A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


July 15 - Morning
"A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil.
This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him,
who can eat or find enjoyment?
To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but
to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God.
This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind."
- Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 |
There is Still Much to Enjoy |
In the midst of a world with unanswerable questions and unsolvable problems Solomon reaches a resolution that is only possible by a man who has faith in an omnipotent God. Solomon recognizes that the omniscient God created us and concludes there is still goodness to be enjoyed today. Solomon recognizes that even though there are many things lacking in our lives and many things we do not understand, there is still plenty of good things that our good God has provided. Solomon says there are many enjoyable moments and activities that are available and attainable by the man who pleases God.
Solomon then concludes that we have a choice. We can seek to serve the God we understand while enjoying his presence in the activities of our daily lives, or we can reject the revelation God has given and embrace the endless task of trying to find meaning in the work and possessions of this temporary world. The godly can live, work, relax and enjoy, but the sinner has to work and save with no capacity to be satisfied. |
“God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost isn't a consulting firm we bring in to give us expert advice on how to run our lives. The gospel life isn't something we learn about and then put together with instructions from the manufacturer; it's something we become as God does his work of creation and salvation in us and as we accustom ourselves to a life of belief and obedience and prayer.”
- Eugene Peterson |
Old Testament words for sin:
1. Chata – means to miss the mark. If you shot an arrow poorly you not only missed the target, you hit something you were not suppose to hit.
2. Ra – means breaking up or ruin. It indicates something both morally wrong and damaging, and is often translated as “wicked”.
3. Pasha – means to rebel, and is translated as transgression
4. Awon – means iniquity and guilt
5. Shagag – means to err or go astray as a lost animal or a child in a store. The one who went astray was ignorant but still responsible. Ignorance is no excuse.
6. Asham – means guilt before God and is associated with the tabernacle
7. Rasha – means wicked, the opposite of righteous
8. Taah – means to deliberately, not accidentally, wander away |
Zakar (Hb) - remember (Eng) - The Hebrew word zakar means “to remember”, “
to think of,” “to mention.”
The word zakar communicates the basic idea of “recalling information.”
Zakar is used often of God “recalling” his promises and his covenants.
When God begins to zakar things start to happen in human history.
Genesis 8:1
Exodus 6:5-6
Jeremiah 31:34 |
In 2013 an Egyptian scarab from 1550-1450 BC was found at the ancient site in Israel. It is carved in the shape of a dung beetle, which is typical for Egypt. The scarab was found nine miles north of Jerusalem in a fortress at Khirbet el-Maqatir which is one of the possible sites of
the ancient city of Ai that
was destroyed around 1405 BC by Joshua as recorded
in Joshua 8. The dating of the scarab is an independent date that agrees with the dating of the pottery at this site. Scarabs were used as a seals to press the name or insignia of a dignitary into a clay. This scarab is three-quarters of an inch long and, like most scarabs, has a hole bored through so it could be worn on string or mounted on a ring. It is possible that this scarab was still in use when Joshua destroyed the city of Ai.
(Image HERE and HERE. details HERE and HERE)
I will seek to understand God and live to please him.
But, I will also enjoy the good things he has provided for me to do in my daily life..
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."
- Proverbs 15:13 |
Recharged mind
and soul to
reengage life |
Vision of potential |
Urban growth |
Iran |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |