Verse by VerseTeaching
First Samuel
Second Samuel
First Kings
Second Kings
Second Chronicles
Song of Songs
Minor Prophets
First Corinthians
Second Corinthians
First Thessalonians
Second Thessalonians
First Timothy
Second Timothy
First Peter
Second Peter
First John
Second John
Third John
Topical Teaching:
Titanic Faith
Framework Bible School
Bible School 2004
Bible School 2012-2019
30 Questions
Mystery of the Church
Defending the Faith
Church History
The Nephilim
Wake Up, Church!
Basics for Living
Basic Doctrine
Eschatology Overview - Gen-Rev
End Times Basics
Eternal Rewards
Political Platform of Lord
Refuting Reform Doctrine
kosmos vs Kingdom 
(κόσμος vs Βασίλειο)
Understanding the Times
Brace for Impact: Prepare Soul
Heresy vs. Unity of the Faith

A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers

Diagrams and Charts from Generation Word
Just click on the small image to open a full map image.
Timeline with Dates Adam to Jacob with Sargon I and Sumerian King List   Timeline with Dates from
Adam to Jacob
(4114 BC-1859 BC)
Genesis Timeline 4114-2166 BC Chart   Genesis Timeline Chart
4114-2166 BC
Three Levels of Doctrine, stance, opinion, debate, confession  

