
September 27 - Evening
“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may
not believe and be saved."
- Luke 8:11-12
The Word of God is the Seed for Salvation and Spiritual Maturity |
The Word of God is the primary vehicle of our salvation and our spiritual growth. The “seed” of
our Christian life is the Word of God. Because mysticism, emotions and philosophies are NOT
the word of God they can Not be the seeds of salvation and growth. Satan steals the Word of
God and replaces it with an imitation, an alternative or an artificial source to substitute for the
Word of God.
False teaching that comes from the worldly philosophies of vain human imagination, and demonic doctrines that come from deceiving spirits, have been available since Satan first questioned and misquoted the Word of God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1). The very first act of evil and
betrayal recorded in Scripture was an attack on the veracity of the Word of God and a denial of
its accuracy. This happened when Satan added to the Word and claimed that what God had
said did not accurately reflect the true character of God (Genesis 3:4-5). Then, centuries later,
the very first time Jesus encountered Satan in his earthly ministry, he quoted verses from the
Word of God three times to counter Satan’s twisted use of Scripture and his warped will
(Matthew 4:1-11). When Jesus publicly taught about the importance of the seed of the Word
of God, he was quick to point out that Satan comes immediately to steal that seed
(Matthew 13:3-9; 18-23; Luke 8:11-12). Satan knows that if the Word is allowed to grow up
to fruition it will produce thirty, sixty and one hundred fold in a believing heart (Matthew 13:28).
If these philosophies and doctrines of men and demons are allowed to replace the Word in the
mind of believers their spiritual growth will be stunted, and their potential of producing eternal
rewards will be squelched; they will have lost their inheritance (rewards) in the Kingdom of God.
Even though they may have a true understanding of salvation through faith in Jesus – and so be
saved from eternal damnation – they will be spiritually unproductive during their time on earth.
They may be very religiously busy, but they will, nonetheless, lead a life of vanity and emptiness.
(Much of the above devotion is an excerpt from page 38 of Galyn’s book The Word: Apparatus for Salvation, Renewal and Maturity. Free download of the book here.) |
"Sow a thought,
reap an act;
sow an act,
reap a habit;
sow a habit,
reap a character;
sow a character,
reap a destiny."
In biblical culture it was common to pray at the end
of the meal instead of at
the beginning in obedience
to Deuteronomy 8:10, “When you have eaten
and are satisfied,
praise the Lord…” |
Basileia (Gr) - Kingdom (Eng) - Basileia means "rule," "reign," "dominion."
Jesus proclaimed the basileia, or kingdom of God, had come with him as he taught
the truth and healed the sick. God's rule or dominion was manifest in Jesus and his ministry.
Yet, the fullness of God's basileia on earth is something that is still future,
as Jesus indicated when he prayed,
"Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." |
2 Kings 19:9 and Is. 37:9
from 701 BC mention
Pharaoh Tirhakah. A wall carving in sandstone block
in the Karnak Temple
complex in modern day
Luxor, Egypt identifies Tirhakah and shows him worshipping Re. Also, a monumental statue of
Tirhakah was found. |
Is the Kingdom of God advancing on earth because of me?
Am I proclaiming God's truth and doing the kingdom's work in my life?
I will bring a portion of the Kingdom of God to the earth with my life. |
" As water reflects the face,
so one’s life reflects the heart."
- Proverbs 27:19 |
Recharged mind and soul to reengage life |
Deliverance |
United States
Air Force |
Pakistan - blaphemy law used to kill and imprison believers |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |