Shiloh was an ancient worship center for Israel after they had entered the land. The tabernacle sat here from the days of Joshua until the days of Samuel. It then was moved to the high place at Gibeon.

Here on the back side of the hill is a level area with the remains of a wall the size of the tabernacle.

Standing at the northwest corner looking down the wall of the north end. The west wall runs to the right off the picture. This is the end where the holy of holies would have been. |
This is the back of the tabernacle. This is the west wall. The ark would have sat just inside this wall to the left inside the holy of holies
The south wall can be seen going to the left of the picture at the end of this west wall.
The pile of rocks in the middle to the left would have been the location of the ark. |
This is the east wall that would have had a gate. I am looking from the north side across the east wall that runs to the right side of the photo. |
The tabernacle would have been to the right of this wall. That is where the outer court would
have been and where the altar of burnt offering would have been set.
To the left is the area outside the tabernacle gate. Eli would have been sitting in
this area when he heard that the ark had been taken captive by the Philistines. |
This view is looking at the gate of the tabernacle on the east side. We are looking west through the gate and into the outer court of the tabernacle.
Eli would have been sititng possibly to the right side of the gate where the pile of rocks can be seen. |
We have now walked through the gate and into the outer court of the tabernacle. I am standing near the altar of burnt offering and looking towards the tabernacle tent. |

The ark of the covenant would have sat in the back of the tent near the
back (west) wall that we can see in the back of the photo.