Three Levels of Doctrine -

Levels of doctrinal opinion, discussion, debate

John Ryland Manuscript

John Ryland Manuscript

Oxyrhynchos Fragment Revelation  

of Revelation

Codex Sinaticus - the end of Mark  

Codex Sinaticus - the end of Mark

Sin of the Amorites   Sin of the Amorites Zorah as viewed from Beth Shemesh looking over the Sorek Valley   Zorah as seen from Beth Shemesh looking over the Sorek Valley Ancient Gate of Bethsaida   Gate of Bethsaida
Three Phases of Salvation   Three Phases of Salvation High Place of Gibeon and the city of Gibeon   High Place of Gibeon and the city of Gibeon Nob and Jerusalem viewed from High Place of Gibeon   Nob and Jerusalem viewed from High Place of Gibeon
Kidron Valley   View of the east wall and Eastern Gate looking up from the Kidron Valley Nabi Samwill or the High Place of Gibeon viewed from Mount of Olives over the Kidron Valley and the East Wall of Jerusalem   Nabi Samwill or the High Place of Gibeon viewed from Mount of Olives over the Kidron Valley and the East Wall of Jerusalem Timeline from 30 AD to 43 AD   Timeline from 30 AD to 43 AD
Four Generation Cycle   Four Generation Cycle Five cycles of judgment   Five cycles of judgment Dispensations   Dispensations
The Sorek Valley from Beth Shemesh   Sorek Valley viewed from Beth Shemesh. Gog and Magog invasion   Gog and Magog - the coming invasion from the book of Ezekiel Peter's House in Capernaum   Peter's House in Capernaum
Peter's house in Capernaum viewed from the Capernaum Synagogue   Peter's house in Capernaum viewed from the Capernaum Synagogue Protestant Church Family Tree   Protestant Church Family Tree Tabernacle   The Tabernacle
Tabernacle of Moses   Tabernacle of Moses 12 Tribes camp formation around Tabernacle   12 Tribes' Camp Location Family Tree of Levites, Arron, Moses and Korah   Family Tree of Levites, Arron, Moses, Korah
Life span comparision of Adam to Isaac   Life span comparision of Adam to Isaac Ages of the Patriarchs, How long the men in the Old Testament lived   Life span of the men from Shem to Isaac The three Jewish returns from Babylon   The three Jewish returns from Babylon
Walls of Jericho   The Retaining Walls of Jericho Solomon's Stones visible on the steps of today's Temple Mount   Solomon's Stones visible on the steps of today's Temple Mount Cycle's of Judgment from the book of Judges   Cycle's of Judgment from the book of Judges
    (BACK TO TOP OF PAGE)            
Hezekiah's Tunnel   Hezekiah's Tunnel City of David, Jerusalem, 1000 BC   City of David, Jerusalem, 1000 BC Solomon's Temple diagram   Solomon's Temple
Sennacherib's Prism   Sennacherib's Prism Greek Letters   Greek Letters Bordeaux Pilgrim visit to Jerusalem   Bordeaux Pilgrim's visit to Jerusalemin 333 AD and the details of where he went and what he saw
Jesus' Genealogy in a Family Tree   Jesus' Genealogy in a Family Tree Photos and map of Jerusalem   Photos and map of Jerusalem Herod's Family Tree   Herod's Family Tree
Diagram of Herod's Temple   Diagram of Herod's Temple Roman Road Construction   Roman Road Construction Chi and Rho, the first two Greek letters for Christ, CH-R   Chi and Rho, the first two Greek letters for Christ, CH-R (or, the first three English letters)
Trace Greek Letters   Sheet for tracing and practing writing Greek letters Greek Letters   Greek Letters Greek Prepositions Chart Diagram   Greek Prepositions
Diagram of the Trinity   The Trinity False views of the Trinity, Heresies, Trinitarian Heresy   False views of the Trinity, Heresies, Trinitarian Heresy Valley of Elah from Azekiah - the site of David's battle with Goliath, 1 Samuel 17   Valley of Elah from Azekiah - the site of David's battle with Goliath, 1 Samuel 17
Jot   Jot Beth with a tittle   Beth with a tittle Kaph with no tittle   Kaph, a Hebrew letter without the tittle like the letter Beth
The Doctrine of Inspiration in a diagram, on a chart   Doctrine of Inspiration compared with the
Doctrine of Illumination
Diagram of Eternity compared with the Temporal   Eternity compared with
the Temporal
Diagram of Church Discipline   Church Discipline
Salvation Diagram showing positional and temporal truths concerning sonship and fellowship   Salvation -
positional and temporal truths concerning sonship and fellowship
Spiritual Gifts and Talents in the church   Spiritual Gifts and Talents in the church Diagram detailing the underworld, Hell, Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus, Abyss   The Underworld:
Hell, Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus, Abyss, Paradise
Kingdom of God in a Timeline   Kingdom of God in a Timeline Premillennial Sequence   Premillennial Sequence Diagram of the present earth and the new earth   Diagram of the present earth and the new earth
Eschatological Events   Eschatological Events Rapture Theories   Rapture Theories Baal Berith labeled   Baal Berith between
Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim
Ephesians Chapter 1   Ephesians Chapter 1 Ephesians 2   Ephesians Chapter 2 Ephesians Chapter Three   Ephesians Chapter 3
Ephesians chapter 4   Ephesians Chapter 4:1-3 Four Graces of Ephesians   Develop these four graces from Ephesians 4:2 Unity of the Spirit from Ephesians   Unity of the Spirit from Ephesians 4:3
Seven areas of Unity from Ephesians 4   Seven areas of Unity from
Ephesians 4:4-6
Each part does its work from Ephesians   Each part does its work from Ephesians 4:7-16 Reversionism   Reversionism described in Ephesians 4:17-19
Put on the New Self of Ephesians   Put on the New Self from Ephesians 4:20-24 Counter Balanced Vices of Ephesians 4:25-32   Counter Balanced Vices of Ephesians 4:25-32 In your anger do not sin, Ephesians   Ephesians: "In your anger do not sin."
Ephesians 4:26
Devil or Holy Spirit, Ephesians 4   Devil or Holy Spirit, Ephesians 4:27 and 27:30 Opening and Closing  

Opening and Closing of Ephesians Instruction

Ephesians 4:1 and 5:1

The Pendulum swing through church history between mysticism and academics  

The Pendulum swing through church history between:

