A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers


April 17 - Evening
"It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his palace. He built the
Palace of the Forest of Lebanon
a hundred cubits long, fifty wide and thirty high,
with four rows of cedar columns
supporting trimmed cedar beams.
It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns—forty-five beams, fifteen to a row.
Its windows were placed high in sets of three,
facing each other.
All the doorways had rectangular frames;
they were in the front part in sets of three,
facing each other.
He made a colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty wide.
In front of it was a portico, and in front of that were pillars and an overhanging roof."
- First Kings 7:1-6 |
Solomon's Palace |
Solomon spent 7 years building the Temple, but an additional six years was spent on his palace (13 total years). The palace was built with four rows of cedar columns to support a ceiling that rested on cedar beams that were carved and decorated (“trimmed cedar beams”). The exact style of decoration may possibly be seen in these photos of cedar beams from Lebanon found on the Temple Mount and scientifically dated to 1000 BC – photo here, photo here, photo of timber here, photo of beams here.
Interesting article concerning the cedar beams on the Temple Mount today here and here.
Some of these carved cedar beams still remain yet today. See more here and here. Photos here.
Solomon's palace complex was built on Mount Moriah south of the Temple and the platform the Temple stood on. (See Ritmeyer's drawings here and here.) Solomon's palace is described as having high windows built in sets of three on each side of the building opposite each other. The doors opened and closed in rectangular door frames which would have been decorated cedar and trimmed in finely carved cedar. The palace was laid out with a front porch with an overhanging roof supported by cedar pillars that led into a portico which would have been a colonnaded porch leading into the main building which was itself a colonnade. Here is a great drawing (HERE) showing the city of David including David's palace above the Jebusite wall, and also Solomon's expansion to the north on Mount Moriah including his Temple on the Temple Mount with his royal palace setting just north of the Ophel on the south side of the Temple Mount - see it HERE.
Solomon's palace was called the "Palace of the Forest of Lebanon" because the extensive use of Lebanon's cedar. The cedar beams where the only existing wood available to span the length that the Bible describes. The description given in the biblical text is typical of the buildings excavated in Phoenicia and Syria from this time and built by similar craftsmen. On the Island of Cyprus there is a pillared building at Kition that is comparable to the design and size of Solomon's palace. (Details here.) Palaces called "bit-hilani palaces" from the days of Solomon have been found to match the details described in 1 Kings 7. Notice these images and the accompanying detailed description: column base of sphinxes to support cedar column, carved basalt column base to support cedar beam. |
“Christ and ____…is a perverted gospel, which is not the Gospel. Christ without the ‘and’ is the sinner’s hope and the saint’s confidence…
For salvation itself, Jesus is not only necessary,
but He is enough.”
– H.A. Ironside
Justification by Faith – We enter into the state of justification by faith in the work of Jesus on the cross which removed sin and its penalty. We are not justified in God’s sight by what we do but by what Jesus did. |
Logizomai (Gr) – Imputed (Eng) – logizomai is Greek word that means “to reckon,” “to count,” “to calculate.” Logizomai is used 41x in the New Testament; 11x in chapter four of Romans and 19 of the 41times are in Romans. Logizomai is a forensic term that tells us that God “imputes,” “credits,” “figures,” “counts” the righteousness of Christ towards the believer’s account. (Mark 15:28; Acts 19:27; Romans 4:3-6; 4:8-11; 8:18; 8:36; 2 Timothy 4:16; Hebrews 11:19; James 2:23; 1 Peter 5:12) |
Jeroboam I made Tirzah the capital of his kingdom in northern Israel according to 1 Kings 14:17. Omri took this city in 884 BC, but made Samaria his new capital city six years later. Tirzah, now called Tell el Farah, is seven miles northeast of Nablus (or, ancient Shechem) and was excavated beginning in 1949. It was found that the first period of Tirzah’s history ended abruptly at the time of Omri in agreement with the biblical account. The city from the time of Omri had large residences with impressive sized courtyards for the Israelites. Also, large governmental administration buildings had begun to be built, but had not been finished. The second period correlated with the time of Amos, Hosea and the fall of northern Israel to the Assyrians in 723 BC. Many residences from this time were poor, yet there were signs of homes that were excessively rich which agrees with Amos’ condemnation in Amos 5:11 and Hosea’s words in Hosea 8:14. |
Do I let the offenses of the past determine my current attitude?
Does bitterness restrict my ability to capture the future?
I will pray for those who have caused me pain, and forget the past so I can see God's future for me. |
"A bribe is seen as a charm by the one who gives it;
they think success will come at every turn."
- Proverbs 17:8
Recharged mind and soul to reengage life |
Workers |
National Debt |
China, PRC |
Reps & Sets is a daily Bible devotional for Christians from Generation Word Bible Teaching used each morning and evening. |