78; 7:13; 10:33; 15:20




"Just as in Christ God forgave you" - Do this and restore the unity in the church



"Be imitators of God"


"as dearly loved children"


"live a life of love" - This is the theme topic of the opening sentence in 4:1


"just as Christ loved us"


"gave himself up for us"


"a fragrant offering and sacrifice"