mysticism and academics


experience vs. intellect

Bad Church - a church doing things wrong   Bad Church - a church doing things wrong Good Church - a church doing things right   Good Church - a church doing things right Church Cycle of Vanity   Church's cycle of vanity
Arad   Arad Arad Fortress   Arad Fortress Avdat   Avdat
Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian Cuneiform   Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian Cuneiform describing his battle at Carchemish in 605 BC Beth-Shean Diagram   Beth-Shean Caesarea by the Sea   Caesarea by the Sea
Bethlehem - Church of the Nativity   Bethlehem - Church of the Nativity Beer-sheba   Beer-Sheba Beth-Shemesh   Beth-Shemesh
Jehoiachin Babylonian Cuneiform listing royal provisions   Jehoiachin Babylonian Cuneiform listing royal provisions Qumran   Qumran Gates of Hades at Caesarea Philippi   Gates of Hades at Caesarea Philippi
Sin of the Amorites   Sin of the Amorites John's seven Churches of Asia   John's Seven
Churches of Asia
Five Cycles of Judgment   Five Cycles of Judgment
View from Mount Carmel of Jezreel Valley, Mount Tabor and Nazareth   View from Mount Carmel of Jezreel Valley, Mount Tabor and Nazareth Dan   Dan Ages of History   Ages of History
Biology   Biology Psychology   Psychology Law   Law
Theology   Theology Philosophy   Philosophy Ethics   Ethics
Sociology   Sociology Politics   Politics Economics   Economics
History   History Magog and Gog   Gog and Magog of Ezekiel Jehu and Shalmannezer   Jehu and Shalmannezer
East and West division of the land of Israel   East and West divisions of the land of Israel North and South Divisions of the land of Israel   North and South divisions of the land of Israel Galilee   Galilee
Eternal Truth of the Universe   Eternal God and Truth/Reality Growth Box, spiritual growth   Spiritual Growth Box Codex Sinaiticus   Codex Sinaiticus
Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 9-10   Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 8-10 Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 8   Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 8 Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 9   Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 9
Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 9-10   Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 9-10 Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 10-11   Ezekiel Temple Vision from 592 BC in Ezekiel 8-10 Ezekiel 40-43, The Third Temple, the new temple   Ezekiel 40-43, The Third Temple, the new temple
Ezekiel Walks through the New Temple   Ezekiel walks through the New Temple Tribulation   Tribulation United States 1880-2040   United States 1880-2040
Gezer   Gezer God's Revelation to Man   God's Revelation to Man Hazor   Hazor
Herodian   Herodian Golden Calves at Dan and Bethel   Golden Calves at Dan and Bethel Lachish   Lachish
Jezreel and the Jezreel Valley or Megiddo Valley   Jezreel and the Jezreel Valley or Megiddo Valley Jezreel Valley as viewed from Mount Carmel   Jezreel Valley as viewed from Mount Carmel Lachish Ostracon   Lachish Ostracon
World View Chart   World View Chart            
World Views concerning God   World Views concerning God Seven Word Views   Seven World Views Cosmic Humanism   Cosmic Humanism
World View
Marxism and Leninism  

Marxism and Leninism
World View

Postmodernism   Postmodernism World View Secular Humanism   Secular Humanism
World View
Christian Worldview   Christian World View Kalaam Diagram   Kalaam Diagram Kalam   Kalaam System to provide Proof of God
Western Wall Tunnels   Western Wall Tunnels Wills of God vs Man   Wills of God vs Man Tombs around Jerusalem   Tombs around Jerusalem
Tribulation Model   Tribulation Models Tribulation - the second half   A model for the second half of the Tribulation Tribulation model   Tribulation Model
Three Phases of Salvation: Justification, Sanctification, Glorification   Three Phases of Salvation: Justification, Sanctification, Glorification Three Phases of Salvation: Justification, Sanctification, Glorification   Three Phases of Salvation:
#1-Justification- spirit, past
#2- Sanctification, soul, now
#3- Glorification, body, future
Ten Concepts  

Ten Concepts from the book "Apparatus"

Spiritual Ignorance   Spiritual Ignorance diagram from the book "Apparatus" The Mystery of Godliness   The Mystery of Godliness Prayer  


(two sides of a bookmark)

Jerusalem South City Wall and Nea Church   Jerusalem South City Wall and Nea Church Jerusalem's South Wall   Jerusalem's South Wall Shaphan Priestly Line from Jeremiah   Shaphan Priestly Line from Jeremiah
Sepphoris   Sepphoris Caesarea Philippi   Caesarea Philippi En Gedi   En Gedi
Herod's Territory   Herod and his family's territory in the New Testament Three passes through Mount Carmel foothills into the Megiddo Valley or Jezreel Valley   Three passes through Mount Carmel foothills into the Megiddo Valley or Jezreel Valley Quadrants of Life   Quadrants of Life
Megiddo Water Supply   Megiddo - Water Supply Megiddo, sacred   Megiddo - Sacred Area Megiddo Gates   Megiddo - Gates
Megiddo   Megiddo Masada   Masada The Last 5 Kings of Judah  

