Alexander the Great's Battles

Alexander's First Battle with the Persians at the Granicus Outside of Troy

Alexander's Second Battle with the Persians Outside of Issus about 7 miles

Alexander's Final Battle on a Plain North of Arbela at Gaugamela

Alexander Builds a Causeway (road) out to the island of Tyre in fulfillment of Ezekiel 26:7-15

The Ruins of Tyre still can be seen in the water along the coast of the Isand

A ariel phot showing how the road that Alexander built out to the Isand has filled in and formed a peninsula
A drawing of the men of Tyre defending the island city of Tyre as Alexander advances his causeway, or road, over a period of 7 months
from the mainland out to the island of Tyre about half a mile away.
