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Bible Teacher Galyn Wiemers, Bible Teaching

Bible Teaching
by Galyn Wiemers

Bible Teaching, Bible Study, Teaching, Verses, Sermons, online, mp3, classesA Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers

Maps of the Old Testament from Generation Word
Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14
Garden of Eden

1997 Discovery
Satellite Photo & Map

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18
Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4

Map of Genesis 10:2-5  

Genesis 10:2-5
Nations of Japheth

Map of Genesis 10:8-12  

Genesis 10:8-12
Cities of Nimrod

Maps of Genesis 10:6-20  

Genesis 10:6-20
Nations of Ham

Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 10:2-5
Nations of Japheth

Map of Genesis 10:6-20  

Genesis 10:6-20
Nations of Ham

Map of Genesis 10:15-18, Ham  

Genesis 10:15-18
Nations of Ham

Map of Genesis 10:21-31 , Shem

Genesis 10:21-31
Nations of Shem

Map of Genesis 11:1, Babel  

Genesis 11:1
Tower of Babel

Map of Genesis 12:1-5, Abram, Ur  

Genesis 12:1-5
Abram Leaves Ur

Map of Genesis 12:6-9, Canaan

Genesis 12:6-9
Abram Travels Canaan

Map of Genesis 12:10, Egypt, Abram  

Genesis 12:10-20
Abram Goes To Egypt

Map of Genesis 13:1-4, Abram in Negev  

Genesis 13:1-4
Abram Returns from Egypt

Map of Genesis 13:1-8, Lot Leaves

Genesis 12:1-18
Lot Leaves

Map of Genesis 14:5-6, Kings of Siddim Defeated by Kedorlaomer  

Genesis 14:1-4
Rebellion of 5 Kings; Attack of the 4 Kings

Map of Genesis 14:5-6, Kings Invade  

Genesis 14:5-6

Map of Genesis 14:6-7, Kings Highway

Genesis 14:6,7
Kedorlaomer's Destruction Along "King's Highway"

Map of Genesis 14:8-14, Captives of Sodom  

Genesis 14:8-14
Kedorlaomer's Takes Captives from Siddim Valley

Map of Genesis 14:14-17, Abraham Defeats Kedorlaomer  

Genesis 14:14-17
Abraham Defeats Kedorlaomer

Map of Genesis 14:17-24, Melchizedek

Genesis 14:17-24
Abraham Returns to
Meet Melchizedek

Map of Genesis 15:18, palestinian_covenant  

Genesis 15:18
Palestinian Covenant

Map of Genesis 16:1-15, Hagar Flees  

Genesis 16:1-15
Hagar Flees

Map of Genesis 19, Sodom and Gomorrah

Genesis 19
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed

Map of Genesis 20 & 21, Abimelech  

Genesis 20 & 21
Abraham and Abimelech

Map of Genesis 21:8-21, Hagar and Ishmael  

Genesis 21:8-21
Hagar and Ishmael Leave

Map of Genesis 22, Abraham Offers Isaac

Genesis 22
Abraham Offers Isaac

Map of Genesis 23, Sarah Buried  

Genesis 23
Sarah Buried

Map of Genesis 24, Isaac Gets A Wife  

Genesis 24
Isaac Gets a Wife

Map of Genesis 25:1-4, Keturah and Abraham

Sons of Keturah and Abraham

Map of Genesis 25:7-11, Abraham Buried  

Genesis 25:7-11
Abraham Buried

Map of Genesis 25:12-18 Ishmael's Sons  

Genesis 25:12-18
Ishmael's Sons

Map of Genesis 26, Isaac and Abimelech

Genesis 26
Isaac and Abimelech

Map of Genesis 28, Jacob Flees to Laban  

Genesis 28

Jacob Flees to Laban

Map of Genesis 32, Jacob Meets Esau  

Genesis 32
Jacob Meets Esau

Map of Genesis 34, 35, Simeon and Levi Attack Shechem

Genesis 34, 35
Simeon & Levi Attack Shechem

Map of Genesis37, Joseph Sold  

Genesis 37
Joseph Sold

Map of Genesis 38, Judah and Tamar  

Genesis 38
Judah and Tamar

Map of Genesis 39, Joseph in Egypt

Genesis 39
Joseph In Egypt

Map of Genesis 48, 50 Jacob Gives Joseph Shechem  

Genesis 48:21,22; 50:7-14
Jacob Gives Joseph Shechem;
Jacob Buried




Map of Exodus 1, 2, Moses Flees

Exodus 1, 2
Moses' Birth and Escape

Map of Exodus 4:18-31, Moses Returns  

Exodus 4:18-31
Moses Returns

Map of Map of Exodus 6-12, Moses and Pharoah  

Exodus 6-12
Moses Faces Pharoah

Map of Exodus 12:31-18:27, The Exodus

Exodus 12:31-18:27
The Exodus

Har Karkom
Real Mt. Sinai
Problems Traditional Site
Wyatt Archaeology

Map of Exodus 19, Mt Sinai  

Exodus 19-40; Leviticus; Numbers 1:1-10:10

Moses and Israel at
Mt Sinai

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Numbers 10:11-12:16

Israel Leaves Sinai

Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Numbers 13:1-26
Spies Sent

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Numbers 13:21-26
Land Covered by Spies

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Numbers 13:27-33
Spies Report

Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Numbers 14:45

Unsuccessful Invasion

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Numbers16-19; Dt. 2:1-7

40 Years in the Wilderness

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Numbers 20, 21

After 40 Years

Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4


Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4


Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4


Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4


Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4


Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4


Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4


Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4


Map of Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

Garden of Eden

Map of Genesis 4:15-18  

Genesis 4:15-18

Cain's Cities

Map of Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark  

Genesis 8:4



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