The Final Five Kings
of Judah

Mountains around Mount Moriah and the Temple Mount   The Mountains around
Jerusalem's Mount Moriah and the Temple Mount
Ezekiel 47, Division of the Land   Ezekiel 47, The Future
Division of the Land
Ezekiel 47, The Southern Division of the Land   Ezekiel 47, The Southern Division of the Land
Ezekiel 47, The Future Sacred District in the Restored Land of Israel   Ezekiel 48-49, The Future Sacred District in the Restored Land of Israel
Judging   Diagram detailing
When and Who to Judge and
When and Who to NOT Judge
Eschatology_First_Prophecies   Eschatological Prophecies in
Genesis 1-3
Eschatology_Prophecies_in_Genesis   DETAILS of Eschatological Prophecies in Genesis Eschatology_Overview_of_Genesis   OVERVIEW of Eschatological Prophecies in Genesis Methuselah_Age_at_Flood   Methuselah - the age and death of Methuselah in the same year as the Flood of Noah
Promise_Land_Borders_in_Genesis   Promise Land borders given in Genesis 15:17-21 Promise_Land_Borders_in_Numbers   Promise Land borders given
in Numbers 34:1-12
Promised_Lad_Borders_in_Joshua   Promise Land borders given in Joshua 1:4
Feasts of the Lord, of Israel, End Times Feasts Fulfilled   The Feasts of the Lord
from Leviticus 23, their dates, purpose and end time fulfillment
Nebuchadnezzar's Madness in Daniel 4, Babylonian Cuneiform text British Museum item 34113 confirms   Nebuchadnezzar's Madness in Daniel 4 confirmed on Babylonian Cuneiform text seen in British Museum item 34113 Priesthood Lost to Eli, Hophni, Phinehas, Ahitub, Ahimelech, Abiathar to Zadok through Ahimaaz, Onias III   Priesthood Lost to Eli family through Hophni, Phinehas, Ahitub, Ahimelech, Abiathar to the priestly family of Zadok through Ahimaaz, Onias III
Table Seating Reclining at the Last Supper Judas next to Jesus next to John across from Peter, Mark 14   Table Seating Reclining at the Last Supper Judas next to Jesus next to John across from Peter, Mark 14 Jesus' Family in the Gospels and New Testament 26-100 AD   Jesus' Family
- in the Gospels and
New Testament 26-100 AD
Levites and Priests Genealogy   Levite and Priest Genealogy
Eschatology Chart Daniel 12 and 1,260 and 1,290 and 1,335 Days   Eschatology Chart Daniel 12 and 1,260 and 1,290 and 1,335 Days Eschatology Chart Genesis 1-3   Eschatology Chart
Genesis 1-3
Eschatology Details in Genesis 1-50   Eschatology Details in Genesis 1-50
Eschatology in Genesis - Fulfillment of Deliverance   Eschatology in Genesis - Fulfillment of Deliverance Eschatology Genesis-Deuteronomy   Eschatology Genesis-Deuteronomy Eschatology with ancient and current culture's four generation cycle   Eschatology with ancient and current culture's four generation cycle
Eschatology Genesis-Deuteronomy plus David, Psalms and the Prophets   Eschatology Genesis-Deuteronomy plus David, Psalms and the Prophets Eschatology - The Promised Land in Genesis   Eschatology - The Promised Land in Genesis Eschatology and the age of Methuselah   Eschatology and the age of Methuselah
Eschatology and Parallel verses in Daniel, Matthew, Luke, Paul and John   Eschatology and Parallel verses in Daniel, Matthew, Luke, Paul and John The Feasts of Israel and Eschatology   The Feasts of Israel and Eschatology Gnostic Pleroma Sophia Demiurge   Gnostic - Pleroma ,Sophia, Demiurge
First Timothy 1:5 - The Goal of this Command is Love, Sound Doctrine produces Godliness   1 Timothy 1:5 - "The Goal of this Command is Love" - sound doctrine = godliness 1 Timothy 1:5 - myths, false doctrine, endless genealogies produce lawlessness  

1 Timothy 1 - False Teaching
- myths, false doctrine, endless genealogies
produce lawlessness

Gnostic Pleroma  Flow Chart of Aeons and Demiurge   Gnostic Pleroma flow chart of Aeons and Demiurge
Church History Timeline 60-110 AD  

Church History Timeline

60-110 AD

Church History Timeline 80-200 AD  

Church History Timeline

80-200 AD


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