A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


August 3 - Evening
"Israel’s watchmen are blind,
they all lack knowledge;
they are all mute dogs,
they cannot bark;
they lie around and dream,
they love to sleep.
They are dogs with mighty appetites;
they never have enough.
They are shepherds who lack understanding;
they all turn to their own way,
they seek their own gain.
'Come,' each one cries,
'let me get wine!
Let us drink our fill of beer!
And tomorrow will be like today,
or even far better.' "
- Isaiah 56:10-12 |
How Leadership Fails the People |
The leadership is described as:
- Watchmen (the prophets)
- Guard dogs (possibly the priests)
- Shepherds (possibly the kings)
“watchmen” – If they cannot see the enemy the people probably won’t. The watchman were apointed by the Lord and held responsible. The "watchmen" were to serve the people for the Lord:
“dogs” – they cannot bark and so they are useless to defend the nation.
This would refer to lacking the sound or anointing to communicate.
Not only are they:
- unconscious or unknowing
- useless to perform their duty. . .they also:
- have unsatisfied desires
This leadership does not:
- know their purpose or their situation (56:10)
- fulfill their responsibility (56:10)
- know how to satisfy their desires (56:11)
- understand the problem (56:11)
POINT: Since they do not know their PURPOSE and do not fulfill the MISSION they can find no satisfaction in life.
All of their efforts are on satisfying these desires with less and less results.
They end up in slavery:
- first, self-induced slavery to addictions and desires
- second, national slavery because their culture becomes too weak because they are too distracted by the first slavery, self-induced.
Righteous are perishing and no one notices
The righteous are taken to peace and away from the evil and its results. |
"I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science."
- Wernher von Braun,
pioneer rocket engineer |
An unexamined faith is not worth keeping. When opposition comes, an unexamined belief system
or blind faith will quickly collapse and be replaced by something that seems more defendable. Evidence of the truth will produce faith. Romans 10:17 says:
“Faith comes from hearing
the message.” |
Pterugion (Gr) – pinnacle (Eng) – the Greek word pterugion means “a little wing,”
“a small tower on top of a larger tower” and “a small tower at the corner of a building, wall or castle.”
Pterugion is used in Matthew 4:5 and Luke 4:9. |
Ishtar Gate and Nebuchadnezzar's Inscription
This two-towered gate had an 82 foot high arch. The Ishtar Gate led onto the Processional Way which was the main street that ran past Nebucahnezzar's palace into the inner city. The inscription found on the gate reads:
King of Babylon, son of) Nabopolassar (King of Babylon am I). The gate of Nana (Ishtar . . . I built) with (blue) enameled bricks ...
for Marduk my lord. Lusty bulls of bronze and mighty figures of serpents I placed at their thresholds, with slabs (?) of limestone (and . . . ) of stone I . . . the enclosure of the bulls (...?) Marduk, exalted lord . . . eternal life . . .
give as a gift"
(Photo HERE)
(Details HERE) |
I will identify my gift and my responsibility.
I will fulfill my duty and do what the Lord has assigned to me.
I will serve others in the position God has entrusted to me.
"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act."
- Proverbs 3:27 |
Ask Holy Spirit to
move through you |
Submission to God’s Plan and Direction |
Equal Rights |
North Korea |
Inside the Arch of Titus in Rome the Temple furniture (Lampstand and Table of Shewbread) and treasures (silver trumpets, urns, etc.) can be seen being carried into Rome after the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.
(More Details here.) |
Details of Sennacherib's invasion of Judah recorded in
2 Kings 19 and Isaiah 37 from 701 BC. |
(click on images for larger size) |
Details and Explanation of Sets & Reps Devotional System Here |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |