Daniel 6:1-28


This occurs in 539-537 as the new government is just being set up.

Daniel is about 85 years old.

Ezra 1:2 (and all of chapter 1 and 2) is occurring and Jews have began to return             under the leadership of Zerubbabel.

Cyrus is the emperor of the Persian empire.

Darius is under Cyrus and is the king of Babylon.

According to Daniel 5:31, Darius began to rule at the age of 62.


Darius may be Gubaru (or, Gobryas) who is the governor of Babylon mentioned in the Nabonidus Chronicle. According to cuneiform writing Gubaru took his position as governor the same year Cyrus took the throne. Gubaru installed subgovernors in Babylon. Darius, or Gubaru, clearly "received" the kingdom or "was made ruler" under Cyrus in 5:31 and 9:1. Xenophon records that Gubaru was well advanced in age when he began to rule, just like Darius.


Others consider Darius to be another title for Cyrus himself. Cyrus was related to both the Medes and the Persians. Daniel would have used the Mede title to stress the fulfillment of Isaiah 13:17 and Jeremiah 51:11, 28 that predict that Babylon would falle to the Medes. Cyrus ruled for nine years and died at the age of 70. This would make him about 62 years old when he became ruler of Babylon.



Herodotus says Persian Empire divided into 20 satrapies. An inscription says there were 23 and a tomb inscription says 29.

Satrap  means "protector of the kingdom". Satraps were territories in this Persian empire, which was the largest the world had seen.



Over the 120 were 3 administrators or commissioners.

Daniel was one of the three.

"might not suffer loss" indicates the administrators oversaw the integrity

            of the Satraps



"distinguished himself" is a verb form that indicates that Daniel "was continually" distinguishing himself."




The administrators and satraps began to double check Daniel's integrity to prevent him from being promoted.

Daniel was:

  • faithful - meaning trustworthy
  • not corrupt - meaning not politically corrupt or dishonest
  • not negligent - meaning he did his job and fulfilled his obligations in his public office.


1> The very thing a political party will condemn one day when held by their opponents, will be supported (or, claim as their own) by themselves when it is their advantage.



Use religious persecution to achieve political aspirations caused by jealousy

Daniel was known as a religious man and as one that would not compromise.

They planned to use these two character traits against Daniel.


2 > Pure and simple this is politics at its worst. Take a man's noble character traits and his personal strength and integrity and make it illegal



The group sells their idea and law to the king using false motives of devotion and concern


3> Beware of people who advance political agenda's "for the children", or "for the homeless", or "for the disadvantaged", or "for the honor of the country", or "for patriotism" when the whole idea is unnecessary, lacking common sense, or puts the country at a disadvantage.


"Went as a group" - is another sign that evil is brewing. It is the first signs of democracy breaking out (which is the last age of the church = Laodicea; and the last days of the statue = divided feet of clay)


"went as a group" is an Aramaic verb "regas" that mainly signifies "to be in tumult" . The verb form used means "to show tumultuousness". This verb denotes a mob scene rather than a diplomatic meeting before the king. This group is acting in conspiracy.



"prays" means "makes a request". This would indicate a request to a god and no one can approach a god through any priest other than Darius for this period. The priesthood would be monopolized by Darius. Politically this would unify the country and the people. Anyone who was not unified would be destroyed


4> Beware of the use of unity and tolerance to drive and deliver evil legislation