A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


September 12 - Evening
"He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and
to love mercy and
to walk humbly with your God."
- Micah 6
What God Requires |
Israel practiced intense ritual worship with animal offerings and gifts of sacred oil as the price
of the entry fee needed to enter God’s presence or to purchase his favor (Micah 6:6-7b). When
God did not respond to this manipulation Israel would turn to pagan gods and foreign idols and intensify the value of their gifts which reached the level of child sacrifice (Micah 6:7b). God’s
response to this was to remind them that he has already showed them that he wanted his
character reflected in men. It wasn’t as if finally sometime between 750-686 BC during Micah’s ministry God revealed his expectations for men. Micah says, “He has already showed you, O man!”
- What is considered “good”
- What the Lord requires of men
The whole purpose of God’s instruction and intervention in the lives of men is to lead them to this acceptable behavior. In fact, the word translated “require” is daras which means “sought, search, seek.” God “sought” these things IN men, not things FROM men. The requirements that God is looking for are:
- Justice – which here simply means the practice of the true religion that overflows into your daily life and social interaction with other men. Justice comes from knowing what is right.
- Mercy - is kindness towards others, but not kindness because they deserve it, but
because kindness is “good.” Mercy comes from being able to love.
- Humble walk with God– is to come to God knowing who he is and what he can do,
as opposed to knowing who we are and what our weaknesses are. By walking with
God we can learn and continue in his grace.
These verses in Micah do not negate the need for salvation by faith or replace Jesus’ payment
for sins with good works. One of the purposes of the sacrificial system that Israel had corrupted
was to teach the need and method for salvation. But, a people who are saved and restored to
God will then manifest his nature (justice, mercy, etc.) while continuing daily to walk humbly
with God in order to maintain learning, growth and a manifestation of his presence in their life.
In Matthew 23:23 Jesus says the same thing:
“You have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.”
“Grant to us your servants: to God – a heart of flame; to our fellow men – a heart of love; to ourselves – a heart of steel.”
– Augustine of Hippo
“There are two big books,
the book of nature and
the book of super-nature,
the Bible.”
– Johannes Kepler
(1571-1630), German mathematician, astronomer |
for my work |
evangelism |
revival |
Nepal - child labor, human trafficking, disease |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |