
April 27 - Evening
"Now Elisha had been suffering from the illness from which he died. Jehoash king of Israel went down to see him and wept over him.
'My father! My father!' he cried.
'The chariots and horsemen of Israel!'
Elisha said,
'Get a bow and some arrows,'
and he did so.
'Take the bow in your hands,'
he said to the king of Israel. When he had taken it, Elisha put his hands on the king’s hands.
'Open the east window,'
he said, and he opened it.
Elisha said, and he shot.
'The Lord’s arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!' Elisha declared.
'You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek.'
Then he said,
'Take the arrows,'
and the king took them.
Elisha told him,
'Strike the ground.'
He struck it three times and stopped.
The man of God was angry with him and said,
'You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will
defeat it only three times.'
Elisha died and was buried."
- Second Kings 13:14-20 |
Elisha: The Chariots and Horsemen of Israel! |
Elisha appears for the first time in the text of scripture since Elisha sent one of the young prophets to anoint Jehu, the grandfather of Israel’s current King Jehoash. The king comes to visit Elisha who is an old, dying man. Fifty years has elapsed since Elisha was last mentioned in scripture.
Elisha “was suffering from the illness from which he died” on the day King Jehoash visited him. Jehoash greets Elisha with the words, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” Which are exactly the same words Elisha used 65 years before when he had watched Elijah be taken up after a chariot of fire and horses appeared and separated Elisha and Elijah. (2 Kings 2:11-12). Now the king of Israel repeats these words to Elisha. The reason for these words and their meaning in both cases is difficult, but Josephus’ comments from around 80 AD may capture, at least, part of the meaning. Josephus’ commentary on this greeting/farewell when used by King Jehoash to Elisha was this:
“Because of Elisha, Israel had never had to use arms against the foe, but through Elisah’s prophecies Israel had overcome the enemy without battle. But now Elisha was departing this life and leaving King Jehoash unarmed before the Syrians (Arameans) and the enemies under them.”
Josephus’ explanation makes sense in light of what Elisha, the prophetic force behind Israel’s military defenses, says next and demonstrates in two signs for Jehoash. The purpose Elisha’s signs and accompanying prophecy that were given to Jehoash was to secure Israel continued military protection after Elisha’s death, but the military success would be based on Jehoash’s own faith, obedience and passion. King Jehoash should have been thinking bigger. The king should have taken Elisha’s symbolic acts to extreme lengths, instead of simply responding politely with actions that were socially acceptable.
Elisha had Jehoash shoot an arrow out the window. When Jehoash obeyed Elisha proclaimed, “The Lord’s arrow of victory. . .You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek.” Then Elisha told King Jehoash to take some arrows and strike the ground. Jehoash struck the ground three times and stopped. Elisha was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times. . .now you will defeat Aram only three times.”
Elisha died. Hazael, king of Aram died and his son Ben Hadad II began to reign. Jehoash defeated Aram three times and recovered the towns of Israel. |
"There is no magic in small plans. When I consider my ministry, I think of the world. Anything less than that would not be worthy of Christ nor of His will for my life."
- Henrietta Mears |
Five Christian Techniques
Definition: TECHNIQUE – the mechanical performance in the practice of an art; the practical details of the methods by which an artist, a craftsman, an athlete, a soldier, etc. in any line expresses his mental concepts (or, theology) and their mechanical skill (or, Christ likeness) in their art (or, life).
Confession (self-judgment) – 1 Jn 1:9, The technique by whch we deal with personal sins for cleansing, forgiveness, and restoration to full fellowship, power and service. Use this technique daily. (Psalm 32; 38; 51; 1 Cor. 11:28-31; 1 Jn. 1:7-22)
Inhale of Bible Doctrine – (renewing of the mind) This is the technique of hearing the word of God, understanding the principles of scripture and being able to build an apparatus of truth in your soul. You will operate your life and conduct your service from this fortress of reality established in your soul. (Romans 10:17; 12:1-3) This inhale of truth into your soul will enable you to exhale a life that is agreement with the holy God.
Spirituality (life of application) – Ephesians 5:18 and 1:23; 3:16-20; 4:1-16. This is the technique of the daily application of the Word of God in our thinking, speaking and actions. This is not to be confused with modern church emotionalism. Spirituality is no more emotionalism and goose-bumps from a worship service than a cheerleading routine on the sidelines is the basketball team’s offense. This is Living in the Word because your soul is saturated with the Word. This is the “spiritual athlete” of 2 Timothy 2:5 that has trained himself because of his desire to attain the goal as in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
Faith-Rest Life (trust in God) The technique of reliance on the promises, principles and doctrines of the Word of God when faced with troubles, persecutions, temptations, worries, deceitfulness and desires of daily life. This technique is inner rest, peace and tranquility. Example: Daniel in the lion’s den. (Mark 4:17-19; Psalm 119:103-105; Psalm 138:2)
Occupation with Jesus Christ (recognition that Jesus is the only true celebrity) This technique involves the pursuit of Jesus Christ for the celebrity he truly is. The emotions, plans, motivation, passion, etc. come from a soul occupied with the thoughts of Jesus Christ. This is the Celebrity of Christ! “I want to know Christ…” (Phil.3:10); “Consider Jesus…” (Hebrews 3:1); Fix your eyes on Jesus…” (Hebrews 12:2; “Consider him who endured…” (Hebrews 12:3). |
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Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |