A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


September 19 - Evening
"I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight
against it...Half of the city will go into exile,
the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.
Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle.
On that day his feet will stand on the
Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem..."
- Zechariah 14:1-4 |
The Lord Will Fight On That Day |
Zechariah was a member of a prominent priestly family that returned from Babylon in 537 BC.
In 520 Zechariah spoke of a final battle that would take place in Jerusalem before the Lord’s appearance to establish his earthly kingdom. The invasion of Jerusalem at this future time
occurs because God will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it. In the early
stages of this future battle it appears that the invasion by the nations will be successful since
half of the city quickly falls to the conquering nations. It is clear for several reasons that Zechariah refers here to a future event that has not yet occurred:
- It cannot refer to the Babylonian destruction since:
- This text was written in 520 BC and Babylon’s invasion has already occurred in 586 BC.
- Babylon took the first half of the city and also the second half of the city. The Lord
did not intervene. Jerusalem was totally overrun
- It cannot refer to the Roman destruction in 70 AD since:
- Jerusalem of 70 AD was completely destroyed.
- The Lord did not appear and fight in defense of Jerusalem
- There was no earthquake and no splitting of Mount Olives
- To allegorize these locations (Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem)
and these events (gathered nations, fighting, exile, taken from city, the people,
the Lord will go out, his feet will stand) in order to find some spiritual meaning
makes this text senseless and its meaning the victim of personal interpretation.
- It cannot refer to a historical event during church history since it is clear from world
history over the last 150 years and current events that Jerusalem is not in a state that
could be described as a kingdom ruled and controlled by the Lord seated in Jerusalem.
This future day is unlike the Babylonian captivity from which the Jews had recently returned.
In 586 the whole city was taken into exile, but during the invasion Zechariah refers to the
second half of the population will not be taken from the city. This time there will not be exile,
but instead there will be deliverance.
On this day the Lord’s feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem and a new
age will have begun. At Jesus ascension into heaven in Acts 1 the angels referred to this
future event when they spoke to the disciples who were watching Jesus rise into the air.
The angles said to the disciples on the Mount of Olives in 30 AD as Jesus ascended:
”Two men dressed in white stood beside them. Men of Galilee, they said, why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
Acts 1:10-11
"God is not silent. It is the nature of God to speak. The second person of the Holy Trinity is called "The Word."
– A.W. Tozer
The Muratorian Canon from
190 AD was discovered and made public in 1740, and it reveals that by 190 AD believers had organized the New Testament letters and
set them alongside the
Old Testament. |
Arrabon (Gr) - "Earnest" (KJ) or "a deposit Guaranteeing" (NIV) – The word
Arrabon came to the Greeks from the Phoenician traders meaning “first installment,
down payment, deposit.” To the Phoenicians and the Greeks arrabon was not
a pledge or a promise of a future action or transaction, but was instead actually
a portion of the purchase price or the first installment. This means the transaction
was complete and the contract was legally valid, binding and unbreakable.
Arrabon was a legal term used in Greek business and trade. So, when Paul
writes in Ephesian 1:14 that the Holy Spirit in our lives today
“is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the
redemption of those who are God’s possession,”
(or, in the KJ, “is the earnest of our inheritance until the
redemption of the purchased possession”)
he is saying that our salvation is a legal, unbreakable contract with God.
The fact that the Holy Spirit (the arrabon) has come to us today is the
guarantee from God that this transaction is legal and complete.
Our salvation is not a promise for the future, but is a present possession and reality. |
Assyrian King Sennacherib attacks Judah in
701 BC according to
2 Kings 18:13-16. In the Annals of Sennacherib recorded on the
Sennacherib Prism the Assyrian king records the same invasion when he writes:
“As for Hezekiah the
Judahite, who did not
submit to my yoke…like a caged bird I shut up in Jerusalem, his royal city.” |
Do I recognize God's wisdom during the day? I will listen and look for wisdom to manifest today. |
"Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square."
Proverbs 1:20 |
Organization of house and home management |
Electronics, sound board, mics, amps, etc. |
Families |
Niger - the least reached people groups there |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |