Proof that God Does Exist


There are good questions concerning the existence of God, but there are also some very good answers to respond to those questions which supports and proves God's existence.


Christianity and the Bible are true so logic and reality support them


Skeptics may need answers before they will accept the gospel.

Moses used plagues. Elijah used fire. Jesus used miracles. Paul used logic.


1 Peter 3:15 -  apologia, give an answer or a defense

2 Corinthians 10:5 - destroy speculations

Titus 1:9 - refute those who contradict

2 Timothy 2:24-25


A personal, moral God must exist.

If there is not moral God then there is no sin and there is no need for salvation.

If there is no God then there is no hope, no direction, no purpose, no Bible.


Four reasons for the existence of God:

1. Creation

2. Design

3. Moral

4. Being


Proof in Creation:

The universe does exist.

Science follows the law of cause which means everything has a cause. Nothing

     exists or happens for no reason.

The universe needed something to cause it to come into existence.

The universe needs something to sustain its present existence.

Carl Sagan said: "The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be."

The above statement is logically and scientifically very inaccurate.

Science (since the 1920's) proves the universe had a beginning. They call it the Big Bang.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics says the universe is running out of usable energy.

Science itself can not go back beyond the point of the Big Bang (creation).

Because time exists it means there had to be a beginning since time can not go back for ever.

Creation demands a cause. That cause is God. It is illogical and unscientific to teach that the universe came into existence by itself for no reason.

There is a God.



Proof in Design:

Design implies a creator.

Watches, buildings, paintings prove there were builders or creators.

A single DNA molecule carries same amount of information as a volume of an encyclopedia.

The human brain contains enough information to fill a 20 million volume library.

Some would say this is merely a result of chance like the rolling of dice.

But, it is more complicated than that. It is not just a matter of rolling the dice once, but rolling the dice millions of times and getting the same number, with the same combination with the dice in the exact same position after they rolled the exact amount of times. This is no longer chance but a design controlled by a greater force.



Morals do not describe what is, but describe what ought to be.

Moral law doesn't come from a natural force or natural law like gravity.

Because of this some would say that moral law is subjective and not objective.

Some say moral law is just our own opinion.

To rebuke this simply point out the inconsistency of the point.

The above argument claims to be objective and claims to be based on some absolute to prove there are no objective morals and no absolutes. This argument proves itself false even if it were true. It is illogical.

Critics of the moral argument hold to some form of moral code they expect us to accept

Critics still expect fairness and do not appreciate being robbed or killed.



Since the concept of God is universal this perfect being must exist.

For example, if triangles exist they must have 3 sides.

This argument by itself is not a strong case but when combined with the other three it does provide some insight into the concept of a perfect being.



The best argument for a God is the argument from creation:

Romans 1:18

Psalms 19:1-6