A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


June 19 - Morning
"Praise the Lord!
Blessed are those who fear the Lord,
who find great delight in his commands.
Their children will be mighty in the land;
the generation of the upright will be blessed.
Wealth and riches are in their houses,
and their righteousness endures forever.
Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
for those who are
gracious and compassionate and righteous.
Good will come to those who are
generous and lend freely,
who conduct their affairs with justice."
- Psalms 112:1-5 |
You Fear and Obey the Lord While the Wicked Envy and Vanish |
Psalm 112 begins with “Praise the Lord” which is halelu-yah in Hebrew (Ps. 112:1). This Hebrew word occurs a total of 23 times the book of Psalms and all the uses are found between 104:35 and 150:6.
Blessing (Ps. 112:1) is the natural and ultimate outcome for the person who:
- Fears the Lord – honors the person and character of the Lord
- Finds great delight in his commands – is pleased to know and apply the Truth of God’s Word
Psalm 112:2-9 then identifies how the blessing of the Lord manifest in the life of those who fear him and delight in his commands.
- Offspring will be mighty and blessed. (112:2)
- Wealth and riches (112:3)
- Righteous deeds will effect eternity (112:3)
- In the darkness a light dawns (112:4)
- The Lord deals with them in grace, mercy and righteousness (112:4)
- They will never be moved (112:6)
- They will be remembered forever (112:6)
- They do not fear bad news (112:7)
- They will not be afraid (112:8)
- They will be triumphant (112:8)
- They are honored (112:9)
- They make the wicked angry, but the wicked vanish and perish. (112:10)
Do notice that while God blesses the righteous man who honors and obeys the Lord’s word, the wicked man is described as angry and gnashing his teeth. The image of “gnashes his teeth” is a picture of a man opening and closing his mouth over and over as he spews out his angry words so quickly that his teeth are repeatedly slapping together. This basically means the wicked man will aggressively speak abusive words against the man of God. The righteous man will continue to honor and obey the Lord while the Lord blesses him with prosperity, light and triumph in life and in eternity. But, the envious lip-flapping, teeth-gnashing, tongue-wagging wicked man will melt away with his life plans and desires unfulfilled. Then he perishes for all of eternity. |
"England has two books, the Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare,but the Bible made England."
Victor Hugo |
• The Old Testament was divided into verses by Rabbi Isaac Nathan in 1440, but it wasn’t until 1659 that Athias, a Jew from Amsterdam, made a Hebrew edition of the Old Testament with verses within Hugo’s chapters that match what we use today.
• The New Testament was divided into verses by
Robert Stephanus in 1551.
• The first printed Bible divided into verses was a Latin edition by Pagninus,
printed in 1528.
• The first complete English version of the Bible divided into verses was the Geneva Bible, printed in 1560. |
Ys (Hb) – to go out (Eng) – When ys is used in reference to Yahweh it usually is a reference to his becoming involved in historical events (theophany):
In Qumran literature ys is a technical military term for moving armed forces.
Ys is used in Micah 7:15 to refer to Israel’s ys (“departure”) from Egypt.
In Ezekiel 10:18 Yhwh ys (“Yahweh departs”) from the temple. |
A clay brick from the 500’s BC found in Ur, records Cyrus’s name in cuneiform and the following text which is in agreement with Ezra 1:1-4:
“Cyrus king of the world, king of Anshan…the great gods delivered all the lands into my hands and I made this land dwell in peace.” |
I will |
"A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense."
- Proverbs 19:11 |
Improved understanding of love |
Spirit of Giving |
Affirmative Action |
India |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |