A- Entrance to
B- Site of Pool of
C- Ecce Homo Arch
D- Site of
E- West face of 1st tower, the channel of an aqueduct marked by irregular covering slabs
F- Small section walled in center at ground level enshrines a sloping glacis
G- Wall follows rim of quarry which extends across road to bus station
H- Under
I- Three doors, Rich lady named Tansuq, died 1398
J- Tomb for rich lady Tansuq
K- Hospice of the wise blind judge from 1267 which was made a prison by Ottomans
L - Road over
M- Tomb of Lady Turkan from the east, inscription of father/grandfather, Khans Golden Horde
N- Roman Pillar - 200 AD - Inscription honoring Marcus Maximus, gov.
O- Hezekiah's Pool
P- Entrance to Hezekiah's Pool through Coptic Khan - ask to see through windows also view from
Petra Hotel and NE Tower of citadel
AA- Restored Cardo Maximus
BB- Cardo Maximus
CC-Cardo Maximus
DD- View ancient walls underground - 3 pieces from 600's, part of Middle Gate of Jer. 39:3, 586 BC
EE- View Crusader Shop fronts underground
FF- View Crusader Markets Underground - Crusaders built arched covers over Byzantine Cardo
GG- Access to the roofs
HH- 700 BC walls and Cardo
II - 600 BC Tower - on north wall in line with DD
JJ - 700 BC Broad Wall from Neh. 3:8 connects with HH
KK - Burnt House of High Priest in
LL- Wohl Archaeological Museum - Herodian Houses
MM - The Column
NN- Apse of the
OO - Herodian Paving
PP - Roman Milestone
QQ-Slight projection of Ashlar
RR- Remains of Double Gate
SS- Straight Joint
TT- Burnt Arches
UU- Western Boor Jamb of Triple Gate
VV-Council House
WW- Ritual
XX- Inscription above Double Gate
YY- Trumpeter's Stone
ZZ- Ashlar Stone with projection used for pulling Ashlar which was not removed (3 rows up)
AAA- Foundation stones just north of
BBB- Excavation on
CCC- Wall from 900's BC
DDD- Stepped Street to Siloam Pool
EEE- Ancient Tunnel under
FFF-Huge Canaanite Fortress
GGG- Siloam Pool
HHH- Herodian Wall
III- Hasmonean Wall
KKK- Baulk - open archaeological trench
LLL- Herodian Wall
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