
September 1 - Evening
"Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand." - Daniel 12:10 |
The Wise Understand and are Refined; The Wicked Do Not and Continue Wickedness |
This devotion considers the meaning of the words “purified,” “spotless,” and “refined” as
they are used in Daniel 12:10, which are some of the final words recorded by Daniel.
The intervening historical period between Daniel’s life and the fulfillment of his prophetic
message will serve as a time of purifying, cleansing and refining God’s people.
“Purified” means “examined.” Trials, challenges and life in general examine all of us,
but the godly men who know and understand God are purified through these trials.
“Spotless” means “cleansed” which again describes the moral and spiritual condition
that will occur in the wise men who seek God. “Refined” means “to be fused” or
“to be cast in a mold.” It is the word that refers to a goldsmith melting away the
impurities so they can be purged and the pure metal cast into the desired image.
(See the same words used in Daniel 11:35)
Those who allow God’s Spirit and Word to change their character and their nature will
do so because they understand the process and plan of God as it unfolds in history.
But, during this time of refining believers, there will be many other people who will
not understand God’s purpose for history and, as a result of their lack of understanding,
they will continue to be wicked and live in rebellion towards God, his Truth and his nature.
As history unfolds society will not continue to become better and better through social
reform. Instead, the godly will face opposition that will refine them, while the wicked
living during
these same times will use the same experiences to
enhance, justify and practice their wickedness. |
"One great power of sin is that it blinds men so that they do not recognize its true character." – Andrew Murray
It was not until the middle of the 1800’s that people were invited to come forward and make a decision for Christ and be born again. Charles Finney (1792-1875), the American preacher, was the first Christian in 1,800 years to practice this method. |
amen (Gr) – “amen” (Eng) – a transliteration of the Hebrew “emen” used to confirm a statement. Translated “so be it,” “so it is,” “verily,” “truly,” “there you have it.” Used in synagogues by the congregation to confirm a prayer or oath spoken by someone else. |
The Library in Nineveh built by Assyrian King Assurbanipal (640 BC and visited by Alexander the Great 331 BC) was excavated in 1872. Found were accounts of the ancient flood copied from documents in Babylon from before the time of Abraham. |
Is God purifying and refining me today?
I will allow God to use situations to conform me into the image of Christ
and to strenthen my confidence in him. |
"My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. If they say, 'Come along with us; let's lie in wait for someone's blood...do not go along with them...for their feet rush into sin...These men lie in wait for their own blood; they waylay only themselves!"
- Proverbs 1:10-16 |
Marriage |
An outpouring of the Holy Spirit |
President’s administration
(click on Nation or World for daily updates) |
Micronesia - Mormons are very active |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |