First Corinthians 3:5-9



diakonoV  - deacon, minister, servant


ekastw      wV    o    kurioV          edwken

every man         the Lord       bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver, give, grant, minister, have power,


This verse answers the question in 3:4: “Are you not mere men?”

The Corinthians had:

a)       misunderstood the gospel

b)       inadequate perception of the church

c)       inadequate perception of ministry


Paul and Apollos are servants not masters

These verse state there is one goal: the harvest.


The Corinthians perception of the servants is both too high and too low:

a)       too high because they have given them  authority beyond their calling and God’s plan

b)       too low because they have subjected them to their own human judgment.


Pastors and teachers are servants:

2 Cor. 3:6          2 Cor 6:4           2 Cor. 11:23      Rom. 16:1         Col. 1:7, 23, 25

Col. 4:7             Eph. 3:7            Ep. 6:21            1 Tim. 4:6


Jesus teaching on servants:

Mark 10:41-45; Luke 22:25-27

Mark 10:42-45


The Cross is:

a)       the center and pivot of the gospel

b)       God’s way to contradict the world and man’s ways

c)       A basic model for ministry


Paul wants the Corinthians to recognize Apollos and Paul are different because of God’s plan and their growth.  It should not be a source of strife.


Paul wants the Corinthians to focus on the Lord not the servants.



egw     efuteusa    apollwV     epotisen     all     o      qeoV           huxanen

I have planted     Apollos      watered     but           God        gave the increase



wote           oute                o    futeuwn     estin       ti    ouite     o      potizwn       allSo then   neither is he that plants    any thing       neither he that waters but

o          uxanwn                    qeoV

that giveth the increase  God