A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


May 21 - Evening
"The Lord said to Job:
‘Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?
Let him who accuses God answer him!’
Then Job answered the Lord:
‘I am unworthy—how can I reply to you?
I put my hand over my mouth.
I spoke once, but I have no answer—
twice, but I will say no more.’
Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:
‘Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
Would you discredit my justice?
Would you condemn me to justify yourself?
Do you have an arm like God’s,
and can your voice thunder like his?
Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor,
and clothe yourself in honor and majesty.
Unleash the fury of your wrath,
look at all who are proud and bring them low,
look at all who are proud and humble them,
crush the wicked where they stand.
Bury them all in the dust together;
shroud their faces in the grave.
Then I myself will admit to you
that your own right hand can save you.’ “
- Job 40:1-14 |
Job is Overwhelmed with the Lord's Wisdom, but Still Considers God Unjust |
The Lord (Yahweh) has finished his first speech in response to Job’s accusations and so the Lord gives Job a chance to respond. In his first speech the Lord had shown that Job’s insight is not sufficient to challenge or correct the Lord. Now it is Job’s turn to respond.
Job had stated in 9:15-18 that God would crush him with power if God were to answer Job’s accusations:
“Though I were innocent, I could not answer him;
I could only plead with my Judge for mercy.
Even if I summoned him and he responded,
I do not believe he would give me a hearing.
He would crush me with a storm and
multiply my wounds for no reason.
He would not let me catch my breath
but would overwhelm me with misery.”
But, when the Lord did appear to speak with Job it was not the power, storm and misery that overwhelmed Job. Instead, the Lord used his far surpassing wisdom and eternal insight to confound Job.
As anticipated Job’s legal response to the Lord was frustrated. Job covered his mouth because he had no reply. Yet, Job does not retract his accusation stating that he has been treated unfairly. This accusation insinuates that the Lord of the universe has been unfair. Now the Lord must speak a second time in order to challenge Job’s ability to accuse with authority the Lord’s administration of justice and his balanced rule of the cosmos.
"It is not a scientific textbook seeking to answer the ever-changing inquiries of science, but rather a theological textbook seeking to reveal God and the means by which he saves us."
- Augustine of Hippo
(354-430 AD) |
Jesus was likely born in a cave since this is where animals were kept for protection from the weather and intense heat.
In fact, the traditional place
of Jesus birth in the Church
of the Nativity in Bethlehem
is in an ancient cave. |
Aspazomai (Gr) – To Greet (Eng) – In Hebrews 11:13 it means to greet or to wave ‘hello’ from a distance away like people on board a ship would greet those who are yet on the shore. |
The Merneptah Stele is a stele from Pharaoh Merneptah’s funerary temple written in hieroglyphics from around 1210 BC. Within the text the Egyptian Pharaoh is boasting of his military conquest over cities and people including Ashkelon, Gezer, Israel and others. The mention of Israel being an important group of people settled in the land (as in the days after Exodus and in the book of Judges), but yet not a kingdom (as in the days of David) agrees with the details and timing of the Bible. |
Do I recognize the fact that my ability to accurately judge truth and analyze justice is limited by my experience and my human reasoning? Since so much of the eternal wisdom and universal knowledge is hidden from me, just as much of history was not experience by me, I will trust in the eternal God and rely on his divine character and revelation to being light and hope to my darkness and ignorance. |
"The wicked crave evil;
their neighbors get no mercy from them."
- Proverbs 21:10 |
Opportunity to lead someone to Christ |
Confront liberalism |
Gun Control Issues |
Falkland Island |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |