A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


May 6 - Morning
"During Jehoiakim’s reign, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon invaded the land, and Jehoiakim became his vassal for three years. But then he turned against Nebuchadnezzar and rebelled. The Lord sent Babylonian, Aramean, Moabite and Ammonite raiders against him to destroy Judah, in accordance with the word of the Lord proclaimed by his servants the prophets. Surely these things happened to Judah according to the Lord’s command, in order to remove them from his presence."
- Second Kings 24:1-3 |
603-591 BC, Jehoiakim Rebels Against Nebuchadnezzar |
In his foolish incompetence empowered by his narcissistic arrogance Jehoiakim disobeyed Jeremiah's wise and prooven advice by rebelling against Nebuchadnezzar in 601 after having become a vassal of Babylon in 605. Both Jeremiah and Daniel prophecied that the Lord had handed the kingdoms over to Nebuchadnezzar for discipline. The only way to survive was to obey the Lord's word and submit to Nebuchadnezzar...but, Jehoiakim thought he knew better!
Jehoiakim dies on December 7, 598 and because of the continual raids on the land of Judah from eastern people Jehoiakim has no royal funeral, not even a burial. Instead, his body is thrown over the Jerusalem wall like a dead donkey's carcass to be eaten by wild animals. This fulfills Jeremiah’s prophecy given to Jehoiakim during his first year as king in 608 BC and recorded in Jeremiah 22:18-19.
603 BC |
- Jeremiah chapters 13-20
- Raiders invade Judah because of the famine.
They come from Aram, Moab, Ammon, Chaldea.
This is mentioned in Jeremiah 14 and 2 Kings 24:2,3.
Jeremiah 13-20 |
602 BC |
King Nebuchadnezzar’s younger brother, Nabu-suma-lisir, rebels in Babylon |
601 BC |
- Egypt and Babylon meet on the plain of Gaza for Battle.
- Egypt is driven out of Asia but Babylon suffers heavy losses. Nebuchadnezzar returns to Babylon to rebuild his military.
- Judah’s king Jehoiakim decides it is a good time to rebel against Babylon. Jehoiakim has been paying tribute for three years. In this fourth year he withholds his tribute.
- Darius the Mede is born.
Egypt driven out of Syria & Israel
Babylon suffers heavy losses
Jehoiakim Rebels |
600 BC |
Nebuchadnezzar stays in Babylon all year rebuilding his military. |
Rebuilds |
599 BC |
- Judah continues to be invaded by raiders from the East.
- Cyrus the Persian is born.
- Nebuchadnezzar marches back into Syria to begin collecting delinquent tributes in December.
NebuchadnezzarReturns |
598 BC |
- Jehoiakim has not paid Judah’s tribute for three years.
- Nebuchadnezzar has finished in Syria and heads into Judah to collect tribute.
- December 7 Jehoiakim dies. Because of the continual raids from eastern people Jehoiakim has no burial. Instead his body is thrown over the Jerusalem wall. This fulfills Jeremiah’s prophecy to Jehoiakim in Jeremiah 22:18-19.
- Jehoiachin, son of Jehoiakim and Grandson of Josiah, becomes king at age 18.
- Jeremiah prophecies to Jehoiachin in Jer. 22:24-40
Jehoiakim Dies
Jehoiachin becomes King |
597 BC |
- February, Nebuchadnezzar arrives at the walls of Jerusalem and begins to besiege the city in order to secure the last three years of tribute.
- March 10, Nebuchadnezzar seizes Jerusalem.
- Jehoiachin is removed as king and Josiah’s third son, Zedekiah, becomes Judah’s last king at the age of 21.
- Second Captivity: Nebuchadnezzar heads back to Babylon with 10,000 more captives in April. Included among the captives are:
- 19 year old king Jehoiachin
- 25 year old craftsman who has been trained for the priesthood and will soon become a prophet, Ezekiel
- Ezekiel settles in the captive’s colony on the canal TelAbib. Here he will work with the other captives craftsman and artisans for the next five years. At the age of thirty (592 BC) God will appear to Ezekiel and call him to be a prophet.
- Jeremiah writes chapter 24.
- Jeremiah writes a letter, chapter 29, and sends it to the captives in Babylon.
arrives at
Zedekiah becomes King
Ezekiel Taken in
Second Captivity
Jeremiah Writes to the Captives
Jeremiah 24
Jeremiah 29 |
596 BC |
- Nebuchadnezzar fulfills Jeremiah 49:34 when he marches to Carchemish to drive out the Elamite raiders. They are driven down the Tigris River.
- Nebuchadnezzar begins a thirteen year siege on Tyre. He never finishes the siege. Alexander does take Tyre in 332 BC. These prophecies are recorded in Ezekiel 26:1-21.
Tyre Siege Begins |
594 BC |
- Zedekiah, along with Edom, Moab, Ammon, Trye, and Sidon, begins to plan a revolt against Babylon. (Jeremiah 27:3)
- Nationalistic prophets are whipping up support for Zedekiah’s revolt by generalizing and mis-applying Scripture such as:
- Isaiah 37:21-35
- Psalm 2
- Psalm 20
- Psalm 21
- Psalm 72
- August, Hananiah gives the false prophecy of Jeremiah 28.
- October, Hananiah is dead as prophesied by Jeremiah in Jer. 28:16.
- Nebuchadnezzar sends for Zedekiah to be brought to Babylon to interrogate him concerning the rumors he has heard of another Judean revolt.
- Burach’s brother, Seraiah, accompanies King Zedekiah to Babylon. Seraiah is given a scroll from Jeremiah that contains prophecies of Babylon’s fall. Seraiah is to read it aloud in Babylon, tie it to a rock and throw it into the Euphrates. (Jer. 50, 51)
Zedekiah Plans a Revolt
False Prophets
Zedekiah Appears
Babylon Prophecy
Jeremiah 50-51
Jeremiah 27-28
Jeremiah 23
593 BC |
- July 5, Ezekiel sees his first visions and is placed in the office of a prophet by God.
- Ezekiel is 30 years old living with the craftsmen south of Babylon on the Kebar River.
- Jeremiah is 55 years old living in Jerusalem.
- Daniel is 30 years old and serving in the palace in Babylon or traveling as an ambassador for Nebuchadnezzar. He has been in Babylon 12 years
Ezekiel Sees Vision
Ezekiel 1-7 |
592 BC |
- Ezekiel 8, 9, 10 – The glory of God leaves the temple.
- Ezekiel 11 - Promised Restoration
- Ezekiel 12 – Ezekiel digs through the wall.
- Ezekiel 13 and 14 – False prophets are condemned.
- Ezekiel 15-19
Ezekiel 8-11
Ezekiel 12-19 |
591 BC |
Ezekiel 20-23 |
Ezekiel 20-23 |
| |
“Knowledge of scripture is knowledge of Christ and ignorance of them is ignorance of him.”
– Jerome
Reasons for rejecting the Truth, the Word of God
and Jesus Christ:
- Ignorance (Matt.22:29; Rom.1:18-23)
- Pride (John 5:40-44)
- Moral issues
(John 3:19, 20)
Changed to be like Jesus |
Manifestation of Gifts of the Holy Spirit |
Urban growth |
Cyprus |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |