A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


June 7 - Morning
"You, God, are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
where there is no water.
I have seen you in the sanctuary
and beheld your power and your glory.
Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you."
- Psalms 63:1-3 |
David Searches for God Before Water |
The superscript identifies Psalm 63 as a psalm David wrote while in the Desert of Judah. During this time David was a fugitive separated from the conveniences of home. This included his absence from the organized worship of God aligned with the institution overseen by the priests and Levites established by the Lord.
David easily compared this lack of convenient worship and spiritual refreshment available among the priests ministering before the Lord with his life on the run through an untamed wilderness that lacked readily available necessities such as water, rest and nourishment for his body.
David easily saw a connection between his daily struggles to attain physical necessities with his spiritual struggle to find spiritual vitality. But, realizing that he could not maintain his perspective, his faith or his spiritual strength without his God, David decides to make his search for God a priority and to first worship of the Lord in the Judean wilderness, before he searched for water, food and other physical necessities.
“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.” - Psalm 63:3 |
"There is room for all human temperaments in the body of Christ. The Lord uses the choleric, practical, outspoken, and assertive activists as well as the phlegmatic, calm, contemplative, timid, and docile pacifists. But while God doesn't do away with our unique temperaments and personalities, He wishes to adjust them so that they are in line with His character, directed by His will, and energized by His life."
- Frank Viola, in "God's Favorite Place on Earth" |
Forty Things that Happen at the Point of Salvation:
1. Imputed Righteousness
2. Justification
3. Children of God
4. Communication with Holy Spirit
5. Imputed Everlasting Life
6. Baptism of the Holy Spirit
7. Propitiation
8. Reconciliation
9. Redemption
10. Forgiveness
11. Remove Condemnation
12. Remove of Domination Sin Nature
13. Remove Satan’s Power
14. Freedom from Penalty of Mosaic Law
15. Identification with Jesus Christ
16. Indwelling of God the Father
17. Indwelling of Jesus Christ
18. Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
19. Sealing of Your Salvation
20. Circumcision of the Soul
21. Unseen Assets
22. Judgment of Sins
23. Royal Adoption
24. Eternal Relationship to God
25. We are on the Rock Jesus Christ
26. We are a Gift to Christ
27. Royal Priesthood
28. We are a Chosen Generation
29. Access to God
30. Under the Much More Care of God
31. We are His Inheritance
32. We Inherit Christ’s Eternal Future
33. We have a Partnership with God
34. We Become Heavenly Citizens
35. Members of the Royal Family of God
36. We are Light in the Lord
37. United to the Trinity
38. Glorified
39. Complete in Him
40. We Receive Angelic Protection and Service |
Yld (Hb) – to bear (Eng) - The meaning of the Hebrew root word yld is “to bear” or “to beget”
as in Genesis 4:1 and 4:18. The other verb stems from yld mean “to be born”, “to act as midwife”,
“to make one’s lineage known.” Examples are seen in:
The Royal Steward (tomb lintel) Inscription confirms the existence of the biblical person Shebna of 2 Kings 18:18-37 and Isaiah 22:15-25. |
Today I will compare the amount of time I spend thinking about food and drink to the amount
of time I spend thinking about God. How much of my effort goes into attaining food compared
to how much effort goes into understanding God? |
"Do not envy wicked men, do not desire their company; for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about
making trouble."
- Proverbs 24:1-2 |
Organization of you house and home management |
Boldness in
the face
of opposition |
Taxation |
Guadeloupe |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |