
September 23 - Morning
"News about him spread all over Syria,
and people brought to him all who were ill
with various diseases, those suffering severe
pain, the demon-possessed, those having
seizures, and the paralyzed; and he
healed them. Large crowds from
Galilee, the Decapolis,Jerusalem, Judea and
the region across the Jordan followed him."
- Matthew 4:24-25
Jesus - The Celebrity Sensation! |
Jesus did not come to Israel like a typical prophet such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk
or Malachi. These prophets typically called people back to heartfelt obedience to the Mosaic Law
and general righteousness, but did not perform any miracles. They were preachers, not performers. The prophets generally did not do miracles (exception Elijah, Elisha and a couple of signs by Isaiah), yet Jesus came with power to serve the people with healing and teaching. Jesus’ ministry was a ministry of empowering the people’s physical ability and mental understanding. This was
something Israel had never seen before and Jesus' fame spread far and quick.
Many times performers, preachers and politicians have to travel to countries, states, cities and
even communities where the people are located in order to create familiarity and gain a following in order to propel themselves to a desirable level of fame and public recognition. And in the days of modern media, public figures need to get on the major news networks to become notable public figures.
In 26-27 AD Jesus traveled in Galilee, an area roughly 30 miles from north to south and 40 miles
west to east, yet people from as far away as the northwestern Gentile land of Syria traveled down to see Jesus within months of the beginning of his ministry. At the same time, people from the east on the other side of the Jordan River came from Decapolis and Perea (referred to as “the region across the Jordan.”) People traveled 70 miles from the center of Jewish Temple worship in Jerusalem
and the country of Judea just to see Jesus. Nothing like this had occurred anywhere in the Old Testament. Jesus was clearly making a statement that the Jewish people and their political
and religious leaders would have to notice and deal with.
It is interesting to note that Matthew does distinguish the difference between “various diseases”
and “demon-possessed.” Often our modern world over-simplifies the views of the ancient world with our secular-humanistic perspective of science. Today we assume the ancient world ascribed all disease to demons, just like we ascribe all demonic activity to chemical imbalance or to a psychological disorder. Indeed, the ancient world did not understand the scientific principles that we do today, but they could say the reverse about us, for we do not have the spiritual insight and understanding that they had. They may have overstated the demonic, but we overstate the scientific. |
"When a man is getting
better he understands
more and more clearly
the evil that is still left
in him. When a man
is getting worse he understands his own
badness less and less."
– C.S. Lewis
“The more I study nature,
the more I am amazed
at the Creator.” – Louis Pasteur
French chemist and
founder of medical microbiology |
Chesed (Hb) - Mercy (Eng) - Chesed is used in the OT for kindness and hospitality
(1 Sm. 15:6), having sympathy for the afflicted (Job 6:14), doing good deeds
(Nehemiah 13:14), and receiving favor when not deserved (Esther 2:17).
The Lord deals with us in chesed, and does not treat us as we deserve.
Instead the Lord's mercy to us is established in a covenant relationship.
God offers his chesed to us and asks us to receive it and trust him.
Trusting the Lord, or believing in what he has offered,
is the only way to receive his mercy. |
In the 1800's skeptical scholars mocked the historical accuracy of
the Bible because Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, and 1 & 2 Samuel speak
of a people called the Hittites, yet, there was no historical record of them outside of the Bible. All that changed when they appeared in script discovered in 1884 and 1887. The skeptics lost even more ground when the Hittite capital began to be excavated in 1906. A royal archive of 10,000 cuneiform tablets was
uncovered and reveal that the Hittites were at one time a large empire controlling northern Syria. |
Do I realize how important it is to trust God and to believe in him?
In order to trust God's character I need to know his Word. |
"Flog a mocker, and the simple will learn prudence;
rebuke the discerning, and they will gain knowledge."
- Proverbs 19:25 |
Discernment concerning truth and deception |
Spirit of prayer
and intercession |
Children |
Norway - non-state church planting |
The two grey domes of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher can be seen in the skyline of this photo looking west from the Mount of Olives. The Dome of the Rock, which sets in the middle of this photo on the Temple Mount, was built 300 years later to rival the proclamation of Constantine and the Christian world made by the then magnificent Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The church was later totally destroyed by the Muslims in 1009, only to be rebuilt by the Crusaders after 1100. (click on image for larger size) |
Details of the walls of Jerusalem during the Byzantine Period (325-638 AD). (click on image for larger size) |
Details and Explanation of Sets & Reps Devotional System Here |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |