A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


August 17 - Morning
"The visions of your prophets
were false and worthless;
they did not expose your sin
to ward off your captivity.
The prophecies they gave you
were false and misleading."
- Lamentations 2:14 |
False Prophets Held Accountable for the People's Failure |
As Jeremiah mourns for the fall of the city Jerusalem, the loss of people and the destruction of the temple, he is vocally bold to hang a large portion of the blame on the false prophets for the false world views and the corrupt philosophies they promoted to the people.
It is sure that Jeremiah blames the people, but those who led the people away from the truth while making them feel comfortable in sin and with evil philosophies will receive their share of the judgment.
It is just as Jesus said:
“Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!” – Matthew 18:7
Jeremiah had continually rebuked the false prophets for compromising the message and telling the people half-truths. The false prophets remained popular with the people to the end, but both the false prophets and those who listened to them were destroyed. Their false hopes proved to be useless and in the end their false messages were empty. |
"My lords, you see clearly what bills come hither from the Common House, and all is to the destruction of the Church…For God’s sake, see what a realm the kingdom of Bohemia was, and when the Church went down, then fell the glory of the kingdom. Now, with the Commons
is nothing but down
with the Church!”
– John Fisher (1469-1535), Bishop of Rochester, England in a speech to the
House of Lords in 1529 |
Romans 2:14-15 says that God has placed general truth and morality (basically right and wrong) on the human conscience similar to placing the need to migrate on birds. |
‘Am (Hb) - people (Eng) - The Hebrew word ‘am refers to a familial relationship.
The Hebrew word ‘am means “people” and “relative.”
Ruth 3:11
Leviticus 21:4
Genesis 11:6 |
If the text of Scripture in Genesis 19:26 means that Lot’s wife turned around and returned to the city instead of continuing with her family into the hills for safety, then the statement that she was turned to a pillar of salt is not nearly as strange as it first appears. The destruction of Sodom began only after Lot and his daughters had reached Zoar (Gen. 19:23-24), so Lot’s wife did not merely turn around and look at the city. She turned around and returned to the city in time to be present for the destruction. If this was the case then, Lot’s wife was merely one of many pillars of salt in the city of Sodom since the city would have been filled with people (and, objects) that became pillars of salt when the falling debris covered them. A similar situation is visible today at Pompeii where a volcanic eruption covered the city in 79 AD (See images of people buried in the Pompeii HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. The combustion of natural gas and sulfur deposits ignited during an earthquake and the atmospheric disturbances that followed would have covered Sodom. Today the area still contains natural deposits of sodium, potash, magnesium, calcium chloride and bromide.
(Pompei Video below:)
I will promote truth.
I will not merely promote my own views.
I will not manipulate the truth to my own advantage.
"Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent - the Lord detests them both."
- Proverbs 17:15 |
Improved understanding of love |
Confront liberalism |
National Revival |
Lithuania |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |