A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


May 29 - Evening
"To you, Lord, I call;
you are my Rock,
do not turn a deaf ear to me.
For if you remain silent,
I will be like those who go down to the pit.
Hear my cry for mercy
as I call to you for help,
as I lift up my hands
toward your Most Holy Place.
Do not drag me away with the wicked,
with those who do evil,
who speak cordially with their neighbors
but harbor malice in their hearts."
- Psalms 28:1-3 |
The King Separates from the Wicked and Seeks Deliverance |
Psalm 28 begins with a lament (28:1-4) by the king of Israel concerning the need for a distinction between him (the righteous king) and the deceitful wicked. The words of his prayer are accompanied with the lifting of his hands, which could symbolize the reaching out to receive the Lord’s deliverance. But, since the king pleads in verse 28:1 that he not be “like those who go down to the pit,” it may be more likely that the raised hands symbolize the kings need to be rescued from the edge of the pit that will soon receive the wicked covenant breakers, the liars and the deceivers.
This king had worked with and governed with men who did not have the best interest of others in mind. They did not understand God’s nature of faithfulness and integrity. These wicked leaders would go down to the pit since they had spoken words of deception while forming covenants and contracts with others that appeared to promise peace and cooperation. The king wanted separation from these men and their deeds.
In verse 28:5 the priest presiding over this ritual on the temple mount (“your holy shrine” of 28:2) proclaims judgment on the wicked in response to the kings’ request. This priestly pronouncement of judgment came in the form of an oracle from the Lord saying that these wicked men do not understand the works of the Lord. Specifically, they do not understand the Lord’s covenant faithfulness and his integrity. Thus, these leaders operate treacherously. This is in stark contrast to the righteous king who has separated himself from the lying wicked. The king will be distinguished from them when the Lord strengthens the king and serves as the king’s shield (28:7). The Lord will rescue and deliver his anointed king who governs in the same manner as the Lord does, that is, with faithfulness and with integrity. The judgment of the wicked is based on the fact that “they do not understand the works of the Lord” and because of this they will be torn down and never rebuilt. When the Lord strikes them down they will never rise again.
In 28:6 the king responds to the priest’s pronouncement of judgment by blessing the Lord for having “heard the voice of my supplication” in 28:2.
Psalm 28 ends with the priest reflecting the king’s confidence and blessing onto the people of his kingdom (28:8-9). |
"“Time can take nothing from the Bible. It is the living monitor. Like the sun,
it is the same in its light and influence to man this
day which it was years ago.
It can meet every present
inquiry and console
every present loss.”
- Richard Cecil |
In the 1490’s Florence, Italy (180 miles from Rome, Italy) was ruled by the tyrant Lorenzo de Medici. Art and literature flourished at this time in the Renaissance culture in Florence along with wealth and materialism. Girolamo Savonarola, a Dominican monk, came to Florence preaching against sin and excessive prosperity. (Savonarola was fully Catholic in his theology.) In 1494 France attacked Florence and overthrew the Medici family and Savonarola was made the new leader of Florence by popular demand. The people responded to Savonarola leadership with acts of repentance such as giving up their luxurious lifestyles while financial institutions returned ill-gotten gain. Savonarola preached against Pope Alexander VI’s lifestyle of scandal and immorality (The pope had several illegitimate children.) So, in 1495 Pope Alexander in Rome, ordered Savonarola in Florence to stop preaching. Savonarola did stop and retired to study alone, but after a year the Pope allowed Savonarola to resume public preaching. But, Savonarola picked up where he left off and the Pope excommunicated him. Florence rallied to Savonarola’s side, but the Pope demanded the city hand him over. Savonarola appealed to the other European states to demand the resignation of the Pope, but when none responded the Florentines handed Savonarola over to the two papal ambassadors. These ambassadors from the Vatican burned Savonarola in the beautiful piazza of Florence. |
Oikodespotes (Gr) – Householder (Eng) – oikodespotes is a Greek word that refers to the “master of a house” as in Matthew 10:25 and Luke 13:25. The verb oikodespoteo is the verb form
used in 1 Timothy 5:14 that means “to rule a house.” |
The city of Khirbet Qeiyafa sets between Gath and Jerusalem. Yosef Garfinkel excavation of this site revealed a fortified city of six acres with a population of 600 people between the years of 1025-975 BC or King David’s reign (date supported by pottery and radiocarbon testing of olive pits). The extremely large ashlar stones in the fortification and building structures resemble Gezer and Hazor, which means they were built with the assistance of an organized city-state network. This gives validity to the biblical account of David as a national king, instead of the minimalists opinion that David was a mere legendary local chieftain. |
Do I share the sincerity of my thoughts with the Lord? Or, do I hide behind rituals and empty songs. Or, do I simply neglect sharing my thoughts, concerns and joys with the Lord? I will communicate honestly with the Lord. And, I will do it more often.
"The bloodthirsty hate a person of integrity
and seek to kill the upright."
- Proverbs 29:10 |
Concern for those that need help |
Unity |
Global Presence |
Georgia |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |