"Hope For America's Last Generation"
Galyn Wiemers describes the history of mankind - explaining how we ended up where we are today and the steps we
must take to avoid God's judgment. Galyn does not call for more Christans to evangelize but does call for all people to return to morality
and renew their respect for institutions designed by God -
individual responsibility, marriage, family, government, and nationality.
If Americans understand what God requires from a culture, and what he does to a culture that fails to meet his requirements,
we can make changes to ensure that our generation doesn't become America's last.
This book has reportedly opened up a greater understanding of the Bible for people across our nation and even around the world.
For the first time many people have grasped God's plan from eternity past, through the Old Testament, world history,
the life of Christ, chruch history and on into today's current culture and world events.
Download this book free as a .pdf here
"I just received the book you sent me and I wanted to thank you so much! I have read 6 chapters and can't seem to put it down.
It is the most fascinating and educational piece of Christian literature that I have ever read. Thanks again."
- a reader in Florida
(See More Comments Below)
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"Hope For America's Last Generation"
by Galyn Wiemers
Does anyone not think our society is in trouble? Many have given up or don't know what to do. This book explains how we arrived at this desperate situation both scripturally & historically. With simple systematic precision, Galyn shows the goals & the steps we need
to recover and win this contest for the soul of our nation. This book is not about evangelizing America, but is a call to Christians & non-Christians alike to find the common ground for an enduring civilization:
- Individual Responsibility
- Marriage
- Family
- Government
- Nationality
Citizens of America will encounter hope & will understand the plan to restore our culture in what otherwise will be America's final generation.
Galyn's insight is guaranteed to open up scripture from Genesis to Revelation in a way that connects world history & the voice of God to our culture & our lives today. The Bible will come alive & readers will experience the encouragement they are seeking. Coming
trends & spiritual struggles that our culture is about to face are addressed along with coming prophetic events. In addition, the charts & diagrams make this book something you willwant to keep available for study and for reference through the next 40 years of
American history.


Sanae writes: "I have been listening to Galyn's CDs for a few months and learning so much that I started reading this book.
In the book Galyn says that Christians today "don't need more thematic Sunday morning messages on things they've heard a hundred
times. They long to hear the Word of God explained as plainly as possible." I've been a Christian for 20 years and this is exactly how
I was feeling. . ." more here
A Reader from Colorado Writes: "I can't NOT write this letter of thanks to you for your incredible book!!! I just finished reading it last night as I
finally had time to not put it down. It shouldn't have taken so long, but I really needed the type of quiet time where I could absorb every word and
the time finally happened the last 2 days! I was blown away by the book and its implications. I had heard you teach . . . more here |
A Believer who Gave the Book to a Friend Writes: "He said this book is REALLY GOOD. It's got so much detail, he didn't know how you got it
all and it is a Bible teachers dream." |
A Member of A Men's Bible Study Group Writes: "If You can spare some more books, I could use 5 or 6 more. The Wednesday morning men's
group is growing and they want to read your book for study." |
A Radio Listener Writes: "I heard you on Steve Deace's show awhile back and you are awesome! Praise God! Please send me your book at the following address. . . " |
A Radio Listener Writes: "I would appreciate a copy of your book. I heard you on the Steve Deace show and found your thoughts extremely compelling." |
A Believer in England Writes: "I did receive your book which I will be giving to a friend over the holiday period. She is a university lecturer and I'm sure she will find it inspiring." |
Father of a Military Son: "I started to read the book and can't believe all the information and history it contains. I was telling my son about it and would like a copy for him. He is teaching a small Bible study group and the group wants him to do a study on Revelation. I was reading about the seven churches and I want him to read this. I also thought if you had other material that would help him to do a good job." |
Caryl Matrisciana writes: "Thanks for the books you sent. I'll get them posted on my webpage and hopefully can get them out there. I'll complete reading your book during my air travels and waiting at airports during the next month. I'm fascinated by it so far."
Visit Caryl's ministry site HERE
Visit Caryl's products HERE
Ron Carlson writes: "Thank you for the book "Hope for America's Last Generation". It is GREAT!! It is a brilliant well thought out book and nails the issues facing us today. . . Sadly we are now in the fourth generation and facing God's judgments. Could you send me two more books for my sons who are worldview speakers and pastors."
Visit Ron Carlson's ministry site HERE |
Jeff Myers, Ph.D. and President of Passing the Baton: "I've been reading your book, skimming some parts and digging into others. I've especially enjoyed your insights about the Gates of Hades. May I paraphrase this section and put it in my weekly email newsletter?"
Visit Dr. Jeff Myers ministry site HERE |
A Professor of Military Science at University of Iowa: "I heard part of your interview with Steve Deace. I am intrigued. Please send me a copy of your book." |
A seventh grade student at the Middle School where Galyn teaches shop: "Thanks so much for the book (received with parent permission). It is teaching me a lot about Christ and his ways. I didn't know you were so talented. You are an inspiration not only to the kids you teach, but to everyone that has heard, read, or watched you. Thanks." |
One of several parents of public school children: "Please allow my daughter to take home your book for me. Thank you." |
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries: "Just in skimming through the pages myself, I feel sure that you were blessed as you researched and wrote the material, and I am also sure that many others will be blessed as they read this book."
Visit Ravi's ministry site HERE |
Dr. Tom: "This should be required reading for every kid in school in the United States." |
A Reader: "To Galyn and Toni and whomever is living at your house - Thank you again for your book. This is for 50 more.
You guys rock my world!" |
David Barton, Wall Builders: "It was great to hear from you. Thanks for your kind note and for enclosing a copy of "Hope for America's Last Generation." I look forward to going through its content. The chapter titles are certainly interesting. I hope this book does very well for you."
Visit David Barton's ministry site HERE |