A triangle shaped valley 20 miles long and 14 miles wide on the east end. The International Highway from Egypt to Mesopotamia passed through this
Vvalley and intersected the main raod that fran from the Jordan Valley through Beth Shean to the Mediterranean Sea. Many important cities, mountains and events are located here: Mount Carmel, Mount Gilboa, Mount Tabor, Mount Moreh, Jezreel, Megiddo, Beth Shan, Nain, Nazareth and more.
See a list of the great battles of history fought in the Jezreel Valley below. |
In the Bible
Jos.17:16, allotted to the tribe of Manasseh, but the inhabitants had iron chariots;
Jud.6;33-37; 7:1-25, Gideon defeats the Midianites here after camping on Mount Gilboa while the Midianites camped on the Hill of Moreh;
1 Sam.29:1; 31:1-8, Saul was killed on the SE end of the Valley on Mount Gilboa;
1 Kings 4:12, Solomon places three cities of the Jezreel Valley (Beth Shean, Megiddo and Jezreel) under the leadership of Baana;
1 Kings 18:45-19:2, Elijah outrun’s Ahab’s chariot to Jezreel by running across the Jezreel Valley;
2 Kings4:8-37, Elisha raises the Shunammites son back to life in Shunem in the Jezreel Valley; 2 Kings 9:14-37, Jehu kills Joram, Ahaziah and Jezebel in Jezreel in the Valley;
2 Kings 23:29-30, King Josiah is fatally wounded here trying to stop Pharoah Neco from assisting the Assyrian army verse the Babylonians;
Zech.12:11, weeping will be great like the weekping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo;
Luke 7:11-17, Jesus raises the son of a woman from Nain back to life in the Jezreel Valley on the north edge of the Hill of Moreh;
Revelation 16:13-14, 16, the location of a future battle known as Armageddon (Har Megiddo, “Hill of Megiddo”) |
Jezreel Valley seen from Mount Carmel with labels.
(open image in a new tab or CLICK HERE for a larger image) |
Jezreel Valley seen from Mount Carmel
Photo taken from Mt. Carmel in the area that Elijah would have had his altar.
This picture is looking Southeast. There are three routes though these foothills of Mt. Carmel. One is seen along the valley below going off the right side of the photo. The other two are further south. These are the three routes that travels, traders and soldiers would have used through out history. (Notice the dirt road.) |
This is the same view as above (you can see the same dirt road) but I have turned towards the left for a little more of the view to the east.
The "V" shape from the two roads to the left middle of the picture is the Israeli airforce base. |
Again, this is the same view but a little more to the left or turning towards the north looking east from Mt. Carmel. The "V" or airforce base is to the right of the picture.
This is the Jezreel Valley. Many of the great battles of history have been fought here. Much of Israel's grain comes from this valley.
The road going to the right off the picture is the main route to the north of Carmel to the Mediterranean coast. |
This is looking north and northeast of Mt. Carmel. The road that runs right to left across the photo runs through the pass to the coast. This route has always been used for trade routes and military movements in the area. |
View of Mount Tabor and Nazareth from Mount Carmel |
Galyn standing on Mt. Carmel near the location of Elijah's altar with the Valley of Armeggeddon in the back ground and the Israeli Air force landing strip ("V" shape) over his right shoulder.
List of the great battles of history fought in the Jezreel Valley.
(Or, Armageddon,
Har Megiddo,
Hill of Megiddo,
Valley of Armageddon) |
Passes into the Jezreel Valley from the south.
These were (are) used for trade routes and military maneuvers. |
Three passes through Mount Carmel and its foothills. |